Public Lab Wiki documentation

Spectral Workbench exporting

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How to get data out of Spectral Workbench

There are CSV, XML, and JSON exports available for any spectrum, even those which haven't yet been calibrated. They are available on the "show spectrum" pages such as:

Look on the left side under the title, as in this screenshot:


Bulk queries

You can download data in bulk on the Tag page, which includes links to recent spectra in XML or JSON format on a per-tag basis. For example:

It only displays the most recent 24, but you can go back by "page" using:

CSV format description

The CSV output is a 5 column comma separated text file. The first row contains text headers. Subsequent rows contain data in increasing wavelength order.

Column 1 contains the wavelength in nm.

Column 2 contains the average reflectance/transmittance/emissivity as a raw value integer in the range [0,255] as read. This value has not been converted to physical units and does not distinguish between reflectance and emissivity.

Columns 3, 4, and 5 are in the same format as column 2 and represent the red, green, and blue channels as read from the spectrum image.