The Infragram project brings together a range of different efforts to make Do-It-Yourself plant h...
Public Lab is an open community which collaboratively develops accessible, open source, Do-It-Yourself technologies for investigating local environmental health and justice issues.
122 CURRENT | warren |
June 15, 2022 06:10
| over 2 years ago
The Infragram project brings together a range of different efforts to make Do-It-Yourself plant health comparisons possible with infrared photography. Use the web-based app at to process your imagery. This project was made possible with support from Google and the AREN Project at NASA. UsesVineyards, large farms, and NASA all use near-infrared photography for assessment, usually by mounting expensive sensors on airplanes and satellites. Infrared analysis is used for a variety of things, but most focus on assessing plant health, such as:
Just as cell phone video has become instrumental in accountability today, we aim to democratize and improve reporting about environmental impacts. Getting startedTo start to do your own infrared analysis project, you'll need:
To get a kit with this already set up on an SD card and/or Raspberry Pi camera, see: [notes:grid:activity:pi-camera-setup] How it worksBackgroundIn 2014, we launched an early version of this project on Kickstarter, and the video is a good overview of the project, although we've come a long way since: The Infragram Kickstarter video, a great introduction to the project. Infragram starter kitsThe Public Lab Store offers a range of Do-It-Yourself kits to convert cameras for infrared photography, as well as ready-made cameras like the Infragram Point & Shoot camera: Also see Getting images, below. Getting imagesTo start, you'll need near-infrared images and regular visible light images of the same scene -- or an image which combines these in different color channels. See the below White Balance section for example images. There are sources of #remote-sensing imagery from satellites and planes you can use, but the Infragram project is about making and using low-cost converted cameras to take our own images. There are both single camera and dual camera ways of doing this, and each has pros and cons. Get a kit here or learn about converting a camera here: White balanceWe've learned that careful white balancing of your converted Infragram camera is essential for good NDVI images. Learn how in this short video and read in depth on the topic in research by Chris Fastie. There is also a wiki page on the subject at Here are samples of well-white-balanced images: Left: pale blue from a RED filter; Right: pale yellow from a BLUE filter. Images by @mathew and Eclectis students [(/system/images/photos/000/018/533/original/Rosco_26_filtered.JPG) If you're using an Infragram Point & Shoot (aka Mobius Action Cam), see this page for a guide on setting the white balance of that camera. FiltersShould you use a RED or BLUE filter? See Infragram filters for more on different filters and how well they work. Early research by Public Lab contributors led to a blue filter technique for making Infragram cameras. But recent research on has shown that red filters work better -- and on a wider range of cameras. Blue filters did not work on most CMOS cameras, especially cheaper webcams. Public Lab kits now ship with the red Rosco #19 "Fire" filter. Conversion typesThere are three major ways to produce multispectral "infragram" images:
Since these are a hard to keep track of, here's a diagram to show the three main types (you can edit the diagram here): Comparing plant healthAn important limitation of most DIY techniques is that we are using uncalibrated cameras, and so the analysis works best when we compare two vegetated areas under the same conditions (light, angle, time of day) rather than just take a photo of a single region. That is, the DIY approach is based on relative, or comparative, uses -- you can't learn a lot without a point of comparison. [questions:ndvi-comparison] An easy way to do a comparison is:
[illustration] Learn more at Comparing Plant Health SoftwareDoing NDVI analysis on plants requires post-processing both infrared and visible images (or a combined image -- see Getting images) into a composite image, using the NDVI equation (or another like it). This can be done with a variety of software; see this page for more: QuestionsPost questions or troubleshooting requests here, for example about:
[questions:infragram] Activities[activities:infragram] ChallengesWe're working to refine and improve DIY infrared photography on a number of fronts; here, take a look at the leading challenges we're hoping to solve, and post your own. For now, we're using the Q&A feature, so just click "Ask a question" to post your own challenge. Be sure to add:
[questions:infragram-challenges] Give or get helpHere are some resources to get help converting or using your Infragram camera. Keep in mind that we are a peer driven community and we encourage everyone to give as well as receive assistance and support! [questions:infragram] When describing your question or answer, please include details of the equipment and process you are using as described here for Infragram photos . Also see our older FAQ here:
DIY Filter Pack: This is just a piece of "superblue" filter which you can use to turn your webcam or cheap point-and-shoot into an infrared camera. The filter allows you to take an infrared photo in the "red" channel of your camera, and a visible image in the "blue" channel. The Public Lab kit comes with a white balance card and instructions on how install your filter -- it's pretty easy!
Infragram Point & Shoot: This is a straightforward, if basic, point-and-shoot camera which we're getting a factory to pre-convert with infrablue filters: you can simply take photos as you normally would, then upload them to our free and open-source web app to quickly and easily get a variety of composite images and analyses (the site is currently in beta with minimal initial features).
"We're excited that Public Laboratory is developing a low-cost infrared camera which will help us track the success of wetland restoration projects in the Gulf Region--as well as help us track pollution. The Gulf Restoration Network has been using the aerial monitoring techniques that Public Lab developed, so having the infrared camera available to put on the balloon and kite rig will only expand the applications of that technology as well as add value to airplane monitoring flights that help us watchdog the oil industry in the Gulf." -- Scott Eustis, M.S., Gulf Restoration Network More informationThe Public Lab community has been building up a knowledge base in DIY infrared imaging for years. Read more about the history of this project here Infragram instructions and graphicsDigital files for the filter pack envelope (including logo) and instructions: infrablue-filter-envelope-color.pdf infragram-instructions-0.3.pdf infragram-instructions-back-0.2.pdf Sketchup model for the "filter switch" graphic: filter-switch.skp DatasheetsDatasheet for Infragram Webcam: infragram-webcam-new-old-diagram.pdf Focal length of the camera:3.27mm. Chip sensor size for the camera: Sensor:ov2643,SIZE:1/4" Spec_of_JDEPC-OV04_Ver_1.01.pdf |
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121 | warren |
March 15, 2022 16:25
| almost 3 years ago
The Infragram project brings together a range of different efforts to make Do-It-Yourself plant health comparisons possible with infrared photography. Use the web-based app at to process your imagery. This project was made possible with support from Google and the AREN Project at NASA. UsesVineyards, large farms, and NASA all use near-infrared photography for assessment, usually by mounting expensive sensors on airplanes and satellites. Infrared analysis is used for a variety of things, but most focus on assessing plant health, such as:
Just as cell phone video has become instrumental in accountability today, we aim to democratize and improve reporting about environmental impacts. Getting startedTo start to do your own infrared analysis project, you'll need:
To get a kit with this already set up on an SD card and/or Raspberry Pi camera, see: [notes:grid:activity:pi-camera-setup] How it worksBackgroundIn 2014, we launched an early version of this project on Kickstarter, and the video is a good overview of the project, although we've come a long way since: The Infragram Kickstarter video, a great introduction to the project. Infragram starter kitsThe Public Lab Store offers a range of Do-It-Yourself kits to convert cameras for infrared photography, as well as ready-made cameras like the Infragram Point & Shoot camera: Also see Getting images, below. Getting imagesTo start, you'll need near-infrared images and regular visible light images of the same scene -- or an image which combines these in different color channels. There are sources of #remote-sensing imagery from satellites and planes you can use, but the Infragram project is about making and using low-cost converted cameras to take our own images. There are both single camera and dual camera ways of doing this, and each has pros and cons. Get a kit here or learn about converting a camera here: White balanceWe've learned that careful white balancing of your converted Infragram camera is essential for good NDVI images. Learn how in this short video and read in depth on the topic in research by Chris Fastie. There is also a wiki page on the subject at If you're using an Infragram Point & Shoot (aka Mobius Action Cam), see this page for a guide on setting the white balance of that camera. FiltersShould you use a RED or BLUE filter? See Infragram filters for more on different filters and how well they work. Early research by Public Lab contributors led to a blue filter technique for making Infragram cameras. But recent research on has shown that red filters work better -- and on a wider range of cameras. Blue filters did not work on most CMOS cameras, especially cheaper webcams. Public Lab kits now ship with the red Rosco #19 "Fire" filter. Conversion typesThere are three major ways to produce multispectral "infragram" images:
Since these are a hard to keep track of, here's a diagram to show the three main types (you can edit the diagram here): Comparing plant healthAn important limitation of most DIY techniques is that we are using uncalibrated cameras, and so the analysis works best when we compare two vegetated areas under the same conditions (light, angle, time of day) rather than just take a photo of a single region. That is, the DIY approach is based on relative, or comparative, uses -- you can't learn a lot without a point of comparison. [questions:ndvi-comparison] An easy way to do a comparison is:
[illustration] Learn more at Comparing Plant Health SoftwareDoing NDVI analysis on plants requires post-processing both infrared and visible images (or a combined image -- see Getting images) into a composite image, using the NDVI equation (or another like it). This can be done with a variety of software; see this page for more: QuestionsPost questions or troubleshooting requests here, for example about:
[questions:infragram] Activities[activities:infragram] ChallengesWe're working to refine and improve DIY infrared photography on a number of fronts; here, take a look at the leading challenges we're hoping to solve, and post your own. For now, we're using the Q&A feature, so just click "Ask a question" to post your own challenge. Be sure to add:
[questions:infragram-challenges] Give or get helpHere are some resources to get help converting or using your Infragram camera. Keep in mind that we are a peer driven community and we encourage everyone to give as well as receive assistance and support! [questions:infragram] When describing your question or answer, please include details of the equipment and process you are using as described here for Infragram photos . Also see our older FAQ here:
DIY Filter Pack: This is just a piece of "superblue" filter which you can use to turn your webcam or cheap point-and-shoot into an infrared camera. The filter allows you to take an infrared photo in the "red" channel of your camera, and a visible image in the "blue" channel. The Public Lab kit comes with a white balance card and instructions on how install your filter -- it's pretty easy!
Infragram Point & Shoot: This is a straightforward, if basic, point-and-shoot camera which we're getting a factory to pre-convert with infrablue filters: you can simply take photos as you normally would, then upload them to our free and open-source web app to quickly and easily get a variety of composite images and analyses (the site is currently in beta with minimal initial features).
"We're excited that Public Laboratory is developing a low-cost infrared camera which will help us track the success of wetland restoration projects in the Gulf Region--as well as help us track pollution. The Gulf Restoration Network has been using the aerial monitoring techniques that Public Lab developed, so having the infrared camera available to put on the balloon and kite rig will only expand the applications of that technology as well as add value to airplane monitoring flights that help us watchdog the oil industry in the Gulf." -- Scott Eustis, M.S., Gulf Restoration Network More informationThe Public Lab community has been building up a knowledge base in DIY infrared imaging for years. Read more about the history of this project here Infragram instructions and graphicsDigital files for the filter pack envelope (including logo) and instructions: infrablue-filter-envelope-color.pdf infragram-instructions-0.3.pdf infragram-instructions-back-0.2.pdf Sketchup model for the "filter switch" graphic: filter-switch.skp DatasheetsDatasheet for Infragram Webcam: infragram-webcam-new-old-diagram.pdf Focal length of the camera:3.27mm. Chip sensor size for the camera: Sensor:ov2643,SIZE:1/4" Spec_of_JDEPC-OV04_Ver_1.01.pdf |
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120 | warren |
March 15, 2022 16:01
| almost 3 years ago
The Infragram project brings together a range of different efforts to make Do-It-Yourself plant health comparisons possible with infrared photography. Use the web-based app at to process your imagery. This project was made possible with support from Google and the AREN Project at NASA. UsesVineyards, large farms, and NASA all use near-infrared photography for assessment, usually by mounting expensive sensors on airplanes and satellites. Infrared analysis is used for a variety of things, but most focus on assessing plant health, such as:
Just as cell phone video has become instrumental in accountability today, we aim to democratize and improve reporting about environmental impacts. Getting startedTo start to do your own infrared analysis project, you'll need:
To get a kit with this already set up on an SD card and/or Raspberry Pi camera, see: [notes:grid:activity:pi-camera-setup] How it worksBackgroundIn 2014, we launched an early version of this project on Kickstarter, and the video is a good overview of the project, although we've come a long way since: The Infragram Kickstarter video, a great introduction to the project. Infragram starter kitsThe Public Lab Store offers a range of Do-It-Yourself kits to convert cameras for infrared photography, as well as ready-made cameras like the Infragram Point & Shoot camera: Also see Getting images, below. Getting imagesTo start, you'll need near-infrared images and regular visible light images of the same scene -- or an image which combines these in different color channels. There are sources of #remote-sensing imagery from satellites and planes you can use, but the Infragram project is about making and using low-cost converted cameras to take our own images. There are both single camera and dual camera ways of doing this, and each has pros and cons. Get a kit here or learn about converting a camera here: White balanceWe've learned that careful white balancing of your converted Infragram camera is essential for good NDVI images. Learn how in this short video and read in depth on the topic in research by Chris Fastie. There is also a wiki page on the subject at If you're using an Infragram Point & Shoot (aka Mobius Action Cam), see this page for a guide on setting the white balance of that camera. FiltersShould you use a RED or BLUE filter? See Infragram filters for more on different filters and how well they work. Early research by Public Lab contributors led to a blue filter technique for making Infragram cameras. But recent research on has shown that red filters work better -- and on a wider range of cameras. Blue filters did not work on most CMOS cameras, especially cheaper webcams. Public Lab kits now ship with the red Rosco #19 "Fire" filter. Conversion typesThere are three major ways to produce multispectral "infragram" images:
Since these are a hard to keep track of, here's a diagram to show the three main types (you can edit the diagram here): Comparing plant healthAn important limitation of most DIY techniques is that we are using uncalibrated cameras, and so the analysis works best when we compare two vegetated areas under the same conditions (light, angle, time of day) rather than just take a photo of a single region. That is, the DIY approach is based on relative, or comparative, uses -- you can't learn a lot without a point of comparison. [questions:ndvi-comparison] An easy way to do a comparison is:
[illustration] Learn more at Comparing Plant Health SoftwareDoing NDVI analysis on plants requires post-processing both infrared and visible images (or a combined image -- see Getting images) into a composite image, using the NDVI equation (or another like it). This can be done with a variety of software; see this page for more: QuestionsPost questions or troubleshooting requests here, for example about:
[questions:infragram] Activities[activities:infragram] ChallengesWe're working to refine and improve DIY infrared photography on a number of fronts; here, take a look at the leading challenges we're hoping to solve, and post your own. For now, we're using the Q&A feature, so just click "Ask a question" to post your own challenge. Be sure to add:
[questions:infragram-challenges] Give or get helpHere are some resources to get help converting or using your Infragram camera. Keep in mind that we are a peer driven community and we encourage everyone to give as well as receive assistance and support! [questions:infragram] When describing your question or answer, please include details of the equipment and process you are using as described here for Infragram photos . Also see our older FAQ here:
DIY Filter Pack: This is just a piece of "superblue" filter which you can use to turn your webcam or cheap point-and-shoot into an infrared camera. The filter allows you to take an infrared photo in the "red" channel of your camera, and a visible image in the "blue" channel. The Public Lab kit comes with a white balance card and instructions on how install your filter -- it's pretty easy!
