This is an attempt to chart the development of a Public Lab tool in general terms. Some people have also volunteered to explore and expand on these stages in longer articles; their names are listed below. Many steps may occur earlier or later; we're just trying to better understand them and get better at the process. Feel free to add/revise: ##A. Sandbox## ###Problem Definition### * Propose, state problem, invite collaboration * Explore relevance to Public Lab mission * Propose testable solutions * Adam ##B. Early Adopter## **Tools:** [Estrogen sensing](/tool/environmental-estrogen-testing), [Air column monitoring](/tool/air-column-monitor) ###Proof of Concept### * Shared early documentation - beginning of open sourcing * Home or Lab prototype demonstrating basic idea * Page describing the tool and it's intent and context * Consider cost issues * Sara **Tools:** [H2S sensor](/tool/hydrogen-sulfide-sensing), [Indoor air-quality mapping](/tool/indoor-air-quality-mapping) ###Develop a network of collaborators### * Find a community of like interest, like Coral growers or DIY Bio * Host exploratory hackathons * Create a distributable prototype- one that can be shipped to people * Liz **Tools:** [Thermal Flashlight](/tool/thermal-photography) ###Produce documentation### * Consider who can make one and how easily * Legibility of documentation, completeness of parts list & codebase * Liz ##C. Using Tools and Doing Science## **Tools:** [Spectrometer](/tool/spectrometer) ###Refining and using tools regularly### * The "build it and leave it" problem at workshops * Building experience with a tool and its limitations * Small retail circulation of kits to jumpstart community * Shannon **Tools:** [Near-infrared camera](/tool/near-infrared-camera) ###Lifecycle: develop a defined path from raw data to results### * Begin to develop helpful software * Developing a "Hello World" for people to aim for as their first attempt * Compare and contrast results and improve & refine tool * Calibrating and comparing to existing tools * Jeff ##D. Scaling and outreach## **Tools:** [Balloon & Kite Mapping](/tool/balloon-mapping) ###When to go big### * Developing retail kits to get people started quickly * Support data analysis and understanding with in-depth documentation * How-to guides, YouTube videos * Mathew ###Credibility and Outcomes### * Build credibility for process and results * Develop case studies * Get quantitative * Stewart