## Community stories and projects
**How have different communities approached their local air quality concerns?
### Air quality projects
Public Lab community projects tagged with `air-quality-projects` will appear here
### Particle sensor projects
Public Lab has initiated a [Particle Sensing Project](/wiki/particle-sensing) focused primarily on [silica](/wiki/silica). This project overlaps with and includes the DustDuino and is coordinated on the [Air-Quality Google Group](/lists).
A variety of particle sensors have been posted on the site:
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_Do you have a project or story to share? Start a project page or write a blog post and add the tag `air-quality-projects`, or post links here!_
### More community projects and projects
+ **[Remembering Tonawanda](https://publiclab.org/notes/kgradow1/07-01-2020/remembering-tonawanda)**: Public Lab blog post by @kgradow1 and @jjcreedon on the incredible organizing and community science for cleaner air in Tonawanda, New York.
+ **South Durban Community Environmental Alliance (SDCEA)**: on [this page](https://publiclab.org/notes/A_SCH/11-08-2020/mobilizing-action-through-community-science-draft#South+Durban,+South+Africa), you’ll find videos of Desmond D'sa describing how [SDCEA](https://sdcea.co.za/)’s community organizing around bucket air monitors gave rise to new air quality legislation in South Africa.
+ **[Community Observation Networks for Air (CONA)](https://cona-nz.blogspot.com/)**: out of New Zealand, @guolivar is building and using lower-cost air sensors to monitor local air quality and engage communities in air quality research.
+ **[Modeling Environmental Health Impacts of I-10 to Engage Residents and Decision Makers](https://thrivingearthexchange.org/project/claiborne-new-orleans-la/)**: out of New Orleans, Louisiana, this project with the Thriving Earth Exchange included air monitoring with low-cost sensors to connect environmental data and health impacts near the high-traffic I-10 corridor.
+ **[Breathe Project](https://breatheproject.org/)**: brings together people who work on and are impacted by air pollution to research and map air quality in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, and beyond.
+ **[Imperial IVAN](https://ivan-imperial.org/)**: out of Imperial Valley, California, this community-based monitoring network and its successful organizing were the model for [state legislation](https://ww2.arb.ca.gov/capp) aiming to reduce air pollution in the most impacted communities.
### Latest community stories
+ Community groups in St. James Parish, Louisiana, are making gains in preventing a proposed Formosa plastics plant from operating and doubling toxic air emissions in the area.
+ “[Appeal Challenges Louisiana’s Air Permits for Formosa Plastics’ Massive Petrochemical Complex in Cancer Alley](https://biologicaldiversity.org/w/news/press-releases/appeal-challenges-formosa-plastics-air-permits-in-louisiana-2020-02-14/)”
+ “[Judge delays crucial permit for Formosa plastics plant; requires deeper analysis of racial impacts](https://www.theadvocate.com/baton_rouge/news/article_8b2e3284-29d8-11eb-9442-6f8b45c7fcb1.html)”
Image from Odor Log 1.0
Image from Smoke School
Image from @warren
Image from @kgradow1