Here is a list of all the publications and presentations we're writing for, deadlines, and who's in charge of each: ##Current/in-progress:## (for completed or past writing, see ###Shpilman Institute for Photography### March 1st 2011 -- Jeff is lead for this Grants for individuals and group research will range from US $5,000 up to $15,000. The core is a 500-word research abstract. ###VISUALIZAR'11: Understanding Infrastructures### Call for Projects and Papers Deadline: March 21, 2011 Call for collaborators: April 11, 2011 Dates of the workshop: June 14 through July 1, 2011 Medialab-Prado and EOI Business School call for projects and papers that will investigate, analyze and represent through data the running of infrastractures and global systems. Selected projects will be collaboratively developed during the Visualizar'11: Understanding infrastructures workshop, that will be held in Madrid from June 16 to July 1, 2011. Papers will be publicly presented during the previous international seminar on June 14 and 15, 2011. Possible topics: - Energy infrastructures. Power grids, gas and oil distribution networks, renewable energy production networks… - Transport infrastructures. Aerial and sea routes, road and rail networks, urban mobility networks… - Information infrastructures. Radio and TV broadcasting, data networks, communications satellites, underwater cables, wireless urban networks, terrestrial and mobile telephony. - Supply chain infrastracture. Processes and systems of the agro-alimentary production, goods and products distribution networks… - Removal Chain. Waste collection systems, treatment plants, recycling processes… - Economy and financial infrastructures. Banks, trade zones, processes and agents of the financial markets… - Legal infrastructures. International agreements, regulation bodies, territory regulation plans… (See the list of related links and references) Medialab-Prado’s Visualizar program is a research and education platform devoted to exploring the culture of Big Data and its impact today in science, society and the arts. Each Visualizar edition includes an intensive project development workshop, a conference, educational activities open to the public and the exhibition of the developed projects. Those interested may apply until March 21 through the online form available at ###PlanningTech@DUSP conference at MIT### April 8 2011 (paper deadline 2 weeks earlier) A half-day conference on urban planning and technology ###2011 Harvard Center for Geographic Analysis Conference### May 6-7: "Geospatial Collaboration: New Common Ground" - Jeff is lead *** ##Upcoming but not yet committed to## ###JustMeans Citizens' Choice Award For Social And Environmental Innovation### Due March 1st 2011 Award is to be featured in USA Today. This doesn't seem that attractive. We could probably get featured in USA Today anyways. Due dates: ###2011 CARE Request for Proposals### March 22, 2011, 4 p.m. EST EPA Community Action for a Renewed Environment; $75,000 to $100,000 for Level 1 [Link to grant site](;jsessionid=vBDhNvSFC1tJvGM27mnGqt91tD9ZcjJP2TL2C6ZQ6P95LrQWdDHQ%211499805812?oppId=64453&mode=VIEW) [more information]( ###The Fund for Wild Nature### Feb 1, May 1, Sept 1 * funds the "development of citizen science" and favor small groups with ob's under 250k * give small grants, $1-5k