Public Lab Research note

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thermal colorimetic spectro photometer

by chongyukwai | May 23, 2015 10:50 23 May 10:50 | #11833 | #11833

Instruction of the design Tool_(1).png

Procedure Preparation: (1)Cut a part of DVD/ CD(R) (2)Stick with the plastic tape and tease it off to remove metallic shield and let out the transparent plastic shield Font Step (1) :prepare a dark box with the size listed above. Step (2) : At the font, cut the slit with 1mm*1cm Step (3) : Use the tissue/cotton to form a holder Back Step (1) :Place the plastic shield onto the back and place the tape to the right half to stick to the botton and the botton half to stick to the right side/botton with an angel from 10-30 degree. Step (2) :Place a few cotton/tissue paper/whatever thing stick to the down right hand corner and secure with a tape until you think that it can form an angel from 10-30 degree unit you think you can place another plastic shield to a flat surface Step (3) Place another plastic shield and stick with tape with half of the right and the lower half. Place the PCR tube at the holder and place it next to the light and turn it on. It will form a light at the center. Precaution: It can only be used for less than one min and you have to turn it off to cool down for a few min or it will break if it takes too long

20150523_175710.jpg Place this face to the lamp with no distance




The tube is being heat at the same time. It will form a light spectrum if you look deep down. Advantage: No overexposure at this stage The result of the spectrum does not curve up The tube is being heat at the same time in certain condition and can do spectro measurement at the same time. Limitation: At this stage only can be used for visible light only high intensity of light and form the light spectrum at the botton.


I'm not sure how you want to build an IR spectrometer using this method. I highly suggest reading the general description on infrared spectroscopy on wikipedia. Although I'm sure that you can pull this off if you have solid engineering background, (FT)IR spectrometer builds are generally outside the budget of most citizen scientists. Although there are people who manage to pull off some truly complex builds, see the DIY Raman spectrometer, but these builds skirt the edges of a tech startup rather than a weekend project.

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Actually I have not tried to detect the IR spectrum. But I have tried the visible light area. See the next note.

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