Infragram Point & Shoot: This is a straightforward, if basic, point-and-shoot camera which we're getting a factory to pre-convert with infrablue filters: you can simply take photos as you normally would, then upload them to our free and open-source web app to quickly and easily get a variety of composite images and analyses (the site is currently in beta with minimal initial features).
"We're excited that Public Laboratory is developing a low-cost infrared camera which will help us track the success of wetland restoration projects in the Gulf Region--as well as help us track pollution. The Gulf Restoration Network has been using the aerial monitoring techniques that Public Lab developed, so having the infrared camera available to put on the balloon and kite rig will only expand the applications of that technology as well as add value to airplane monitoring flights that help us watchdog the oil industry in the Gulf." -- Scott Eustis, M.S., Gulf Restoration Network More informationThe Public Lab community has been building up a knowledge base in DIY infrared imaging for years. Read more about the history of this project here Infragram instructions and graphicsDigital files for the filter pack envelope (including logo) and instructions: infrablue-filter-envelope-color.pdf infragram-instructions-0.3.pdf infragram-instructions-back-0.2.pdf Sketchup model for the "filter switch" graphic: filter-switch.skp DatasheetsDatasheet for Infragram Webcam: infragram-webcam-new-old-diagram.pdf Focal length of the camera:3.27mm. Chip sensor size for the camera: Sensor:ov2643,SIZE:1/4" Spec_of_JDEPC-OV04_Ver_1.01.pdf |
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119 | warren |
March 15, 2022 15:54
| almost 3 years ago
The Infragram project brings together a range of different efforts to make Do-It-Yourself plant health comparisons possible with infrared photography. Use the web-based app at to process your imagery. This project was made possible with support from Google and the AREN Project at NASA. UsesVineyards, large farms, and NASA all use near-infrared photography for assessment, usually by mounting expensive sensors on airplanes and satellites. Infrared analysis is used for a variety of things, but most focus on assessing plant health, such as:
Just as cell phone video has become instrumental in accountability today, we aim to democratize and improve reporting about environmental impacts. Getting startedTo start to do your own infrared analysis project, you'll need:
To get a kit with this already set up on an SD card and/or Raspberry Pi camera, see: [notes:grid:activity:pi-camera-setup] How it worksBackgroundIn 2014, we launched an early version of this project on Kickstarter, and the video is a good overview of the project, although we've come a long way since: The Infragram Kickstarter video, a great introduction to the project. Infragram starter kitsThe Public Lab Store offers a range of Do-It-Yourself kits to convert cameras for infrared photography, as well as ready-made cameras like the Infragram Point & Shoot camera: Also see Getting images, below. Getting imagesTo start, you'll need near-infrared images and regular visible light images of the same scene -- or an image which combines these in different color channels. There are sources of #remote-sensing imagery from satellites and planes you can use, but the Infragram project is about making and using low-cost converted cameras to take our own images. There are both single camera and dual camera ways of doing this, and each has pros and cons. Get a kit here or learn about converting a camera here: White balanceWe've learned that careful white balancing of your converted Infragram camera is essential for good NDVI images. Learn how in this short video and read in depth on the topic in research by Chris Fastie. There is also a wiki page on the subject at If you're using an Infragram Point & Shoot (aka Mobius Action Cam), see this page for a guide on setting the white balance of that camera. FiltersShould you use a RED or BLUE filter? See Infragram filters for more on different filters and how well they work. Early research by Public Lab contributors led to a blue filter technique for making Infragram cameras. But recent research on has shown that red filters work better -- and on a wider range of cameras. Blue filters did not work on most CMOS cameras, especially cheaper webcams. Public Lab kits now ship with the red Rosco #19 "Fire" filter. Conversion typesThere are three major ways to produce multispectral "infragram" images:
Since these are a hard to keep track of, here's a diagram to show the three main types (you can edit the diagram here): Comparing plant healthAn important limitation of most DIY techniques is that we are using uncalibrated cameras, and so the analysis works best when we compare two vegetated areas under the same conditions (light, angle, time of day) rather than just take a photo of a single region. That is, the DIY approach is based on relative, or comparative, uses -- you can't learn a lot without a point of comparison. [questions:ndvi-comparison] An easy way to do a comparison is:
[illustration] Learn more at Comparing Plant Health SoftwareDoing NDVI analysis on plants requires post-processing both infrared and visible images (or a combined image -- see Getting images) into a composite image, using the NDVI equation (or another like it). This can be done with a variety of software; see this page for more: QuestionsPost questions or troubleshooting requests here, for example about:
[questions:infragram] Activities[activities:infragram] ChallengesWe're working to refine and improve DIY infrared photography on a number of fronts; here, take a look at the leading challenges we're hoping to solve, and post your own. For now, we're using the Q&A feature, so just click "Ask a question" to post your own challenge. Be sure to add:
[questions:infragram-challenges] Give or get helpHere are some resources to get help converting or using your Infragram camera. Keep in mind that we are a peer driven community and we encourage everyone to give as well as receive assistance and support! [questions:infragram] When describing your question or answer, please include details of the equipment and process you are using as described here for Infragram photos . Also see our older FAQ here:
DIY Filter Pack: This is just a piece of "superblue" filter which you can use to turn your webcam or cheap point-and-shoot into an infrared camera. The filter allows you to take an infrared photo in the "red" channel of your camera, and a visible image in the "blue" channel. The Public Lab kit comes with a white balance card and instructions on how install your filter -- it's pretty easy!
Infragram Point & Shoot: This is a straightforward, if basic, point-and-shoot camera which we're getting a factory to pre-convert with infrablue filters: you can simply take photos as you normally would, then upload them to our free and open-source web app to quickly and easily get a variety of composite images and analyses (the site is currently in beta with minimal initial features).
"We're excited that Public Laboratory is developing a low-cost infrared camera which will help us track the success of wetland restoration projects in the Gulf Region--as well as help us track pollution. The Gulf Restoration Network has been using the aerial monitoring techniques that Public Lab developed, so having the infrared camera available to put on the balloon and kite rig will only expand the applications of that technology as well as add value to airplane monitoring flights that help us watchdog the oil industry in the Gulf." -- Scott Eustis, M.S., Gulf Restoration Network More informationThe Public Lab community has been building up a knowledge base in DIY infrared imaging for years. Read more about the history of this project here Infragram instructions and graphicsDigital files for the filter pack envelope (including logo) and instructions: infrablue-filter-envelope-color.pdf infragram-instructions-0.3.pdf infragram-instructions-back-0.2.pdf Sketchup model for the "filter switch" graphic: filter-switch.skp DatasheetsDatasheet for Infragram Webcam: infragram-webcam-new-old-diagram.pdf Focal length of the camera:3.27mm. Chip sensor size for the camera: Sensor:ov2643,SIZE:1/4" Spec_of_JDEPC-OV04_Ver_1.01.pdf |
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118 | warren |
March 15, 2022 15:46
| almost 3 years ago
The Infragram project brings together a range of different efforts to make Do-It-Yourself plant health comparisons possible with infrared photography. Use the web-based app at to process your imagery. This project was made possible with support from Google and the AREN Project at NASA. UsesVineyards, large farms, and NASA all use near-infrared photography for assessment, usually by mounting expensive sensors on airplanes and satellites. Infrared analysis is used for a variety of things, but most focus on assessing plant health, such as:
Just as cell phone video has become instrumental in accountability today, we aim to democratize and improve reporting about environmental impacts. Getting startedTo start to do your own infrared analysis project, you'll need:
To get a kit with this already set up on an SD card and/or Raspberry Pi camera, see: [notes:grid:activity:pi-camera-setup] How it worksBackgroundIn 2014, we launched an early version of this project on Kickstarter, and the video is a good overview of the project, although we've come a long way since: The Infragram Kickstarter video, a great introduction to the project. Infragram starter kitsThe Public Lab Store offers a range of Do-It-Yourself kits to convert cameras for infrared photography, as well as ready-made cameras like the Infragram Point & Shoot camera: Also see Getting images, below. Getting imagesTo start, you'll need near-infrared images and regular visible light images of the same scene -- or an image which combines these in different color channels. There are sources of #remote-sensing imagery from satellites and planes you can use, but the Infragram project is about making and using low-cost converted cameras to take our own images. There are both single camera and dual camera ways of doing this, and each has pros and cons. Get a kit here or learn about converting a camera here: White balanceWe've learned that careful white balancing of your converted Infragram camera is essential for good NDVI images. Learn how in this short video and read in depth on the topic in research by Chris Fastie. There is also a wiki page on the subject at If you're using an Infragram Point & Shoot (aka Mobius Action Cam), see this page for a guide on setting the white balance of that camera. FiltersShould you use a RED or BLUE filter? See Infragram filters for more on different filters and how well they work. Early research by Public Lab contributors led to a blue filter technique for making Infragram cameras. But recent research on has shown that red filters work better -- and on a wider range of cameras. Blue filters did not work on most CMOS cameras, especially cheaper webcams. Public Lab kits now ship with the red Rosco #19 "Fire" filter. Conversion typesThere are three major ways to produce multispectral "infragram" images:
Since these are a hard to keep track of, here's a diagram to show the three main types (you can edit the diagram here): Comparing plant healthAn important limitation of most DIY techniques is that we are using uncalibrated cameras, and so the analysis works best when we compare two vegetated areas under the same conditions (light, angle, time of day) rather than just take a photo of a single region. That is, the DIY approach is based on relative, or comparative, uses -- you can't learn a lot without a point of comparison. [questions:ndvi-comparison] An easy way to do a comparison is:
[illustration] Learn more at Comparing Plant Health SoftwareDoing NDVI analysis on plants requires post-processing both infrared and visible images (or a combined image -- see Getting images) into a composite image, using the NDVI equation (or another like it). This can be done with a variety of software; see this page for more: QuestionsPost questions or troubleshooting requests here, for example about:
[questions:infragram] Activities[activities:infragram] ChallengesWe're working to refine and improve DIY infrared photography on a number of fronts; here, take a look at the leading challenges we're hoping to solve, and post your own. For now, we're using the Q&A feature, so just click "Ask a question" to post your own challenge. Be sure to add:
[questions:infragram-challenges] Give or get helpHere are some resources to get help converting or using your Infragram camera. Keep in mind that we are a peer driven community and we encourage everyone to give as well as receive assistance and support! [questions:infragram] When describing your question or answer, please include details of the equipment and process you are using as described here for Infragram photos . Also see our older FAQ here:
DIY Filter Pack: This is just a piece of "superblue" filter which you can use to turn your webcam or cheap point-and-shoot into an infrared camera. The filter allows you to take an infrared photo in the "red" channel of your camera, and a visible image in the "blue" channel. The Public Lab kit comes with a white balance card and instructions on how install your filter -- it's pretty easy!
Infragram Point & Shoot: This is a straightforward, if basic, point-and-shoot camera which we're getting a factory to pre-convert with infrablue filters: you can simply take photos as you normally would, then upload them to our free and open-source web app to quickly and easily get a variety of composite images and analyses (the site is currently in beta with minimal initial features).
