Notes on the actual meeting can be found here: (insert google doc link) ##Discussion topics## 8 PM Mon April 25 2011 speaking order suggestion - first name alpha, next time shifted one person: Jeff, Matt, Liz, Sara, Shannon, Stewart, Adam (moderator) 1) Grant updates (5 min) 2) SIP update (5 min) 3) BOD document (5 min) 3.5) Sviatlana Fahmy white paper (5 min) 4) mission statement - discussion (15 min) 5) Full time/part time - (10 min) what criteria do we need to determine who takes these roles? What processes will we have in place to balance these roles? 6) Consensus on FT/PT - (20 min) in the absence of having made that decision before *who wants what, who can do what? *who would take a FT position if it were available? *separate: willingness, ability, preference, insistence to work PT or FT *what, organizationally, should be the review/prerequisite process for accepting a FT "applicant"? a plan of work? Stewart & Shannon did one; we could base on that. *How we value different types of work *How we prioritize types of work 7) An actual internal budget based on the above (10 min) 8) summaries from 9) Feedback regarding phone call, moderation, etc. (5 min)