Public Lab Research note

Outreachy Proposal: Comment Editor Overhaul Project

by Anavela | October 22, 2020 19:40 22 Oct 19:40 | #24793 | #24793

About Me

Ana Vela

Location: New Mexico, USA



Project Description

Abstract/summary (<20 words):


The comment functionality contains several bugs and redundancies that need to be fixed for a smoother user experience.

Project Summary

This project will deal with revamping the commenting function so that it is streamlined and tested for proper functionality.


Weeks 1 - 3

  • Determine most urgent issues
  • Examples of this are the image upload, formatting, and toolbar issues
  • Test accordingly before launching to the live site

Weeks 4 - 6

Focus on the toolbar and make sure it is consistent on all pages it appears

Deal with template issues and improvements

Weeks 7 - 9

**Focus on the 8 usage scenarios and making sure they work **

Test and implement mobile responsiveness and accessibility

Weeks 10 - 12

Essentially refactoring code to provide simplicity and avoid redundancy

Throughout this process, I would like to add issues on gitHub so that other developers within the Public Lab community can participate in helping with improvements. There would need to be some time each day to check in on the issues to make sure they are taken care of.

A general sense of the architecture of the project:

Stage 1 - Take inventory of issues and bugs related to this project

1. To begin this project, we will need to review the status of each bug and feature that needs to be added. _

  • Are they already listed on GitHub as an issue or feature request?
  • Are any of the issues mentioned in the original description already completed?

Use this document below as a guide to know which items need to be completed:

Comment Editor Overhaul Project

2. Create a tagging system for this project to identify associated issues on GitHub

  • Tag ideas - project#1 or Comment-Editor for all GitHub related issues
  • Categorize each bug or feature

These are some categories we could use to organize and prioritize tasks:

Tier 1 - critical bugs that need to be fixed immediately

Tier 2 - write tests to confirm basic functionality of 8 usage scenarios

Tier 3 - refactoring code using clean code standards

For each issue:

  1. Coordinate tests to make sure these fixes do not create new bugs
  2. Run tests, make sure tests pass checks
  3. Commit fix to move on to next issue


For this project, I will need to consult the Public Lab Editing Suite: Posting Features Inventory Draft which includes what tasks need to be completed. I will also need to meet with mentors and other contributors who are familiar with this project.

First-time contribution

Merged PR: My current contribution to the project


*Deep Dive Coding Bootcamp - Full-Stack Web Development Certificate

-Technologies I worked with: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, PHP, JavaScript, and Angular 2

*Udacity Front-End Web Developer Nanodegree

-Topics and Technologies: Accessibility, Mobile Design, JavaScript, APIs, React

I am currently working on the following on my own: JavaScript, React, Gatsby


I worked for a startup where I helped report bugs and offer tech support to our users. I helped manage a bug reporting and tracking site.

I have been helping maintain this open source project on Github.

This project is for those who are new to open source to give them a chance to create their first pull request. After completing the task and becoming familiar with the code, I began helping to merge the pull requests. I use Git Kraken to help me keep track of the pull requests and changes made. Most of the time the code is easily merged, but there have been occasions where I needed to fix a merge conflict. The more I work on this project, the more comfortable and confident I feel about working in open source.

I participated in Hacktoberfest this year. The open source community has been very welcoming me, and I plan to make more contributions to projects in the near future.

I also am working with another developer on a React project. We meet weekly to talk about our progress and divide the work to get the app moving forward. The project is a simple translator app. We are completing this to improve our React skills and gain experience working with a dev partner.


The users of the Public Lab website are the target audience. Considering this, we have to understand that not everyone is tech savvy. We need to make the commenting process as clear and streamlined as possible which means making it easy to add feedback, comments, and suggestions. By design, we want them to feel comfortable with the site and with the clear and easy-to-use interface.

For the greater audience, updating the comments feature makes for a better compilation of information on the Public Lab site.


I am prepared to dedicate my attention full-time (40 hours a week) to this project. I would like to create a schedule where I allot blocks of time to various parts of the project throughout the day. I tend to work best using the Pomodoro technique which is working in increments of 25 minutes and then taking a 5 minute break in between.

If it is possible, this would be a good project to work on with another intern so we can divide up the work. This would be an opportunity to encourage each other and help monitor the progress so we can complete the project in a timely manner. I also envision adding issues to the repo on gitHub so others in the community can help us complete the tasks for this particular project. This seems to align well in the spirit of having an open source code base.


I am enjoying the process of creating a proposal for this project. Are there any ways to work cooperatively with others regarding this project? Any feedback on this draft or suggestions about working together are appreciated!

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Hi @Anavela , I am so sorry I had linked the wrong template. I have updated to the correct template which has pointers and subheadings that you could follow to make a more comprehensive proposal. Please consider clicking the draft a proposal button and create a new proposal or copy the contents of the body there and use it to improve this proposal. Thanks

Thanks so much for the clarification. I will use that template here. :)

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Hi @Anavela - thank you for your proposal! I especially appreciate your thoughts on a consistent label to smooth the workflow of the project -- as well as your interest in collaborative work! We have been lucky in the past to be able to work with a group of interns all at the same time. I'm not sure we'll have that chance this time but it could happen. Thank you for a great proposal!

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