"We're excited that Public Laboratory is developing a low-cost infrared camera which will help us track the success of wetland restoration projects in the Gulf Region--as well as help us track pollution. The Gulf Restoration Network has been using the aerial monitoring techniques that Public Lab developed, so having the infrared camera available to put on the balloon and kite rig will only expand the applications of that technology as well as add value to airplane monitoring flights that help us watchdog the oil industry in the Gulf." -- Scott Eustis, M.S., Gulf Restoration Network More informationThe Public Lab community has been building up a knowledge base in DIY infrared imaging for years. Read more about the history of this project here Infragram instructions and graphicsDigital files for the filter pack envelope (including logo) and instructions: infrablue-filter-envelope-color.pdf infragram-instructions-0.3.pdf infragram-instructions-back-0.2.pdf Sketchup model for the "filter switch" graphic: filter-switch.skp DatasheetsDatasheet for Infragram Webcam: infragram-webcam-new-old-diagram.pdf Focal length of the camera:3.27mm. Chip sensor size for the camera: Sensor:ov2643,SIZE:1/4" Spec_of_JDEPC-OV04_Ver_1.01.pdf |
Revert | |
117 | warren |
March 15, 2022 15:40
| almost 3 years ago
The Infragram project brings together a range of different efforts to make Do-It-Yourself plant health comparisons possible with infrared photography. Use the web-based app at to process your imagery. This project was made possible with support from Google and the AREN Project at NASA. UsesVineyards, large farms, and NASA all use near-infrared photography for assessment, usually by mounting expensive sensors on airplanes and satellites. Infrared analysis is used for a variety of things, but most focus on assessing plant health, such as:
Just as cell phone video has become instrumental in accountability today, we aim to democratize and improve reporting about environmental impacts. Getting startedTo start to do your own infrared analysis project, you'll need:
To get a kit with this already set up on an SD card and/or Raspberry Pi camera, see: [notes:grid:activity:pi-camera-setup] How it worksBackgroundIn 2014, we launched an early version of this project on Kickstarter, and the video is a good overview of the project, although we've come a long way since: The Infragram Kickstarter video, a great introduction to the project. Infragram starter kitsThe Public Lab Store offers a range of Do-It-Yourself kits to convert cameras for infrared photography, as well as ready-made cameras like the Infragram Point & Shoot camera: Also see Getting images, below. Conversion typesThere are three major ways to produce multispectral "infragram" images:
Since these are a hard to keep track of, here's a diagram to show the three main types (you can edit the diagram here): Comparing plant healthAn important limitation of most DIY techniques is that we are using uncalibrated cameras, and so the analysis works best when we compare two vegetated areas under the same conditions (light, angle, time of day) rather than just take a photo of a single region. That is, the DIY approach is based on relative, or comparative, uses -- you can't learn a lot without a point of comparison. [questions:ndvi-comparison] An easy way to do a comparison is:
[illustration] Learn more at Comparing Plant Health SoftwareDoing NDVI analysis on plants requires post-processing both infrared and visible images (or a combined image -- see Getting images) into a composite image, using the NDVI equation (or another like it). This can be done with a variety of software; see this page for more: QuestionsPost questions or troubleshooting requests here, for example about:
[questions:infragram] Activities[activities:infragram] ChallengesWe're working to refine and improve DIY infrared photography on a number of fronts; here, take a look at the leading challenges we're hoping to solve, and post your own. For now, we're using the Q&A feature, so just click "Ask a question" to post your own challenge. Be sure to add:
[questions:infragram-challenges] Getting imagesTo start, you'll need near-infrared images and regular visible light images of the same scene -- or an image which combines these in different color channels. There are sources of #remote-sensing imagery from satellites and planes you can use, but the Infragram project is about making and using low-cost converted cameras to take our own images. There are both single camera and dual camera ways of doing this, and each has pros and cons. Get a kit here or learn about converting a camera here: White balanceWe've learned that careful white balancing of your converted Infragram camera is essential for good NDVI images. Learn how in this short video and read in depth on the topic in research by Chris Fastie. There is also a wiki page on the subject at If you're using an Infragram Point & Shoot (aka Mobius Action Cam), see this page for a guide on setting the white balance of that camera. FiltersShould you use a RED or BLUE filter? See Infragram filters for more on different filters and how well they work. Early research by Public Lab contributors led to a blue filter technique for making Infragram cameras. But recent research on has shown that red filters work better -- and on a wider range of cameras. Blue filters did not work on most CMOS cameras, especially cheaper webcams. Public Lab kits now ship with the red Rosco #19 "Fire" filter. Give or get helpHere are some resources to get help converting or using your Infragram camera. Keep in mind that we are a peer driven community and we encourage everyone to give as well as receive assistance and support! [questions:infragram] When describing your question or answer, please include details of the equipment and process you are using as described here for Infragram photos . Also see our older FAQ here:
DIY Filter Pack: This is just a piece of "superblue" filter which you can use to turn your webcam or cheap point-and-shoot into an infrared camera. The filter allows you to take an infrared photo in the "red" channel of your camera, and a visible image in the "blue" channel. The Public Lab kit comes with a white balance card and instructions on how install your filter -- it's pretty easy!
Infragram Point & Shoot: This is a straightforward, if basic, point-and-shoot camera which we're getting a factory to pre-convert with infrablue filters: you can simply take photos as you normally would, then upload them to our free and open-source web app to quickly and easily get a variety of composite images and analyses (the site is currently in beta with minimal initial features).
"We're excited that Public Laboratory is developing a low-cost infrared camera which will help us track the success of wetland restoration projects in the Gulf Region--as well as help us track pollution. The Gulf Restoration Network has been using the aerial monitoring techniques that Public Lab developed, so having the infrared camera available to put on the balloon and kite rig will only expand the applications of that technology as well as add value to airplane monitoring flights that help us watchdog the oil industry in the Gulf." -- Scott Eustis, M.S., Gulf Restoration Network More informationThe Public Lab community has been building up a knowledge base in DIY infrared imaging for years. Read more about the history of this project here Infragram instructions and graphicsDigital files for the filter pack envelope (including logo) and instructions: infrablue-filter-envelope-color.pdf infragram-instructions-0.3.pdf infragram-instructions-back-0.2.pdf Sketchup model for the "filter switch" graphic: filter-switch.skp DatasheetsDatasheet for Infragram Webcam: infragram-webcam-new-old-diagram.pdf Focal length of the camera:3.27mm. Chip sensor size for the camera: Sensor:ov2643,SIZE:1/4" Spec_of_JDEPC-OV04_Ver_1.01.pdf |
Revert | |
116 | warren |
April 21, 2021 22:01
| over 3 years ago
The Infragram project brings together a range of different efforts to make Do-It-Yourself plant health comparisons possible with infrared photography. Use the web-based app at to process your imagery. This project was made possible with support from Google and the AREN Project at NASA. UsesVineyards, large farms, and NASA all use near-infrared photography for assessment, usually by mounting expensive sensors on airplanes and satellites. Infrared analysis is used for a variety of things, but most focus on assessing plant health, such as:
Just as cell phone video has become instrumental in accountability today, we aim to democratize and improve reporting about environmental impacts. Getting startedTo start to do your own infrared analysis project, you'll need:
To get a kit with this already set up on an SD card and/or Raspberry Pi camera, see: [notes:grid:activity:pi-camera-setup] How it worksBackgroundIn 2014, we launched an early version of this project on Kickstarter, and the video is a good overview of the project, although we've come a long way since: The Infragram Kickstarter video, a great introduction to the project. Infragram starter kitsThe Public Lab Store offers a range of Do-It-Yourself kits to convert cameras for infrared photography, as well as ready-made cameras like the Infragram Point & Shoot camera: Also see Getting images, below. Conversion typesThere are three major ways to produce multispectral "infragram" images:
Since these are a hard to keep track of, here's a diagram to show the three main types (you can edit the diagram here): Comparing plant healthAn important limitation of most DIY techniques is that we are using uncalibrated cameras, and so the analysis works best when we compare two vegetated areas under the same conditions (light, angle, time of day) rather than just take a photo of a single region. That is, the DIY approach is based on relative, or comparative, uses -- you can't learn a lot without a point of comparison. [questions:ndvi-comparison] An easy way to do a comparison is:
[illustration] Learn more at Comparing Plant Health SoftwareDoing NDVI analysis on plants requires post-processing both infrared and visible images (or a combined image -- see Getting images) into a composite image, using the NDVI equation (or another like it). This can be done with a variety of software; see this page for more: QuestionsPost questions or troubleshooting requests here, for example about:
[questions:infragram] Activities[activities:infragram] ChallengesWe're working to refine and improve DIY infrared photography on a number of fronts; here, take a look at the leading challenges we're hoping to solve, and post your own. For now, we're using the Q&A feature, so just click "Ask a question" to post your own challenge. Be sure to add:
[questions:infragram-challenges] Getting imagesTo start, you'll need near-infrared images and regular visible light images of the same scene -- or an image which combines these in different color channels. There are sources of #remote-sensing imagery from satellites and planes you can use, but the Infragram project is about making and using low-cost converted cameras to take our own images. There are both single camera and dual camera ways of doing this, and each has pros and cons. Get a kit here or learn about converting a camera here: White balanceWe've learned that careful white balancing of your converted Infragram camera is essential for good NDVI images. Learn how in this short video and read in depth on the topic in research by Chris Fastie. There is also a wiki page on the subject at If you're using an Infragram Point & Shoot (aka Mobius Action Cam), see this page for a guide on setting the white balance of that camera. FiltersShould you use a RED or BLUE filter? See Infragram filters for more on different filters and how well they work. Early research by Public Lab contributors led to a blue filter technique for making Infragram cameras. But recent research on has shown that red filters work better -- and on a wider range of cameras. Blue filters did not work on most CMOS cameras, especially cheaper webcams. Public Lab kits now ship with the red Rosco #19 "Fire" filter. Give or get helpHere are some resources to get help converting or using your Infragram camera. Keep in mind that we are a peer driven community and we encourage everyone to give as well as receive assistance and support! [questions:infragram] When describing your question or answer, please include details of the equipment and process you are using as described here for Infragram photos . Also see our older FAQ here:
DIY Filter Pack: This is just a piece of "superblue" filter which you can use to turn your webcam or cheap point-and-shoot into an infrared camera. The filter allows you to take an infrared photo in the "red" channel of your camera, and a visible image in the "blue" channel. The Public Lab kit comes with a white balance card and instructions on how install your filter -- it's pretty easy!
Infragram Point & Shoot: This is a straightforward, if basic, point-and-shoot camera which we're getting a factory to pre-convert with infrablue filters: you can simply take photos as you normally would, then upload them to our free and open-source web app to quickly and easily get a variety of composite images and analyses (the site is currently in beta with minimal initial features).
"We're excited that Public Laboratory is developing a low-cost infrared camera which will help us track the success of wetland restoration projects in the Gulf Region--as well as help us track pollution. The Gulf Restoration Network has been using the aerial monitoring techniques that Public Lab developed, so having the infrared camera available to put on the balloon and kite rig will only expand the applications of that technology as well as add value to airplane monitoring flights that help us watchdog the oil industry in the Gulf." -- Scott Eustis, M.S., Gulf Restoration Network More informationThe Public Lab community has been building up a knowledge base in DIY infrared imaging for years. Read more about the history of this project here Infragram instructions and graphicsDigital files for the filter pack envelope (including logo) and instructions: infrablue-filter-envelope-color.pdf infragram-instructions-0.3.pdf infragram-instructions-back-0.2.pdf Sketchup model for the "filter switch" graphic: filter-switch.skp DatasheetsDatasheet for Infragram Webcam: infragram-webcam-new-old-diagram.pdf Focal length of the camera:3.27mm. Chip sensor size for the camera: Sensor:ov2643,SIZE:1/4" Spec_of_JDEPC-OV04_Ver_1.01.pdf |
Revert | |
115 | liz |
May 12, 2020 22:39
| over 4 years ago
The Infragram project brings together a range of different efforts to make Do-It-Yourself plant health comparisons possible with infrared photography. Access the original software at, and try current software at This project was made possible with support from Google and the AREN Project at NASA. UsesVineyards, large farms, and NASA all use near-infrared photography for assessment, usually by mounting expensive sensors on airplanes and satellites. Infrared analysis is used for a variety of things, but most focus on assessing plant health, such as:
Just as cell phone video has become instrumental in accountability today, we aim to democratize and improve reporting about environmental impacts. Getting startedTo start to do your own infrared analysis project, you'll need:
To get a kit with this already set up on an SD card and/or Raspberry Pi camera, see: [notes:grid:activity:pi-camera-setup] How it worksBackgroundIn 2014, we launched an early version of this project on Kickstarter, and the video is a good overview of the project, although we've come a long way since: The Infragram Kickstarter video, a great introduction to the project. Infragram starter kitsThe Public Lab Store offers a range of Do-It-Yourself kits to convert cameras for infrared photography, as well as ready-made cameras like the Infragram Point & Shoot camera: Also see Getting images, below. Conversion typesThere are three major ways to produce multispectral "infragram" images:
Since these are a hard to keep track of, here's a diagram to show the three main types (you can edit the diagram here): Comparing plant healthAn important limitation of most DIY techniques is that we are using uncalibrated cameras, and so the analysis works best when we compare two vegetated areas under the same conditions (light, angle, time of day) rather than just take a photo of a single region. That is, the DIY approach is based on relative, or comparative, uses -- you can't learn a lot without a point of comparison. [questions:ndvi-comparison] An easy way to do a comparison is:
[illustration] Learn more at Comparing Plant Health SoftwareDoing NDVI analysis on plants requires post-processing both infrared and visible images (or a combined image -- see Getting images) into a composite image, using the NDVI equation (or another like it). This can be done with a variety of software; see this page for more: QuestionsPost questions or troubleshooting requests here, for example about:
[questions:infragram] Activities[activities:infragram] ChallengesWe're working to refine and improve DIY infrared photography on a number of fronts; here, take a look at the leading challenges we're hoping to solve, and post your own. For now, we're using the Q&A feature, so just click "Ask a question" to post your own challenge. Be sure to add:
[questions:infragram-challenges] Getting imagesTo start, you'll need near-infrared images and regular visible light images of the same scene -- or an image which combines these in different color channels. There are sources of #remote-sensing imagery from satellites and planes you can use, but the Infragram project is about making and using low-cost converted cameras to take our own images. There are both single camera and dual camera ways of doing this, and each has pros and cons. Get a kit here or learn about converting a camera here: White balanceWe've learned that careful white balancing of your converted Infragram camera is essential for good NDVI images. Learn how in this short video and read in depth on the topic in research by Chris Fastie. There is also a wiki page on the subject at If you're using an Infragram Point & Shoot (aka Mobius Action Cam), see this page for a guide on setting the white balance of that camera. FiltersShould you use a RED or BLUE filter? See Infragram filters for more on different filters and how well they work. Early research by Public Lab contributors led to a blue filter technique for making Infragram cameras. But recent research on has shown that red filters work better -- and on a wider range of cameras. Blue filters did not work on most CMOS cameras, especially cheaper webcams. Public Lab kits now ship with the red Rosco #19 "Fire" filter. Give or get helpHere are some resources to get help converting or using your Infragram camera. Keep in mind that we are a peer driven community and we encourage everyone to give as well as receive assistance and support! [questions:infragram] When describing your question or answer, please include details of the equipment and process you are using as described here for Infragram photos . Also see our older FAQ here:
DIY Filter Pack: This is just a piece of "superblue" filter which you can use to turn your webcam or cheap point-and-shoot into an infrared camera. The filter allows you to take an infrared photo in the "red" channel of your camera, and a visible image in the "blue" channel. The Public Lab kit comes with a white balance card and instructions on how install your filter -- it's pretty easy!
