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Biomes Are Important to The Study Of Environmental Science

by TheChessGym | August 23, 2022 13:39 23 Aug 13:39 | #34896 | #34896

We studied the denoting the definition of a biome. Additionally biomes are composed of both abiotic and biotic components. There are three categories consisting of producers, consumers, and decomposers. Interestingly enough, these categories have subsets of Carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores. Notwithstanding, there are divisions of organisms denoted as predators and prey, both of which are interdependent thriving in the same biome. I am thankful to Public lab's formation and mission to inform the average citizen of the importance of the factors that contribute to the awareness of our changing environment.


Biomes are beneficial to environmental science because it gives special resources to our environment and helps us live in those areas so we can survive. Biomes includes different animals, plants, waters, and other things that are beneficial for different species. Which in meaning polar bears stay in colder biomes, and bears, and lions, and tigers stay in warmer biomes.

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Biomes are important because they all have diverse environments that help the specific needs of organism. They’re important because they represent diversity and provide habitats to the creatures who live there. They also have different resources that are unique to them which can help in the aid of many different things. It can help with architecture, medicines, advancements in society, etc. Biomes are a significant feature of Earth because they are a driving force in the cycle of the environment.

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A biome is environment or community that consist of the same habitat and ecosystem for biotic and abiotic organisms.

Ecosystem a community of interacting organisms that share the same environment.

The current population is 7.969, 431,960.

The current number of people without access to safe drinking water is 779,719,475.

71% of the Earth’s surface is covered by water. Only 3% of it is freshwater. The other 97% is saltwater.

The four sphere consists of Hydrosphere, Geosphere, Atmosphere, and Biosphere.

540,445 people died due to water related diseases just this year.

Producers: Photosynthesizing organisms

Decomposer: an organism that decomposes organic material

Consumers: an organism that must feed on producers or other consumers to survive

Parasite: an organism that lives in or on an organism of another species.

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A biome is a habitat within a habitat. Ecosystem is where all organisms interact. 7,969,431,664 is the current world population. 779,719,474 is the current number of people who does not have access to a safe drinking water source. The four sphere includes the stratosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere, and the biosphere. Earth’s surface is covered with 71% water. Only 3 percent of the earth’s water is fresh water while 69% of it is salt water. The present death of the world that resulted from diseases that came from contaminated water is 540,445. Two things that were abiotic that I observed from the video was the sun and the water. Two things that were biotic that I observed from the video was the lion and the horses. Biosphere is when I saw the thick rainforest. Hydrosphere is when I saw huge oceans, rivers, lakes and ponds. Geosphere is when I saw huge mountains and different land formations. Stratosphere is when I saw the sky.

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Biomes are important because Biomes play a critical role in the understanding of ecology because they help scientists study not only a specific plant or animal but also the role it plays in its community an d the characteristics that it has developed to live in its environment. Aquatic biomes are probably the most important of all the biomes. Their medium, water, is a major natural resource. Water is the basis of life, it supports life, and countless species live in it for all or part of their lives. Freshwater biomes supply us with our drinking water and water for crop irrigation.

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Biomes are groups of like ecosystems that have similar plants, animals, geology, and climate. They are important to environmental science because it is useful to study the environment and the cycles within it. They have both abiotic and biotic resources available to them. Abiotic resources include land and water, while biotic resources include plants and animals. There are producers, which are plants who produce energy from the sun, consumers, who are animals that eat the plants as well as other animals, and decomposers that break down dead bodies and organisms into nutrients to be recycled. Those are all biotic factors in a biome.

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Biome- is a major community that consist of plants and animals with similar life forms. Ecosystem- is an area where plants, animals and other organisms interact. 7,969,432,300 is the current world population. 779,719,407 is the amount of people who has no access to a safe drinking water source. The 4 spheres are atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and geosphere. Atmosphere has something to do with air. Hydrosphere has something to do with water. Biosphere has something to do with life. Geosphere has something to do with Earth. 71 % of Earth's surface is covered by water. 3 % of the water is fresh and the other percentage is salt water. The number of deaths caused by water related diseases this year is 540,446.I see water and mountains which are abiotic. Lion and a horse which are biotic. 21 % is made up of oxygen. Biomes are very important because not every organisms can adapt to certain climates. Each organism has their own biome that they adapt too.

