**A platform for historical data-driven analyses of industrial land use, story-mapping, and community organizing.**
Welcome to *Unearthing Providence*, an interactive website designed to encourage and support public environmental history, local story mapping, and community organizing. Join us!
WHAT WE DO. *Unearthing Providence* brings urban history to life by recovering lost knowledge about past land uses in Providence and Rhode Island and making this information publicly available. We work to forge and strengthen relationships with Rhode Island community and social justice organizations, schools, and other academic and government partners in striving to build a more equitable, just and sustainable future for all Rhode Islanders.
HOW WE DO IT. The heart of our project is an interactive map featuring site-specific data about every manufacturing facility that has operated in Rhode Island since the early 1950s. Soon, we will add historical information on other environmentally risky land uses such as gas stations, dry cleaners, and auto repair shops, as well as “green” land uses like urban parks, playgrounds, schools and community gardens. Using the data for analyses of historical trends and in-depth studies of specific sites promises to deepen public understanding of socio-ecological change and inform just and sustainable land use in one American city and state over the past century.
WHAT YOU CAN DO. Explore the site, add a story to the interactive map, post a comment, spread the word about *Unearthing Providence*. Do you have an idea about how your neighborhood could use the data to improve environmental quality in our city and state? Let us know!
WHO WE ARE. We are a collaboration between Brown University [Superfund Research Program](https://www.brown.edu/research/projects/superfund/), the [Institute at Brown for Environment and Society](https://www.brown.edu/academics/institute-environment-society/) (IBES), and [Public Lab](https://www.publiclab.org/). *Unearthing Providence* is supported by the [National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences](https://www.niehs.nih.gov/) and IBES, and with seed grants from Brown's [Office of the Vice President for Research](https://www.brown.edu/research/), the [Social Science Research Institute](https://www.brown.edu/initiatives/social-science-research/), and the [Data Science Initiative](https://www.brown.edu/initiatives/data-science/home).
![NIEHS Logo](https://media-exp2.licdn.com/dms/image/C560BAQGwOGpkKI-39w/company-logo_200_200/0?e=1588204800&v=beta&t=35oz4PNNeCstvcFRErElT122gbVl_7B3TKBLnioGGi8)
Add photos and memories to help tell the story of these sites and their legacy.
## Featured sites
The industrial sites cataloged include both currently operating and long-closed factories, jewelry manufacturers, gas stations, laundromats, and many other land uses, which may have a lasting impact on the land.
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