Infragram Point & Shoot: This is a straightforward, if basic, point-and-shoot camera which we're getting a factory to pre-convert with infrablue filters: you can simply take photos as you normally would, then upload them to our free and open-source web app to quickly and easily get a variety of composite images and analyses (the site is currently in beta with minimal initial features).
"We're excited that Public Laboratory is developing a low-cost infrared camera which will help us track the success of wetland restoration projects in the Gulf Region--as well as help us track pollution. The Gulf Restoration Network has been using the aerial monitoring techniques that Public Lab developed, so having the infrared camera available to put on the balloon and kite rig will only expand the applications of that technology as well as add value to airplane monitoring flights that help us watchdog the oil industry in the Gulf." -- Scott Eustis, M.S., Gulf Restoration Network More informationThe Public Lab community has been building up a knowledge base in DIY infrared imaging for years. Read more about the history of this project here Infragram instructions and graphicsDigital files for the filter pack envelope (including logo) and instructions: infrablue-filter-envelope-color.pdf infragram-instructions-0.3.pdf infragram-instructions-back-0.2.pdf Sketchup model for the "filter switch" graphic: filter-switch.skp DatasheetsDatasheet for Infragram Webcam: infragram-webcam-new-old-diagram.pdf Focal length of the camera:3.27mm. Chip sensor size for the camera: Sensor:ov2643,SIZE:1/4" Spec_of_JDEPC-OV04_Ver_1.01.pdf |
Revert | |
114 | liz |
May 12, 2020 22:33
| over 4 years ago
The Infragram project brings together a range of different efforts to make Do-It-Yourself plant health comparisons possible with infrared photography. Access the software at This project was made possible with support from Google and the AREN Project at NASA. UsesVineyards, large farms, and NASA all use near-infrared photography for assessment, usually by mounting expensive sensors on airplanes and satellites. Infrared analysis is used for a variety of things, but most focus on assessing plant health, such as:
Just as cell phone video has become instrumental in accountability today, we aim to democratize and improve reporting about environmental impacts. Getting startedTo start to do your own infrared analysis project, you'll need:
To get a kit with this already set up on an SD card and/or Raspberry Pi camera, see: [notes:grid:activity:pi-camera-setup] How it worksBackgroundIn 2014, we launched an early version of this project on Kickstarter, and the video is a good overview of the project, although we've come a long way since: The Infragram Kickstarter video, a great introduction to the project. Infragram starter kitsThe Public Lab Store offers a range of Do-It-Yourself kits to convert cameras for infrared photography, as well as ready-made cameras like the Infragram Point & Shoot camera: Also see Getting images, below. Conversion typesThere are three major ways to produce multispectral "infragram" images:
Since these are a hard to keep track of, here's a diagram to show the three main types (you can edit the diagram here): Comparing plant healthAn important limitation of most DIY techniques is that we are using uncalibrated cameras, and so the analysis works best when we compare two vegetated areas under the same conditions (light, angle, time of day) rather than just take a photo of a single region. That is, the DIY approach is based on relative, or comparative, uses -- you can't learn a lot without a point of comparison. [questions:ndvi-comparison] An easy way to do a comparison is:
[illustration] Learn more at Comparing Plant Health SoftwareDoing NDVI analysis on plants requires post-processing both infrared and visible images (or a combined image -- see Getting images) into a composite image, using the NDVI equation (or another like it). This can be done with a variety of software; see this page for more: QuestionsPost questions or troubleshooting requests here, for example about:
[questions:infragram] Activities[activities:infragram] ChallengesWe're working to refine and improve DIY infrared photography on a number of fronts; here, take a look at the leading challenges we're hoping to solve, and post your own. For now, we're using the Q&A feature, so just click "Ask a question" to post your own challenge. Be sure to add:
[questions:infragram-challenges] Getting imagesTo start, you'll need near-infrared images and regular visible light images of the same scene -- or an image which combines these in different color channels. There are sources of #remote-sensing imagery from satellites and planes you can use, but the Infragram project is about making and using low-cost converted cameras to take our own images. There are both single camera and dual camera ways of doing this, and each has pros and cons. Get a kit here or learn about converting a camera here: White balanceWe've learned that careful white balancing of your converted Infragram camera is essential for good NDVI images. Learn how in this short video and read in depth on the topic in research by Chris Fastie. There is also a wiki page on the subject at If you're using an Infragram Point & Shoot (aka Mobius Action Cam), see this page for a guide on setting the white balance of that camera. FiltersShould you use a RED or BLUE filter? See Infragram filters for more on different filters and how well they work. Early research by Public Lab contributors led to a blue filter technique for making Infragram cameras. But recent research on has shown that red filters work better -- and on a wider range of cameras. Blue filters did not work on most CMOS cameras, especially cheaper webcams. Public Lab kits now ship with the red Rosco #19 "Fire" filter. Give or get helpHere are some resources to get help converting or using your Infragram camera. Keep in mind that we are a peer driven community and we encourage everyone to give as well as receive assistance and support! [questions:infragram] When describing your question or answer, please include details of the equipment and process you are using as described here for Infragram photos . Also see our older FAQ here:
DIY Filter Pack: This is just a piece of "superblue" filter which you can use to turn your webcam or cheap point-and-shoot into an infrared camera. The filter allows you to take an infrared photo in the "red" channel of your camera, and a visible image in the "blue" channel. The Public Lab kit comes with a white balance card and instructions on how install your filter -- it's pretty easy!
Infragram Point & Shoot: This is a straightforward, if basic, point-and-shoot camera which we're getting a factory to pre-convert with infrablue filters: you can simply take photos as you normally would, then upload them to our free and open-source web app to quickly and easily get a variety of composite images and analyses (the site is currently in beta with minimal initial features).
"We're excited that Public Laboratory is developing a low-cost infrared camera which will help us track the success of wetland restoration projects in the Gulf Region--as well as help us track pollution. The Gulf Restoration Network has been using the aerial monitoring techniques that Public Lab developed, so having the infrared camera available to put on the balloon and kite rig will only expand the applications of that technology as well as add value to airplane monitoring flights that help us watchdog the oil industry in the Gulf." -- Scott Eustis, M.S., Gulf Restoration Network More informationThe Public Lab community has been building up a knowledge base in DIY infrared imaging for years. Read more about the history of this project here Infragram instructions and graphicsDigital files for the filter pack envelope (including logo) and instructions: infrablue-filter-envelope-color.pdf infragram-instructions-0.3.pdf infragram-instructions-back-0.2.pdf Sketchup model for the "filter switch" graphic: filter-switch.skp DatasheetsDatasheet for Infragram Webcam: infragram-webcam-new-old-diagram.pdf Focal length of the camera:3.27mm. Chip sensor size for the camera: Sensor:ov2643,SIZE:1/4" Spec_of_JDEPC-OV04_Ver_1.01.pdf |
Revert | |
113 | liz |
May 12, 2020 22:33
| over 4 years ago
The Infragram project brings together a range of different efforts to make Do-It-Yourself plant health comparisons possible with infrared photography. Access the software at This project was made possible with support from Google and the AREN Project at NASA. UsesVineyards, large farms, and NASA all use near-infrared photography for assessment, usually by mounting expensive sensors on airplanes and satellites. Infrared analysis is used for a variety of things, but most focus on assessing plant health, such as:
Just as cell phone video has become instrumental in accountability today, we aim to democratize and improve reporting about environmental impacts. Getting startedTo start to do your own infrared analysis project, you'll need:
To get a kit with this already set up on an SD card and/or Raspberry Pi camera, see: [notes:grid:activity:pi-camera-setup] How it worksBackgroundIn 2014, we launched an early version of this project on Kickstarter, and the video is a good overview of the project, although we've come a long way since: The Infragram Kickstarter video, a great introduction to the project. Infragram starter kitsThe Public Lab Store offers a range of Do-It-Yourself kits to convert cameras for infrared photography, as well as ready-made cameras like the Infragram Point & Shoot camera: Also see Getting images, below. Conversion typesThere are three major ways to produce multispectral "infragram" images:
Since these are a hard to keep track of, here's a diagram to show the three main types (you can edit the diagram here): Comparing plant healthAn important limitation of most DIY techniques is that we are using uncalibrated cameras, and so the analysis works best when we compare two vegetated areas under the same conditions (light, angle, time of day) rather than just take a photo of a single region. That is, the DIY approach is based on relative, or comparative, uses -- you can't learn a lot without a point of comparison. [questions:ndvi-comparison] An easy way to do a comparison is:
[illustration] Learn more at Comparing Plant Health SoftwareDoing NDVI analysis on plants requires post-processing both infrared and visible images (or a combined image -- see Getting images) into a composite image, using the NDVI equation (or another like it). This can be done with a variety of software; see this page for more: QuestionsPost questions or troubleshooting requests here, for example about:
[questions:infragram] Activities[activities:infragram] ChallengesWe're working to refine and improve DIY infrared photography on a number of fronts; here, take a look at the leading challenges we're hoping to solve, and post your own. For now, we're using the Q&A feature, so just click "Ask a question" to post your own challenge. Be sure to add:
[questions:infragram-challenges] Getting imagesTo start, you'll need near-infrared images and regular visible light images of the same scene -- or an image which combines these in different color channels. There are sources of #remote-sensing imagery from satellites and planes you can use, but the Infragram project is about making and using low-cost converted cameras to take our own images. There are both single camera and dual camera ways of doing this, and each has pros and cons. Get a kit here or learn about converting a camera here: White balanceWe've learned that careful white balancing of your converted Infragram camera is essential for good NDVI images. Learn how in this short video and read in depth on the topic in research by Chris Fastie. There is also a wiki page on the subject at If you're using an Infragram Point & Shoot (aka Mobius Action Cam), see this page for a guide on setting the white balance of that camera. FiltersShould you use a RED or BLUE filter? See Infragram filters for more on different filters and how well they work. Early research by Public Lab contributors led to a blue filter technique for making Infragram cameras. But recent research on has shown that red filters work better -- and on a wider range of cameras. Blue filters did not work on most CMOS cameras, especially cheaper webcams. Public Lab kits now ship with the red Rosco #19 "Fire" filter. Give or get helpHere are some resources to get help converting or using your Infragram camera. Keep in mind that we are a peer driven community and we encourage everyone to give as well as receive assistance and support! [questions:infragram] When describing your question or answer, please include details of the equipment and process you are using as described here for Infragram photos . Also see our older FAQ here:
DIY Filter Pack: This is just a piece of "superblue" filter which you can use to turn your webcam or cheap point-and-shoot into an infrared camera. The filter allows you to take an infrared photo in the "red" channel of your camera, and a visible image in the "blue" channel. The Public Lab kit comes with a white balance card and instructions on how install your filter -- it's pretty easy!
Infragram Point & Shoot: This is a straightforward, if basic, point-and-shoot camera which we're getting a factory to pre-convert with infrablue filters: you can simply take photos as you normally would, then upload them to our free and open-source web app to quickly and easily get a variety of composite images and analyses (the site is currently in beta with minimal initial features).