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Biomes help understand the ecosystem and organisms that live in the different types. Biomes are a group of ecosystems that share the same environmental factors. Certain organisms live in certain biomes. Climate is also determined by the biome type. Every biome has a biotic cycle.

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Biome: a large group of similar ecosystems

Inside an ecosystem the organisms work together to establish a balance that allows all its member to thrive.

Current world population - 7.969,431,691

People with no access to a safe drinking water source – 779,719,481

The four spheres:





The amount of earth’s surface covered by water – 71%

The amount of salt water on the earth – 97.5%

The amount of fresh water on the earth – 2.5%

Water related diseases causes 3.4 million deaths each year.







Producers: the most basic components of an ecosystem. Such as plants or algae, are those organisms that can capture the solar energy and convert it into chemical energy.

Consumers: organisms that depend on plants and other organisms for their food.

Decomposers: organisms such as insects, fungi, and bacteria feed on the dead bodies of other organisms.

Parasites and diseases: parasites are organisms that feed on a host organism and causes harm to that organism. Parasites can sometimes even lead to the death of their host organisms.

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A biome is a specific ecosystems whereby all the organisms' function -abiotic and biotic-, live, and thrive in a special set environment. It is important to the study of environmental science because it allows us to get to know the habitat of all organisms and how they work. It gives the people that study environmental science more information about how organisms contribute to the environment. Organisms provide resources to humans like chicken.

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Biome- a community of living things with the specific climate Ecosystem – How the community of living things interact and correlate to each other The current world population is 7,969,431,900. Hydrosphere (water), atmosphere(air), geosphere(land), biosphere (living). There are about 779,719,398 without access to clean drinking water. 97% of the water on earth is salt water. Only 3% is freshwater. 540,446 people died due to water related diseases. Abiotic: ice, buildings Biotic: lion, trees Biosphere: animals and trees Hydrosphere: the ocean and dolphins Geosphere: mountains, grass plains Atmosphere: the air 3 majors for biotic: producers, consumers, decomposers. All 3 are required for a biome to thrive.

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Biomes are large ecological areas with similar conditions, such as vegetation, living organisms, soil, and climate. In other words, biomes are communities of plants and animals living in a particular climate. Biotic factors can be classified as producers, consumers, and decomposers. All these biotic components are interdependent. All three are necessary for a biome to thrive. Producers are the most basic components of an ecosystem. Producers, such as plants or algae, are those organisms that can capture the solar energy and convert it into chemical energy. Organisms that depend on plants and other organisms for their food are consumers. Consumers lack the ability to capture solar energy and hence depend on producers for their food. Organisms such as insects, fungi (including molds), and bacteria feed on the dead bodies of other organisms. They convert the organic material from dead producers and consumers into simpler organic compounds, nutrients and gases. A predator feeds on its prey. Common examples of predator and prey are fox and rabbit, bear and fish, wolf and moose, great white shark and elephant seal, and cat and mouse. Parasites are organisms that feed on a host organism and causes harm to that organism. Each of these things are apart of biomes and is need to keep the environment improving and to keep the environment balanced.

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Biomes are important because they house communities of biotic and abiotic organisms. These biomes create a environment for plants and animals to survive. Biotic factors can be classified as producers, consumers, and decomposers. All these biotic components are interdependent. Organisms that depend on plants and other organisms for their food are consumers. Consumers lack the ability to capture solar energy and hence depend on producers for their food. Organisms such as insects, fungi (including molds), and bacteria feed on the dead bodies of other organisms. They convert the organic material from dead producers and consumers into simpler organic compounds, nutrients and gases. A predator feeds on its prey. Common examples of predator and prey are fox and rabbit, bear and fish, wolf and moose, great white shark and elephant seal, and cat and mouse. All the species in the ecosystem are interdependent. Any change in the number of predators will impact the number of preys. A biome provides a suitable ad balanced environment for theses aspects of the community to thrive. -Gianna Williams-

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A biome is a large habitat that naturally has similarities with other habitats. Each biome differ in climate, in elevation, rainfall and freshwater, in saltwater, and in all the many habitats that life calls home. In these ecosystems, living organisms are interdependent on each other to live. The three biotic factors a biome has are providers, consumers, and decomposers. Every living organism falls into these three categories.

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