We’re talking ‘bout tags! 🏷️ This page is about Public Lab’s tagging system for organizing information and communities of people by topic of interest.
On a page or post that’s already published, find the plus sign on the right-hand side, below tags that have already been applied. Clicking on the plus sign will open up a search bar that says “Enter tags”.
In the bar, start typing in a word and some of the more popular, existing tags with that word will appear in an auto-generated list. If you find a tag that works for you, just select it from the list! If you don’t find the tag you need, create a new tag by typing it into the box and pressing enter. Et voilà! 🎉 The tag will appear in the list of applied tags. To delete a tag you added, click on the “x” on the tag.
Image: How to add tags to an existing research note or wiki page.
If you haven’t made a first post that’s been approved by the moderator community, you won’t yet be able to add tags to other people’s published work. When you click on the plus sign to add tags on a page, you’ll see a pop-up:
Image: Power tags in grey, listed below topic-related tags in blue.
In the list of applied tags on a research note or wiki, power tags appear in grey.
Power tags are entered like regular tags, but follow the format key:value