"We're excited that Public Laboratory is developing a low-cost infrared camera which will help us track the success of wetland restoration projects in the Gulf Region--as well as help us track pollution. The Gulf Restoration Network has been using the aerial monitoring techniques that Public Lab developed, so having the infrared camera available to put on the balloon and kite rig will only expand the applications of that technology as well as add value to airplane monitoring flights that help us watchdog the oil industry in the Gulf." -- Scott Eustis, M.S., Gulf Restoration Network More informationThe Public Lab community has been building up a knowledge base in DIY infrared imaging for years. Read more about the history of this project here Infragram instructions and graphicsDigital files for the filter pack envelope (including logo) and instructions: infrablue-filter-envelope-color.pdf infragram-instructions-0.3.pdf infragram-instructions-back-0.2.pdf Sketchup model for the "filter switch" graphic: filter-switch.skp DatasheetsDatasheet for Infragram Webcam: infragram-webcam-new-old-diagram.pdf Focal length of the camera:3.27mm. Chip sensor size for the camera: Sensor:ov2643,SIZE:1/4" Spec_of_JDEPC-OV04_Ver_1.01.pdf |
Revert | |
112 | mimiss |
April 23, 2020 15:24
| over 4 years ago
The Infragram project brings together a range of different efforts to make Do-It-Yourself plant health comparisons possible with infrared photography. This project was made possible with support from Google and the AREN Project at NASA. UsesVineyards, large farms, and NASA all use near-infrared photography for assessment, usually by mounting expensive sensors on airplanes and satellites. Infrared analysis is used for a variety of things, but most focus on assessing plant health, such as:
Just as cell phone video has become instrumental in accountability today, we aim to democratize and improve reporting about environmental impacts. Getting startedTo start to do your own infrared analysis project, you'll need:
To get a kit with this already set up on an SD card and/or Raspberry Pi camera, see: [notes:grid:activity:pi-camera-setup] How it worksBackgroundIn 2014, we launched an early version of this project on Kickstarter, and the video is a good overview of the project, although we've come a long way since: The Infragram Kickstarter video, a great introduction to the project. Infragram starter kitsThe Public Lab Store offers a range of Do-It-Yourself kits to convert cameras for infrared photography, as well as ready-made cameras like the Infragram Point & Shoot camera: Also see Getting images, below. Conversion typesThere are three major ways to produce multispectral "infragram" images:
Since these are a hard to keep track of, here's a diagram to show the three main types (you can edit the diagram here): Comparing plant healthAn important limitation of most DIY techniques is that we are using uncalibrated cameras, and so the analysis works best when we compare two vegetated areas under the same conditions (light, angle, time of day) rather than just take a photo of a single region. That is, the DIY approach is based on relative, or comparative, uses -- you can't learn a lot without a point of comparison. [questions:ndvi-comparison] An easy way to do a comparison is:
[illustration] Learn more at Comparing Plant Health SoftwareDoing NDVI analysis on plants requires post-processing both infrared and visible images (or a combined image -- see Getting images) into a composite image, using the NDVI equation (or another like it). This can be done with a variety of software; see this page for more: QuestionsPost questions or troubleshooting requests here, for example about:
[questions:infragram] Activities[activities:infragram] ChallengesWe're working to refine and improve DIY infrared photography on a number of fronts; here, take a look at the leading challenges we're hoping to solve, and post your own. For now, we're using the Q&A feature, so just click "Ask a question" to post your own challenge. Be sure to add:
[questions:infragram-challenges] Getting imagesTo start, you'll need near-infrared images and regular visible light images of the same scene -- or an image which combines these in different color channels. There are sources of #remote-sensing imagery from satellites and planes you can use, but the Infragram project is about making and using low-cost converted cameras to take our own images. There are both single camera and dual camera ways of doing this, and each has pros and cons. Get a kit here or learn about converting a camera here: White balanceWe've learned that careful white balancing of your converted Infragram camera is essential for good NDVI images. Learn how in this short video and read in depth on the topic in research by Chris Fastie. There is also a wiki page on the subject at If you're using an Infragram Point & Shoot (aka Mobius Action Cam), see this page for a guide on setting the white balance of that camera. FiltersShould you use a RED or BLUE filter? See Infragram filters for more on different filters and how well they work. Early research by Public Lab contributors led to a blue filter technique for making Infragram cameras. But recent research on has shown that red filters work better -- and on a wider range of cameras. Blue filters did not work on most CMOS cameras, especially cheaper webcams. Public Lab kits now ship with the red Rosco #19 "Fire" filter. Give or get helpHere are some resources to get help converting or using your Infragram camera. Keep in mind that we are a peer driven community and we encourage everyone to give as well as receive assistance and support! [questions:infragram] When describing your question or answer, please include details of the equipment and process you are using as described here for Infragram photos . Also see our older FAQ here:
DIY Filter Pack: This is just a piece of "superblue" filter which you can use to turn your webcam or cheap point-and-shoot into an infrared camera. The filter allows you to take an infrared photo in the "red" channel of your camera, and a visible image in the "blue" channel. The Public Lab kit comes with a white balance card and instructions on how install your filter -- it's pretty easy!
Infragram Point & Shoot: This is a straightforward, if basic, point-and-shoot camera which we're getting a factory to pre-convert with infrablue filters: you can simply take photos as you normally would, then upload them to our free and open-source web app to quickly and easily get a variety of composite images and analyses (the site is currently in beta with minimal initial features).
"We're excited that Public Laboratory is developing a low-cost infrared camera which will help us track the success of wetland restoration projects in the Gulf Region--as well as help us track pollution. The Gulf Restoration Network has been using the aerial monitoring techniques that Public Lab developed, so having the infrared camera available to put on the balloon and kite rig will only expand the applications of that technology as well as add value to airplane monitoring flights that help us watchdog the oil industry in the Gulf." -- Scott Eustis, M.S., Gulf Restoration Network More informationThe Public Lab community has been building up a knowledge base in DIY infrared imaging for years. Read more about the history of this project here Infragram instructions and graphicsDigital files for the filter pack envelope (including logo) and instructions: infrablue-filter-envelope-color.pdf infragram-instructions-0.3.pdf infragram-instructions-back-0.2.pdf Sketchup model for the "filter switch" graphic: filter-switch.skp DatasheetsDatasheet for Infragram Webcam: infragram-webcam-new-old-diagram.pdf Focal length of the camera:3.27mm. Chip sensor size for the camera: Sensor:ov2643,SIZE:1/4" Spec_of_JDEPC-OV04_Ver_1.01.pdf |
Revert | |
111 | warren |
July 02, 2018 00:54
| over 6 years ago
The Infragram project brings together a range of different efforts to make Do-It-Yourself plant health comparisons possible with infrared photography. This project was made possible with support from Google and the AREN Project at NASA. UsesVineyards, large farms, and NASA all use near-infrared photography for assessment, usually by mounting expensive sensors on airplanes and satellites. Infrared analysis is used for a variety of things, but most focus on assessing plant health, such as:
Just as cell phone video has become instrumental in accountability today, we aim to democratize and improve reporting about environmental impacts. Getting startedTo start to do your own infrared analysis project, you'll need:
How it worksBackgroundIn 2014, we launched an early version of this project on Kickstarter, and the video is a good overview of the project, although we've come a long way since: The Infragram Kickstarter video, a great introduction to the project. Infragram starter kitsThe Public Lab Store offers a range of Do-It-Yourself kits to convert cameras for infrared photography, as well as ready-made cameras like the Infragram Point & Shoot camera: Also see Getting images, below. Conversion typesThere are three major ways to produce multispectral "infragram" images:
Since these are a hard to keep track of, here's a diagram to show the three main types (you can edit the diagram here): Comparing plant healthAn important limitation of most DIY techniques is that we are using uncalibrated cameras, and so the analysis works best when we compare two vegetated areas under the same conditions (light, angle, time of day) rather than just take a photo of a single region. That is, the DIY approach is based on relative, or comparative, uses -- you can't learn a lot without a point of comparison. [questions:ndvi-comparison] An easy way to do a comparison is:
[illustration] Learn more at Comparing Plant Health SoftwareDoing NDVI analysis on plants requires post-processing both infrared and visible images (or a combined image -- see Getting images) into a composite image, using the NDVI equation (or another like it). This can be done with a variety of software; see this page for more: QuestionsPost questions or troubleshooting requests here, for example about:
[questions:infragram] Activities[activities:infragram] ChallengesWe're working to refine and improve DIY infrared photography on a number of fronts; here, take a look at the leading challenges we're hoping to solve, and post your own. For now, we're using the Q&A feature, so just click "Ask a question" to post your own challenge. Be sure to add:
[questions:infragram-challenges] Getting imagesTo start, you'll need near-infrared images and regular visible light images of the same scene -- or an image which combines these in different color channels. There are sources of #remote-sensing imagery from satellites and planes you can use, but the Infragram project is about making and using low-cost converted cameras to take our own images. There are both single camera and dual camera ways of doing this, and each has pros and cons. Get a kit here or learn about converting a camera here: White balanceWe've learned that careful white balancing of your converted Infragram camera is essential for good NDVI images. Learn how in this short video and read in depth on the topic in research by Chris Fastie. There is also a wiki page on the subject at If you're using an Infragram Point & Shoot (aka Mobius Action Cam), see this page for a guide on setting the white balance of that camera. FiltersShould you use a RED or BLUE filter? See Infragram filters for more on different filters and how well they work. Early research by Public Lab contributors led to a blue filter technique for making Infragram cameras. But recent research on has shown that red filters work better -- and on a wider range of cameras. Blue filters did not work on most CMOS cameras, especially cheaper webcams. Public Lab kits now ship with the red Rosco #19 "Fire" filter. Give or get helpHere are some resources to get help converting or using your Infragram camera. Keep in mind that we are a peer driven community and we encourage everyone to give as well as receive assistance and support! [questions:infragram] When describing your question or answer, please include details of the equipment and process you are using as described here for Infragram photos . Also see our older FAQ here:
DIY Filter Pack: This is just a piece of "superblue" filter which you can use to turn your webcam or cheap point-and-shoot into an infrared camera. The filter allows you to take an infrared photo in the "red" channel of your camera, and a visible image in the "blue" channel. The Public Lab kit comes with a white balance card and instructions on how install your filter -- it's pretty easy!
Infragram Point & Shoot: This is a straightforward, if basic, point-and-shoot camera which we're getting a factory to pre-convert with infrablue filters: you can simply take photos as you normally would, then upload them to our free and open-source web app to quickly and easily get a variety of composite images and analyses (the site is currently in beta with minimal initial features).
"We're excited that Public Laboratory is developing a low-cost infrared camera which will help us track the success of wetland restoration projects in the Gulf Region--as well as help us track pollution. The Gulf Restoration Network has been using the aerial monitoring techniques that Public Lab developed, so having the infrared camera available to put on the balloon and kite rig will only expand the applications of that technology as well as add value to airplane monitoring flights that help us watchdog the oil industry in the Gulf." -- Scott Eustis, M.S., Gulf Restoration Network More informationThe Public Lab community has been building up a knowledge base in DIY infrared imaging for years. Read more about the history of this project here Infragram instructions and graphicsDigital files for the filter pack envelope (including logo) and instructions: infrablue-filter-envelope-color.pdf infragram-instructions-0.3.pdf infragram-instructions-back-0.2.pdf Sketchup model for the "filter switch" graphic: filter-switch.skp DatasheetsDatasheet for Infragram Webcam: infragram-webcam-new-old-diagram.pdf Focal length of the camera:3.27mm. Chip sensor size for the camera: Sensor:ov2643,SIZE:1/4" Spec_of_JDEPC-OV04_Ver_1.01.pdf |
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110 | liz |
May 02, 2018 20:38
| over 6 years ago
The Infragram project brings together a range of different efforts to make Do-It-Yourself plant health comparisons possible with infrared photography. This project was made possible with support from Google and the AREN Project at NASA. UsesVineyards, large farms, and NASA all use near-infrared photography for assessment, usually by mounting expensive sensors on airplanes and satellites. Infrared analysis is used for a variety of things, but most focus on assessing plant health, such as:
Just as cell phone video has become instrumental in accountability today, we aim to democratize and improve reporting about environmental impacts. Getting startedTo start to do your own infrared analysis project, you'll need:
How it worksBackgroundIn 2014, we launched an early version of this project on Kickstarter, and the video is a good overview of the project, although we've come a long way since: The Infragram Kickstarter video, a great introduction to the project. Infragram starter kitsThe Public Lab Store offers a range of Do-It-Yourself kits to convert cameras for infrared photography, as well as ready-made cameras like the Infragram Point & Shoot camera: Also see Getting images, below. Comparing plant healthAn important limitation of most DIY techniques is that we are using uncalibrated cameras, and so the analysis works best when we compare two vegetated areas under the same conditions (light, angle, time of day) rather than just take a photo of a single region. That is, the DIY approach is based on relative, or comparative, uses -- you can't learn a lot without a point of comparison. [questions:ndvi-comparison] An easy way to do a comparison is:
[illustration] Learn more at Comparing Plant Health SoftwareDoing NDVI analysis on plants requires post-processing both infrared and visible images (or a combined image -- see Getting images) into a composite image, using the NDVI equation (or another like it). This can be done with a variety of software; see this page for more: QuestionsPost questions or troubleshooting requests here, for example about:
[questions:infragram] Activities[activities:infragram] ChallengesWe're working to refine and improve DIY infrared photography on a number of fronts; here, take a look at the leading challenges we're hoping to solve, and post your own. For now, we're using the Q&A feature, so just click "Ask a question" to post your own challenge. Be sure to add:
[questions:infragram-challenges] Getting imagesTo start, you'll need near-infrared images and regular visible light images of the same scene -- or an image which combines these in different color channels. There are sources of #remote-sensing imagery from satellites and planes you can use, but the Infragram project is about making and using low-cost converted cameras to take our own images. There are both single camera and dual camera ways of doing this, and each has pros and cons. Get a kit here or learn about converting a camera here: White balanceWe've learned that careful white balancing of your converted Infragram camera is essential for good NDVI images. Learn how in this short video and read in depth on the topic in research by Chris Fastie. There is also a wiki page on the subject at If you're using an Infragram Point & Shoot (aka Mobius Action Cam), see this page for a guide on setting the white balance of that camera. FiltersShould you use a RED or BLUE filter? See Infragram filters for more on different filters and how well they work. Early research by Public Lab contributors led to a blue filter technique for making Infragram cameras. But recent research on has shown that red filters work better -- and on a wider range of cameras. Blue filters did not work on most CMOS cameras, especially cheaper webcams. Public Lab kits now ship with the red Rosco #19 "Fire" filter. Give or get helpHere are some resources to get help converting or using your Infragram camera. Keep in mind that we are a peer driven community and we encourage everyone to give as well as receive assistance and support! [questions:infragram] When describing your question or answer, please include details of the equipment and process you are using as described here for Infragram photos . Also see our older FAQ here:
DIY Filter Pack: This is just a piece of "superblue" filter which you can use to turn your webcam or cheap point-and-shoot into an infrared camera. The filter allows you to take an infrared photo in the "red" channel of your camera, and a visible image in the "blue" channel. The Public Lab kit comes with a white balance card and instructions on how install your filter -- it's pretty easy!
