Here is a list of all the publications and presentations we're writing for, deadlines, and who's in charge of each: ##Current/in-progress:## (for completed or past writing, see ###Journal of Aesthetics and Protest Press: Grassroots Modernism### due April 1st, short -- 1 paragraph is fine CONTENTS: Please provide us with enough information to be able to grasp what you are aiming at. In calling for a Grassroots Modernism, we seek a political and cultural movement towards liberatory and just futures. This future is not the top-down technocratic, homicidal nightmare known as yesterday's modernism. Rather it is a future where our children are crafting their communities, councils and networks, and being. Grassroots Modernism in contradiction explicitly to the current delusions of "impossibility", "aimlessness" and "realism." Grassroots Modernism must be realistic to localized situations and the general human capacity to dream together, and build together… and chill out. The limitations of current social practices are now clear. Some are just cashed, others are easily normalized within the neo-liberal city. All the while, the earth gets more polluted, our children are educated with crap, and governments tell us we are more and more screwed by some unwitting invisible hand. Grassroots Modernism doesn't just talk about itself, it is visible in the generative presence of idealistic social formations. It is not art-historical. To again be modern (here, modern=present in the future), we need to assess how neo-liberal regimes have crushed our capacity to realize our capacities- to articulate new understandings of social wealth, liberated corporeal presences. We understand how neoliberal ideology from the most cellular level inside our wee bodies on up, has crushed solidarity, denied collective right to a good life, obliterated common interests. Yet as editors, we know that practice within grassroots communities, studios and movements best clarify these notions by demonstrating neoliberalism's creative undoings. We are looking for critique and reflection on what does and does not work. Now, now that tomorrow is a reality and our ideals are a possibility. That is a good thing, especially when our strategies, tactics, dreams and beauties come into effect. What we may be looking for: * projects from or in the context of collaborative or collective practices. * grounded in specific practices * grounded in occupation * lessons learned * constructive criticality * that are of the flesh, for our flesh * things that effect the ways we think about our lives * that are strategic propositions to the readership on constituting movements. * affective movement * art with a role in a movement * strategic propositions toward constituting movement * new or old Note: This submission call is a provocation as much as it is a request for archival material. Proposals can be sent to us before you have the capacity to understand what it is you might really be writing, creating or organizing. ###FOSS4G - Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial, Denver### Due April 15 -- event on Sept. 12-16, 2011 Sessions will run in seven concurrent tracks with space for around 135 presentations in both a regular program and an academic program. Presentations will either fill 30-minute slots with time for questions or 5-minute lightning talks. Proposals can be submitted online at ###AAA and 4S paper and 4S workshop### AAA abstract- due April 15th (need to register and submit) 4S abstract- submitted (need to figure out workshop portion) ###2011 Harvard Center for Geographic Analysis Conference### May 6-7: "Geospatial Collaboration: New Common Ground" - Jeff is lead *** ###The Fund for Wild Nature### Feb 1, May 1, Sept 1 * funds the "development of citizen science" and favor small groups with ob's under 250k * give small grants, $1-5k ###i3: Investing in Innovation - Dept of Education### 2011 not announced yet, but 2010 was opened at beginning of March 2010. It was due in mid-May, and awarded in September. Grants of $5m (Development), $30 (Validation), and $50 (Scale-up) Good overview of 2010 process: > for, according to ED: "supporting effective teachers and principals; improving the use of data to accelerate student achievement; complementing the implementation of standards and assessments that prepare students for success in college and careers; and turning around persistently low-performing schools." > four other priorities that will enhance an applicant's ability to receive funding: "improving outcomes for young children; expanding students' access to college and preparing them for success in college; addressing the unique needs of students with disabilities and of limited English proficient students; and serving schools in rural areas." > Grant recipients will be required to match 20 percent of their awards themselves or via investment from the private sector. [Summary of the characteristics of the 2010 Highest-Rated Applicants]( > ...provides funding to support (1) local educational agencies (LEAs), and (2) nonprofit organizations in partnership with (a) one or more LEAs or (b) a consortium of schools. > The Investing in Innovation Fund, a part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, provides competitive grants designed to encourage programs that improve student achievement, student retention, student graduation rates, and teacher/administrator effectiveness. To this end, applications are being accepted by local school districts, groups of school districts, and non-profits working with groups of schools or whole districts. ###Journal of BioUrbanism (JBU)### Due Aug 2011 - The new Journal of BioUrbanism (JBU), a peer-reviewed international online journal of architecture, planning, and built environment studies , is currently considering papers for inclusion in its first issue launching in 2011. The Journal of Biourbanism aims at establishing a bridge between new theories and practice in the fields of design, architectural and urban planning, and built environment studies. It offers latest biophilic research reports, and focuses on harmonious inter-relationship between built and natural context at both neighborhood and city scale. Coverage includes, but is not limited to: * Sustainable urban design and planning: morphogenetic design, Integral theory, biophilic urbanism, interactive architecture, morphological analysis and cartography, ICT & GIS; * Participate planning and analysis: Peer to peer Urbanism, pattern language, community participation. * Environmental psychology: Ecopsychology, Environmental psychology, people-environment transactions, psychogeography, creativity and city, performativity in urban environments. * Ecology and planning: Landscape Ecology and planning, Land Suitability Evaluation, sustainability, green infrastructure, climatic design, renewable energy, landscape urbanism, Strategic Environmental Planning. Submissions should be sent by email to the Editors before August 2011: Journal of Biourbanism: Articles should be supplied in Word or OpenOffice Write format. All authors' details must be printed on a separate sheet and authors should not be identified anywhere else in the article. The full manuscript must not exceed 20 pages. It must include a single-spaced abstract of 250 to 500 words. Image max 3 (in high resolution). A title of no more than eight words should be provided. More information can be found at: