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Question: Problem whit workbench spectra. Unable to manipulate(work) whit any image

damian_orovitz is asking a question about spectrometer
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by damian_orovitz | April 28, 2020 17:36 | #23502

Hi! My name is Damian.

I'm having issues when I upload an image.

I whas able to work whit a pair of images but sudenly I click to go back (internet page)

and then I try to upload image but the spectrum(axial graphic) do not load.

I try it whit a diferent acount and it's the same.

can anyone help me? maybe someone can make a remote call whit me and helpme solve the issue.

Thanks a lot.


Hi Damian, Sorry to hear of this trouble! Tomorrow, and every Tuesday at 3pm ET / 7pm GMT, find us on the video link listed at the top of: You could share your screen and we could see if there's anything we might notice that could help.

If this time doesn't work for you, perhaps use this little open source program to record an animated gif, and upload it here. Please let us know how things are going with your project. Thank you and sorry again to hear of your trouble!

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