Infragram Point & Shoot: This is a straightforward, if basic, point-and-shoot camera which we're getting a factory to pre-convert with infrablue filters: you can simply take photos as you normally would, then upload them to our free and open-source web app to quickly and easily get a variety of composite images and analyses (the site is currently in beta with minimal initial features).
"We're excited that Public Laboratory is developing a low-cost infrared camera which will help us track the success of wetland restoration projects in the Gulf Region--as well as help us track pollution. The Gulf Restoration Network has been using the aerial monitoring techniques that Public Lab developed, so having the infrared camera available to put on the balloon and kite rig will only expand the applications of that technology as well as add value to airplane monitoring flights that help us watchdog the oil industry in the Gulf." -- Scott Eustis, M.S., Gulf Restoration Network More informationThe Public Lab community has been building up a knowledge base in DIY infrared imaging for years. Read more about the history of this project here Infragram instructions and graphicsDigital files for the filter pack envelope (including logo) and instructions: infrablue-filter-envelope-color.pdf infragram-instructions-0.3.pdf infragram-instructions-back-0.2.pdf Sketchup model for the "filter switch" graphic: filter-switch.skp DatasheetsDatasheet for Infragram Webcam: infragram-webcam-new-old-diagram.pdf Focal length of the camera:3.27mm. Chip sensor size for the camera: Sensor:ov2643,SIZE:1/4" Spec_of_JDEPC-OV04_Ver_1.01.pdf |
Revert | |
109 | warren |
December 10, 2017 17:12
| about 7 years ago
The Infragram project brings together a range of different efforts to make Do-It-Yourself plant health comparisons possible with infrared photography. This project was made possible with support from Google and the AREN Project at NASA. UsesVineyards, large farms, and NASA all use near-infrared photography for assessment, usually by mounting expensive sensors on airplanes and satellites. Infrared analysis is used for a variety of things, but most focus on assessing plant health, such as:
Just as cell phone video has become instrumental in accountability today, we aim to democratize and improve reporting about environmental impacts. Getting startedTo start to do your own infrared analysis project, you'll need:
How it worksBackgroundIn 2014, we launched an early version of this project on Kickstarter, and the video is a good overview of the project, although we've come a long way since: The Infragram Kickstarter video, a great introduction to the project. Infragram starter kitsThe Public Lab Store offers a range of Do-It-Yourself kits to convert cameras for infrared photography, as well as ready-made cameras like the Infragram Point & Shoot camera: Also see Getting images, below. Comparing plant healthAn important limitation of most DIY techniques is that we are using uncalibrated cameras, and so the analysis works best when we compare two vegetated areas under the same conditions (light, angle, time of day) rather than just take a photo of a single region. That is, the DIY approach is based on relative, or comparative, uses -- you can't learn a lot without a point of comparison. [questions:ndvi-comparison] An easy way to do a comparison is:
[illustration] Learn more at Comparing Plant Health SoftwareDoing NDVI analysis on plants requires post-processing both infrared and visible images (or a combined image -- see Getting images) into a composite image, using the NDVI equation (or another like it). This can be done with a variety of software; see this page for more: QuestionsPost questions or troubleshooting requests here, for example about:
[questions:infragram] Activities[activities:infragram] ChallengesWe're working to refine and improve DIY infrared photography on a number of fronts; here, take a look at the leading challenges we're hoping to solve, and post your own. For now, we're using the Q&A feature, so just click "Ask a question" to post your own challenge. Be sure to add:
[questions:infragram-challenges] Getting imagesTo start, you'll need near-infrared images and regular visible light images of the same scene -- or an image which combines these in different color channels. There are sources of #remote-sensing imagery from satellites and planes you can use, but the Infragram project is about making and using low-cost converted cameras to take our own images. There are both single camera and dual camera ways of doing this, and each has pros and cons. Get a kit here or learn about converting a camera here: White balanceWe've learned that careful white balancing of your converted Infragram camera is essential for good NDVI images. Learn how in this short video and read in depth on the topic in research by Chris Fastie. There is also a wiki page on the subject at If you're using an Infragram Point & Shoot (aka Mobius Action Cam), see this page for a guide on setting the white balance of that camera. FiltersShould you use a RED or BLUE filter? See Infragram filters for more on different filters and how well they work. Early research by Public Lab contributors led to a blue filter technique for making Infragram cameras. But recent research on has shown that red filters work better -- and on a wider range of cameras. Blue filters did not work on most CMOS cameras, especially cheaper webcams. Public Lab kits now ship with the red Rosco #19 "Fire" filter. Give or get helpHere are some resources to get help converting or using your Infragram camera. Keep in mind that we are a peer driven community and we encourage everyone to give as well as receive assistance and support! [questions:infragram] When describing your question or answer, please include details of the equipment and process you are using as described here for Infragram photos . Also see our older FAQ here:
DIY Filter Pack: This is just a piece of "superblue" filter which you can use to turn your webcam or cheap point-and-shoot into an infrared camera. The filter allows you to take an infrared photo in the "red" channel of your camera, and a visible image in the "blue" channel. The Public Lab kit comes with a white balance card and instructions on how install your filter -- it's pretty easy!
Infragram Point & Shoot: This is a straightforward, if basic, point-and-shoot camera which we're getting a factory to pre-convert with infrablue filters: you can simply take photos as you normally would, then upload them to our free and open-source web app to quickly and easily get a variety of composite images and analyses (the site is currently in beta with minimal initial features).
"We're excited that Public Laboratory is developing a low-cost infrared camera which will help us track the success of wetland restoration projects in the Gulf Region--as well as help us track pollution. The Gulf Restoration Network has been using the aerial monitoring techniques that Public Lab developed, so having the infrared camera available to put on the balloon and kite rig will only expand the applications of that technology as well as add value to airplane monitoring flights that help us watchdog the oil industry in the Gulf." -- Scott Eustis, M.S., Gulf Restoration Network More informationThe Public Lab community has been building up a knowledge base in DIY infrared imaging for years. Read more about the history of this project here Infragram instructions and graphicsDigital files for the filter pack envelope (including logo) and instructions: infrablue-filter-envelope-color.pdf infragram-instructions-0.3.pdf infragram-instructions-back-0.2.pdf Sketchup model for the "filter switch" graphic: filter-switch.skp DatasheetsDatasheet for Infragram Webcam: infragram-webcam-new-old-diagram.pdf Focal length of the camera:3.27mm. Chip sensor size for the camera: Sensor:ov2643,SIZE:1/4" Spec_of_JDEPC-OV04_Ver_1.01.pdf |
Revert | |
108 | warren |
October 23, 2017 23:14
| about 7 years ago
The Infragram project brings together a range of different efforts to make Do-It-Yourself plant health comparisons possible with infrared photography. This project was made possible with support from Google and the AREN Project at NASA. UsesVineyards, large farms, and NASA all use near-infrared photography for assessment, usually by mounting expensive sensors on airplanes and satellites. Infrared analysis is used for a variety of things, but most focus on assessing plant health, such as:
Just as cell phone video has become instrumental in accountability today, we aim to democratize and improve reporting about environmental impacts. Getting startedTo start to do your own infrared analysis project, you'll need:
How it worksBackgroundIn 2014, we launched an early version of this project on Kickstarter, and the video is a good overview of the project, although we've come a long way since: The Infragram Kickstarter video, a great introduction to the project. Infragram starter kitsThe Public Lab Store offers a range of Do-It-Yourself kits to convert cameras for infrared photography, as well as ready-made cameras like the Infragram Point & Shoot camera: Also see Getting images, below. Comparing plant healthAn important limitation of most DIY techniques is that we are using uncalibrated cameras, and so the analysis works best when we compare two vegetated areas under the same conditions (light, angle, time of day) rather than just take a photo of a single region. That is, the DIY approach is based on relative, or comparative, uses -- you can't learn a lot without a point of comparison. [questions:ndvi-comparison] An easy way to do a comparison is:
[illustration] Learn more at Comparing Plant Health SoftwareDoing NDVI analysis on plants requires post-processing both infrared and visible images (or a combined image -- see Getting images) into a composite image, using the NDVI equation (or another like it). This can be done with a variety of software; see this page for more: QuestionsPost questions or troubleshooting requests here, for example about:
[questions:infragram] Activities[activities:infragram] ChallengesWe're working to refine and improve DIY infrared photography on a number of fronts; here, take a look at the leading challenges we're hoping to solve, and post your own. For now, we're using the Q&A feature, so just click "Ask a question" to post your own challenge. Be sure to add:
[questions:infragram-challenges] Getting imagesTo start, you'll need near-infrared images and regular visible light images of the same scene -- or an image which combines these in different color channels. There are sources of #remote-sensing imagery from satellites and planes you can use, but the Infragram project is about making and using low-cost converted cameras to take our own images. There are both single camera and dual camera ways of doing this, and each has pros and cons. Get a kit here or learn about converting a camera here: White balanceWe've learned that careful white balancing of your converted Infragram camera is essential for good NDVI images. Learn how in this short video and read in depth on the topic in research by Chris Fastie. There is also a wiki page on the subject at If you're using an Infragram Point & Shoot (aka Mobius Action Cam), see this page for a guide on setting the white balance of that camera. FiltersShould you use a RED or BLUE filter? See Infragram filters for more on different filters and how well they work. Early research by Public Lab contributors led to a blue filter technique for making Infragram cameras. But recent research on has shown that red filters work better -- and on a wider range of cameras. Blue filters did not work on most CMOS cameras, especially cheaper webcams. Public Lab kits now ship with the red Rosco #19 "Fire" filter. Give or get helpHere are some resources to get help converting or using your Infragram camera. Keep in mind that we are a peer driven community and we encourage everyone to give as well as receive assistance and support! [questions:infragram] When describing your question or answer, please include details of the equipment and process you are using as described here for Infragram photos . Also see our older FAQ here:
DIY Filter Pack: This is just a piece of "superblue" filter which you can use to turn your webcam or cheap point-and-shoot into an infrared camera. The filter allows you to take an infrared photo in the "red" channel of your camera, and a visible image in the "blue" channel. The Public Lab kit comes with a white balance card and instructions on how install your filter -- it's pretty easy!
Infragram Point & Shoot: This is a straightforward, if basic, point-and-shoot camera which we're getting a factory to pre-convert with infrablue filters: you can simply take photos as you normally would, then upload them to our free and open-source web app to quickly and easily get a variety of composite images and analyses (the site is currently in beta with minimal initial features).
"We're excited that Public Laboratory is developing a low-cost infrared camera which will help us track the success of wetland restoration projects in the Gulf Region--as well as help us track pollution. The Gulf Restoration Network has been using the aerial monitoring techniques that Public Lab developed, so having the infrared camera available to put on the balloon and kite rig will only expand the applications of that technology as well as add value to airplane monitoring flights that help us watchdog the oil industry in the Gulf." -- Scott Eustis, M.S., Gulf Restoration Network More informationThe Public Lab community has been building up a knowledge base in DIY infrared imaging for years. Read more about the history of this project here Infragram instructions and graphicsDigital files for the filter pack envelope (including logo) and instructions: infrablue-filter-envelope-color.pdf infragram-instructions-0.3.pdf infragram-instructions-back-0.2.pdf Sketchup model for the "filter switch" graphic: filter-switch.skp DatasheetsDatasheet for Infragram Webcam: infragram-webcam-new-old-diagram.pdf Focal length of the camera:3.27mm. Chip sensor size for the camera: Sensor:ov2643,SIZE:1/4" Spec_of_JDEPC-OV04_Ver_1.01.pdf |
Revert | |
107 | warren |
October 23, 2017 21:51
| about 7 years ago
The Infragram project brings together a range of different efforts to make Do-It-Yourself plant health comparisons possible with infrared photography. This project was made possible with support from Google and the AREN Project at NASA. UsesVineyards, large farms, and NASA all use near-infrared photography for assessment, usually by mounting expensive sensors on airplanes and satellites. Infrared analysis is used for a variety of things, but most focus on assessing plant health, such as:
Just as cell phone video has become instrumental in accountability today, we aim to democratize and improve reporting about environmental impacts. Getting startedTo start to do your own infrared analysis project, you'll need:
How it worksBackgroundIn 2014, we launched an early version of this project on Kickstarter, and the video is a good overview of the project, although we've come a long way since: The Infragram Kickstarter video, a great introduction to the project. Infragram starter kitsThe Public Lab Store offers a range of Do-It-Yourself kits to convert cameras for infrared photography, as well as ready-made cameras like the Infragram Point & Shoot camera: Also see Getting images, below. Comparing plant healthAn important limitation of most DIY techniques is that we are using uncalibrated cameras, and so the analysis works best when we compare two vegetated areas under the same conditions (light, angle, time of day) rather than just take a photo of a single region. That is, the DIY approach is based on relative, or comparative, uses -- you can't learn a lot without a point of comparison. [questions:ndvi-comparison] An easy way to do a comparison is:
[illustration] Learn more at Comparing Plant Health SoftwareDoing NDVI analysis on plants requires post-processing both infrared and visible images (or a combined image -- see Getting images) into a composite image, using the NDVI equation (or another like it). This can be done with a variety of software; see this page for more: QuestionsPost questions or troubleshooting requests here, for example about:
[questions:infragram] Activities[activities:infragram] ChallengesWe're working to refine and improve DIY infrared photography on a number of fronts; here, take a look at the leading challenges we're hoping to solve, and post your own. For now, we're using the Q&A feature, so just click "Ask a question" to post your own challenge. Be sure to add:
[questions:infragram-challenges] Getting imagesTo start, you'll need near-infrared images and regular visible light images of the same scene -- or an image which combines these in different color channels. There are sources of #remote-sensing imagery from satellites and planes you can use, but the Infragram project is about making and using low-cost converted cameras to take our own images. There are both single camera and dual camera ways of doing this, and each has pros and cons. Get a kit here or learn about converting a camera here: White balanceWe've learned that careful white balancing of your converted Infragram camera is essential for good NDVI images. Learn how in this short video and read in depth on the topic in research by Chris Fastie. There is also a wiki page on the subject at If you're using an Infragram Point & Shoot (aka Mobius Action Cam), see this page for a guide on setting the white balance of that camera. FiltersShould you use a RED or BLUE filter? Early research by Public Lab contributors led to a blue filter technique for making Infragram cameras. But recent research on has shown that red filters work better -- and on a wider range of cameras. Blue filters did not work on most CMOS cameras, especially cheaper webcams. Public Lab kits now ship with the red Rosco #19 "Fire" filter. Give or get helpHere are some resources to get help converting or using your Infragram camera. Keep in mind that we are a peer driven community and we encourage everyone to give as well as receive assistance and support! [questions:infragram] When describing your question or answer, please include details of the equipment and process you are using as described here for Infragram photos . Also see our older FAQ here:
DIY Filter Pack: This is just a piece of "superblue" filter which you can use to turn your webcam or cheap point-and-shoot into an infrared camera. The filter allows you to take an infrared photo in the "red" channel of your camera, and a visible image in the "blue" channel. The Public Lab kit comes with a white balance card and instructions on how install your filter -- it's pretty easy!
Infragram Point & Shoot: This is a straightforward, if basic, point-and-shoot camera which we're getting a factory to pre-convert with infrablue filters: you can simply take photos as you normally would, then upload them to our free and open-source web app to quickly and easily get a variety of composite images and analyses (the site is currently in beta with minimal initial features).
"We're excited that Public Laboratory is developing a low-cost infrared camera which will help us track the success of wetland restoration projects in the Gulf Region--as well as help us track pollution. The Gulf Restoration Network has been using the aerial monitoring techniques that Public Lab developed, so having the infrared camera available to put on the balloon and kite rig will only expand the applications of that technology as well as add value to airplane monitoring flights that help us watchdog the oil industry in the Gulf." -- Scott Eustis, M.S., Gulf Restoration Network More informationThe Public Lab community has been building up a knowledge base in DIY infrared imaging for years. Read more about the history of this project here Infragram instructions and graphicsDigital files for the filter pack envelope (including logo) and instructions: infrablue-filter-envelope-color.pdf infragram-instructions-0.3.pdf infragram-instructions-back-0.2.pdf Sketchup model for the "filter switch" graphic: filter-switch.skp DatasheetsDatasheet for Infragram Webcam: infragram-webcam-new-old-diagram.pdf Focal length of the camera:3.27mm. Chip sensor size for the camera: Sensor:ov2643,SIZE:1/4" Spec_of_JDEPC-OV04_Ver_1.01.pdf |
Revert | |
106 | warren |
October 23, 2017 19:36
| about 7 years ago
The Infragram project brings together a range of different efforts to make Do-It-Yourself plant health comparisons possible with infrared photography. This project was made possible with support from Google and the AREN Project at NASA. UsesVineyards, large farms, and NASA all use near-infrared photography for assessment, usually by mounting expensive sensors on airplanes and satellites. Infrared analysis is used for a variety of things, but most focus on assessing plant health, such as:
Just as cell phone video has become instrumental in accountability today, we aim to democratize and improve reporting about environmental impacts. Getting startedTo start to do your own infrared analysis project, you'll need:
How it worksBackgroundIn 2014, we launched an early version of this project on Kickstarter, and the video is a good overview of the project, although we've come a long way since: The Infragram Kickstarter video, a great introduction to the project. Infragram starter kitsThe Public Lab Store offers a range of Do-It-Yourself kits to convert cameras for infrared photography, as well as ready-made cameras like the Infragram Point & Shoot camera: Comparing plant healthAn important limitation of most DIY techniques is that we are using uncalibrated cameras, and so the analysis works best when we compare two vegetated areas under the same conditions (light, angle, time of day) rather than just take a photo of a single region. That is, the DIY approach is based on relative, or comparative, uses -- you can't learn a lot without a point of comparison. [questions:ndvi-comparison] An easy way to do a comparison is:
[illustration] Learn more at Comparing Plant Health SoftwareDoing NDVI analysis on plants requires post-processing both infrared and visible images (or a combined image -- see Getting images) into a composite image, using the NDVI equation (or another like it). This can be done with a variety of software; see this page for more: QuestionsPost questions or troubleshooting requests here, for example about:
[questions:infragram] Activities[activities:infragram] Getting imagesTo start, you'll need near-infrared images and regular visible light images of the same scene -- or an image which combines these in different color channels. There are sources of #remote-sensing imagery from satellites and planes you can use, but the Infragram project is about making and using low-cost converted cameras to take our own images. There are both single camera and dual camera ways of doing this, and each has pros and cons. Get a kit here or learn about converting a camera here: White balanceWe've learned that careful white balancing of your converted Infragram camera is essential for good NDVI images. Learn how in this short video and read in depth on the topic in research by Chris Fastie. There is also a wiki page on the subject at If you're using an Infragram Point & Shoot (aka Mobius Action Cam), see this page for a guide on setting the white balance of that camera. FiltersShould you use a RED or BLUE filter? Early research by Public Lab contributors led to a blue filter technique for making Infragram cameras. But recent research on has shown that red filters work better -- and on a wider range of cameras. Blue filters did not work on most CMOS cameras, especially cheaper webcams. Public Lab kits now ship with the red Rosco #19 "Fire" filter. Give or get helpHere are some resources to get help converting or using your Infragram camera. Keep in mind that we are a peer driven community and we encourage everyone to give as well as receive assistance and support! [questions:infragram] When describing your question or answer, please include details of the equipment and process you are using as described here for Infragram photos . Also see our older FAQ here:
DIY Filter Pack: This is just a piece of "superblue" filter which you can use to turn your webcam or cheap point-and-shoot into an infrared camera. The filter allows you to take an infrared photo in the "red" channel of your camera, and a visible image in the "blue" channel. The Public Lab kit comes with a white balance card and instructions on how install your filter -- it's pretty easy!
Infragram Point & Shoot: This is a straightforward, if basic, point-and-shoot camera which we're getting a factory to pre-convert with infrablue filters: you can simply take photos as you normally would, then upload them to our free and open-source web app to quickly and easily get a variety of composite images and analyses (the site is currently in beta with minimal initial features).
"We're excited that Public Laboratory is developing a low-cost infrared camera which will help us track the success of wetland restoration projects in the Gulf Region--as well as help us track pollution. The Gulf Restoration Network has been using the aerial monitoring techniques that Public Lab developed, so having the infrared camera available to put on the balloon and kite rig will only expand the applications of that technology as well as add value to airplane monitoring flights that help us watchdog the oil industry in the Gulf." -- Scott Eustis, M.S., Gulf Restoration Network More informationThe Public Lab community has been building up a knowledge base in DIY infrared imaging for years. Read more about the history of this project here Infragram instructions and graphicsDigital files for the filter pack envelope (including logo) and instructions: infrablue-filter-envelope-color.pdf infragram-instructions-0.3.pdf infragram-instructions-back-0.2.pdf Sketchup model for the "filter switch" graphic: filter-switch.skp DatasheetsDatasheet for Infragram Webcam: infragram-webcam-new-old-diagram.pdf Focal length of the camera:3.27mm. Chip sensor size for the camera: Sensor:ov2643,SIZE:1/4" Spec_of_JDEPC-OV04_Ver_1.01.pdf |
Revert | |
105 | warren |
October 23, 2017 19:01
| about 7 years ago
The Infragram project brings together a range of different efforts to make Do-It-Yourself plant health comparisons possible with infrared photography. This project was made possible with support from Google and the AREN Project at NASA. UsesVineyards, large farms, and NASA all use near-infrared photography for assessment, usually by mounting expensive sensors on airplanes and satellites. Infrared analysis is used for a variety of things, but most focus on assessing plant health, such as:
Just as cell phone video has become instrumental in accountability today, we aim to democratize and improve reporting about environmental impacts. Getting startedTo start to do your own infrared analysis project, you'll need:
How it worksBackgroundIn 2014, we launched an early version of this project on Kickstarter, and the video is a good overview of the project, although we've come a long way since: The Infragram Kickstarter video, a great introduction to the project. Infragram starter kitsThe Public Lab Store offers a range of Do-It-Yourself kits to convert cameras for infrared photography, as well as ready-made cameras like the Infragram Point & Shoot camera: Comparing plant healthAn important limitation of most DIY techniques is that we are using uncalibrated cameras, and so the analysis works best when we compare two vegetated areas under the same conditions (light, angle, time of day) rather than just take a photo of a single region. That is, the DIY approach is based on relative, or comparative, uses -- you can't learn a lot without a point of comparison. [questions:ndvi-comparison] An easy way to do a comparison is:
[illustration] Learn more at Comparing Plant Health SoftwareDoing NDVI analysis on plants requires post-processing both infrared and visible images (or a combined image -- see Getting images) into a composite image, using the NDVI equation (or another like it). This can be done with a variety of software; see this page for more: Troubleshooting
[questions:infragram-troubleshooting] (older content below) Activities[activities:infragram] Getting startedSo you have an Infragram camera, or a filter kit, and you want to start analyzing plant health? After this page, the first place to look for answers is Public Lab's infrared photography discussion list, which you can sign up for in the left-hand column. There are plenty of other DIY infrared photographers, from novices to experts, willing to offer advice and help troubleshoot. Getting imagesTo start, you'll need near-infrared images and regular visible light images of the same scene -- or an image which combines these in different color channels. There are sources of #remote-sensing imagery from satellites and planes you can use, but the Infragram project is about making and using low-cost converted cameras to take our own images. There are both single camera and dual camera ways of doing this, and each has pros and cons. Get a kit here or learn about converting a camera here: White balanceWe've learned that careful white balancing of your converted Infragram camera is essential for good NDVI images. Learn how in this short video and read in depth on the topic in research by Chris Fastie. There is also a wiki page on the subject at If you're using an Infragram Point & Shoot (aka Mobius Action Cam), see this page for a guide on setting the white balance of that camera. FiltersShould you use a RED or BLUE filter? Early research by Public Lab contributors led to a blue filter technique for making Infragram cameras. But recent research on has shown that red filters work better -- and on a wider range of cameras. Blue filters did not work on most CMOS cameras, especially cheaper webcams. Public Lab kits now ship with the red Rosco #19 "Fire" filter. Give or get helpHere are some resources to get help converting or using your Infragram camera. Keep in mind that we are a peer driven community and we encourage everyone to give as well as receive assistance and support! [questions:infragram] When describing your question or answer, please include details of the equipment and process you are using as described here for Infragram photos . Also see our older FAQ here:
DIY Filter Pack: This is just a piece of "superblue" filter which you can use to turn your webcam or cheap point-and-shoot into an infrared camera. The filter allows you to take an infrared photo in the "red" channel of your camera, and a visible image in the "blue" channel. The Public Lab kit comes with a white balance card and instructions on how install your filter -- it's pretty easy!
Infragram Point & Shoot: This is a straightforward, if basic, point-and-shoot camera which we're getting a factory to pre-convert with infrablue filters: you can simply take photos as you normally would, then upload them to our free and open-source web app to quickly and easily get a variety of composite images and analyses (the site is currently in beta with minimal initial features).
"We're excited that Public Laboratory is developing a low-cost infrared camera which will help us track the success of wetland restoration projects in the Gulf Region--as well as help us track pollution. The Gulf Restoration Network has been using the aerial monitoring techniques that Public Lab developed, so having the infrared camera available to put on the balloon and kite rig will only expand the applications of that technology as well as add value to airplane monitoring flights that help us watchdog the oil industry in the Gulf." -- Scott Eustis, M.S., Gulf Restoration Network More informationThe Public Lab community has been building up a knowledge base in DIY infrared imaging for years. Read more about the history of this project here Infragram instructions and graphicsDigital files for the filter pack envelope (including logo) and instructions: infrablue-filter-envelope-color.pdf infragram-instructions-0.3.pdf infragram-instructions-back-0.2.pdf Sketchup model for the "filter switch" graphic: filter-switch.skp DatasheetsDatasheet for Infragram Webcam: infragram-webcam-new-old-diagram.pdf Focal length of the camera:3.27mm. Chip sensor size for the camera: Sensor:ov2643,SIZE:1/4" Spec_of_JDEPC-OV04_Ver_1.01.pdf |
Revert | |
104 | warren |
October 23, 2017 18:48
| about 7 years ago
The Infragram project brings together a range of different efforts to make Do-It-Yourself plant health comparisons possible with infrared photography. This project was made possible with support from Google and the AREN Project at NASA. UsesVineyards, large farms, and NASA all use near-infrared photography for assessment, usually by mounting expensive sensors on airplanes and satellites. Infrared analysis is used for a variety of things, but most focus on assessing plant health, such as:
Just as cell phone video has become instrumental in accountability today, we aim to democratize and improve reporting about environmental impacts. Getting startedTo start to do your own infrared analysis project, you'll need:
How it worksBackgroundIn 2014, we launched an early version of this project on Kickstarter, and the video is a good overview of the project, although we've come a long way since: The Infragram Kickstarter video, a great introduction to the project. Infragram starter kitsThe Public Lab Store offers a range of Do-It-Yourself kits to convert cameras for infrared photography, as well as ready-made cameras like the Infragram Point & Shoot camera: Comparing plant healthAn important limitation of most DIY techniques is that we are using uncalibrated cameras, and so the analysis works best when we compare two vegetated areas under the same conditions (light, angle, time of day) rather than just take a photo of a single region. That is, the DIY approach is based on relative, or comparative, uses -- you can't learn a lot without a point of comparison. [questions:ndvi-comparison] An easy way to do a comparison is:
[illustration] Learn more at Comparing Plant Health SoftwareDoing NDVI analysis on plants requires post-processing both infrared and visible images (or a combined image -- see Cameras) into a composite image, using the NDVI equation (or another like it). This can be done with a variety of software; see this page for more: Troubleshooting
[questions:infragram-troubleshooting] (older content below) Activities[activities:infragram] Getting startedSo you have an Infragram camera, or a filter kit, and you want to start analyzing plant health? After this page, the first place to look for answers is Public Lab's infrared photography discussion list, which you can sign up for in the left-hand column. There are plenty of other DIY infrared photographers, from novices to experts, willing to offer advice and help troubleshoot. Converting camerasThe question to start with is whether you can capture all the channels you need for your research question with a single converted camera or whether you should use a dual camera rig with one converted camera and one unconverted. That choice plays out in terms of what filter (blue or red) to use for converting your camera. Check out this list of cameras, detailing how to convert some and collecting information on which cameras work and which don't: Here's a link to a great video on converting a camera using PL's filter kit:
Please share your experiences and post additional cameras to this list! White balanceWe've learned that careful white balancing of your converted Infragram camera is essential for good NDVI images. Learn how in this short video and read in depth on the topic in research by Chris Fastie. There is also a wiki page on the subject at FiltersShould you use a RED or BLUE filter? Early research by Public Lab contributors led to a blue filter technique for making Infragram cameras. But recent research on has shown that red filters work better -- and on a wider range of cameras. Blue filters did not work on most CMOS cameras, especially cheaper webcams. By the beginning of the new year the Filter Kits will ship with red filters -- specifically the Rosco #19 "Fire" filter as well as the blue filter #2007. Coding SupportFor those who use the webcam and have a Python interpreter, there are some image processing codes available at Python Webcam Codes. Give or get helpHere are some resources to get help converting or using your Infragram camera. Keep in mind that we are a peer driven community and we encourage everyone to give as well as receive assistance and support! [questions:infragram] When describing your question or answer, please include details of the equipment and process you are using as described here for Infragram photos . Also see our older FAQ here: MapWhere are people doing Infragram work? This map will show some projects and posts by location: [map:tag:infragram:43:-71] BackgroundThe Infragram camera was originally developed by Public Lab contributors to assess damage to wetlands in the wake of the BP oil spill; but it's also a simple, easy-to-modify, open-source hardware and software tool that anyone who's curious about plant physiology and health can use. You can go back and read through much of this work by reading research notes tagged with 'near-infrared-camera' and the most recent work on the Infragram technique by looking for the tag 'infragram'. Vineyards, large farms, and NASA all use near-infrared photography for assessment, usually by mounting expensive sensors on airplanes and satellites. Infragram brings this technology to average citizens, enabling them to monitor their environment through quantifiable, citizen-generated data. Just as photography was instrumental to the rise of credible print journalism, DIY data collection technologies like Infragram set out to democratize and improve reporting about environmental impacts. By creating a low-cost camera and working with farmers and environmental activists, we hope to explore grassroots uses for this kind of technology. What exactly is an Infragram camera?The Kickstarter project offered a few different versions:
DIY Filter Pack: This is just a piece of "superblue" filter which you can use to turn your webcam or cheap point-and-shoot into an infrared camera. The filter allows you to take an infrared photo in the "red" channel of your camera, and a visible image in the "blue" channel. The Public Lab kit comes with a white balance card and instructions on how install your filter -- it's pretty easy!
Infragram Webcam At one-twentieth the cost of normally priced consumer infrared cameras, this cheap but flexible device is designed for plugging directly into your laptop or integrating into other projects. It's also ideal for a Raspberry Pi, if you want to take it outdoors, do timelapse photography, or write scripts to control your camera. We're getting a company to fit 1000 standard webcams with infrablue filters, and shipping them as a bare circuit board with a USB cable - like an Arduino. You can make one of these yourself, although it seems that not all webcams work, so be aware!
Infragram Point & Shoot: This is a straightforward, if basic, point-and-shoot camera which we're getting a factory to pre-convert with infrablue filters: you can simply take photos as you normally would, then upload them to our free and open-source web app to quickly and easily get a variety of composite images and analyses (the site is currently in beta with minimal initial features). This isn't an SLR or even a particularly fully featured camera -- it likely won't have an LCD screen and may be "rebranded" with a Public Lab sticker -- but it's the new filter we've put inside which counts.
"The name "Infragram" comes from Infrared Photogrammetry, the use of photography to create spacialized and quantified data. When NASA started using this technique on the Landsat satellites in the 1970's and 80's, each camera was custom-built for the purpose. Now, consumer cameras are so advanced that even a five year old point and shoot can generate excellent data with nothing more than a change of the filters and calibration through the Infragram site."-- Mathew Lippincott, Public Lab "We're excited that Public Laboratory is developing a low-cost infrared camera which will help us track the success of wetland restoration projects in the Gulf Region--as well as help us track pollution. The Gulf Restoration Network has been using the aerial monitoring techniques that Public Lab developed, so having the infrared camera available to put on the balloon and kite rig will only expand the applications of that technology as well as add value to airplane monitoring flights that help us watchdog the oil industry in the Gulf." -- Scott Eustis, M.S., Gulf Restoration Network More informationThe Public Lab community has been building up a knowledge base in DIY infrared imaging for years. To join in, check out these pages:
Infragram instructions and graphicsDigital files for the filter pack envelope (including logo) and instructions: infrablue-filter-envelope-color.pdf infragram-instructions-0.3.pdf infragram-instructions-back-0.2.pdf Sketchup model for the "filter switch" graphic: filter-switch.skp DatasheetsDatasheet for Infragram Webcam: infragram-webcam-new-old-diagram.pdf Focal length of the camera:3.27mm. Chip sensor size for the camera: Sensor:ov2643,SIZE:1/4" Spec_of_JDEPC-OV04_Ver_1.01.pdf |
Revert | |
103 | warren |
October 23, 2017 18:45
| about 7 years ago
The Infragram project brings together a range of different efforts to make Do-It-Yourself plant health comparisons possible with infrared photography. This project was made possible with support from Google and the AREN Project at NASA. UsesVineyards, large farms, and NASA all use near-infrared photography for assessment, usually by mounting expensive sensors on airplanes and satellites. Infrared analysis is used for a variety of things, but most focus on assessing plant health, such as:
Just as cell phone video has become instrumental in accountability today, we aim to democratize and improve reporting about environmental impacts. Getting startedTo start to do your own infrared analysis project, you'll need:
How it worksBackgroundIn 2014, we launched an early version of this project on Kickstarter, and the video is a good overview of the project, although we've come a long way since: The Infragram Kickstarter video, a great introduction to the project. Infragram starter kitsThe Public Lab Store offers a range of Do-It-Yourself kits to convert cameras for infrared photography, as well as ready-made cameras like the Infragram Point & Shoot camera: Comparing plant healthAn important limitation of most DIY techniques is that we are using uncalibrated cameras, and so the analysis works best when we compare two vegetated areas under the same conditions (light, angle, time of day) rather than just take a photo of a single region. That is, the DIY approach is based on relative, or comparative, uses -- you can't learn a lot without a point of comparison. [questions:ndvi-comparison] An easy way to do a comparison is:
[illustration] Learn more at Comparing Plant Health Troubleshooting
[questions:infragram-troubleshooting] (older content below) Activities[activities:infragram] Getting startedSo you have an Infragram camera, or a filter kit, and you want to start analyzing plant health? After this page, the first place to look for answers is Public Lab's infrared photography discussion list, which you can sign up for in the left-hand column. There are plenty of other DIY infrared photographers, from novices to experts, willing to offer advice and help troubleshoot. Converting camerasThe question to start with is whether you can capture all the channels you need for your research question with a single converted camera or whether you should use a dual camera rig with one converted camera and one unconverted. That choice plays out in terms of what filter (blue or red) to use for converting your camera. Check out this list of cameras, detailing how to convert some and collecting information on which cameras work and which don't: Here's a link to a great video on converting a camera using PL's filter kit:
Please share your experiences and post additional cameras to this list! White balanceWe've learned that careful white balancing of your converted Infragram camera is essential for good NDVI images. Learn how in this short video and read in depth on the topic in research by Chris Fastie. There is also a wiki page on the subject at FiltersShould you use a RED or BLUE filter? Early research by Public Lab contributors led to a blue filter technique for making Infragram cameras. But recent research on has shown that red filters work better -- and on a wider range of cameras. Blue filters did not work on most CMOS cameras, especially cheaper webcams. By the beginning of the new year the Filter Kits will ship with red filters -- specifically the Rosco #19 "Fire" filter as well as the blue filter #2007. Coding SupportFor those who use the webcam and have a Python interpreter, there are some image processing codes available at Python Webcam Codes. Give or get helpHere are some resources to get help converting or using your Infragram camera. Keep in mind that we are a peer driven community and we encourage everyone to give as well as receive assistance and support! [questions:infragram] When describing your question or answer, please include details of the equipment and process you are using as described here for Infragram photos . Also see our older FAQ here: MapWhere are people doing Infragram work? This map will show some projects and posts by location: [map:tag:infragram:43:-71] BackgroundThe Infragram camera was originally developed by Public Lab contributors to assess damage to wetlands in the wake of the BP oil spill; but it's also a simple, easy-to-modify, open-source hardware and software tool that anyone who's curious about plant physiology and health can use. You can go back and read through much of this work by reading research notes tagged with 'near-infrared-camera' and the most recent work on the Infragram technique by looking for the tag 'infragram'. Vineyards, large farms, and NASA all use near-infrared photography for assessment, usually by mounting expensive sensors on airplanes and satellites. Infragram brings this technology to average citizens, enabling them to monitor their environment through quantifiable, citizen-generated data. Just as photography was instrumental to the rise of credible print journalism, DIY data collection technologies like Infragram set out to democratize and improve reporting about environmental impacts. By creating a low-cost camera and working with farmers and environmental activists, we hope to explore grassroots uses for this kind of technology. What exactly is an Infragram camera?The Kickstarter project offered a few different versions:
DIY Filter Pack: This is just a piece of "superblue" filter which you can use to turn your webcam or cheap point-and-shoot into an infrared camera. The filter allows you to take an infrared photo in the "red" channel of your camera, and a visible image in the "blue" channel. The Public Lab kit comes with a white balance card and instructions on how install your filter -- it's pretty easy!
Infragram Webcam At one-twentieth the cost of normally priced consumer infrared cameras, this cheap but flexible device is designed for plugging directly into your laptop or integrating into other projects. It's also ideal for a Raspberry Pi, if you want to take it outdoors, do timelapse photography, or write scripts to control your camera. We're getting a company to fit 1000 standard webcams with infrablue filters, and shipping them as a bare circuit board with a USB cable - like an Arduino. You can make one of these yourself, although it seems that not all webcams work, so be aware!
Infragram Point & Shoot: This is a straightforward, if basic, point-and-shoot camera which we're getting a factory to pre-convert with infrablue filters: you can simply take photos as you normally would, then upload them to our free and open-source web app to quickly and easily get a variety of composite images and analyses (the site is currently in beta with minimal initial features). This isn't an SLR or even a particularly fully featured camera -- it likely won't have an LCD screen and may be "rebranded" with a Public Lab sticker -- but it's the new filter we've put inside which counts.
"The name "Infragram" comes from Infrared Photogrammetry, the use of photography to create spacialized and quantified data. When NASA started using this technique on the Landsat satellites in the 1970's and 80's, each camera was custom-built for the purpose. Now, consumer cameras are so advanced that even a five year old point and shoot can generate excellent data with nothing more than a change of the filters and calibration through the Infragram site."-- Mathew Lippincott, Public Lab "We're excited that Public Laboratory is developing a low-cost infrared camera which will help us track the success of wetland restoration projects in the Gulf Region--as well as help us track pollution. The Gulf Restoration Network has been using the aerial monitoring techniques that Public Lab developed, so having the infrared camera available to put on the balloon and kite rig will only expand the applications of that technology as well as add value to airplane monitoring flights that help us watchdog the oil industry in the Gulf." -- Scott Eustis, M.S., Gulf Restoration Network More informationThe Public Lab community has been building up a knowledge base in DIY infrared imaging for years. To join in, check out these pages:
Infragram instructions and graphicsDigital files for the filter pack envelope (including logo) and instructions: infrablue-filter-envelope-color.pdf infragram-instructions-0.3.pdf infragram-instructions-back-0.2.pdf Sketchup model for the "filter switch" graphic: filter-switch.skp DatasheetsDatasheet for Infragram Webcam: infragram-webcam-new-old-diagram.pdf Focal length of the camera:3.27mm. Chip sensor size for the camera: Sensor:ov2643,SIZE:1/4" Spec_of_JDEPC-OV04_Ver_1.01.pdf |
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