Disaster preparedness and disaster response have come to the forefront of concerns for many climate vulnerable communities. In 2018, in response to hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria, Public Lab co-hosted the [Crisis Convening](https://publiclab.org/wiki/crisis-convening) alongside the annual Barnraising event which brought people together to share experiences and skills, explore ways to promote equity and justice through modern crisis response, and build resources for community-first response. In 2019, this event was followed by a second [Barnraising hosted in Houston](https://publiclab.org/wiki/barnraising-texas-2019) focusing on climate change and disaster response. Through these events, and collaborations on Public Lab, the Public Lab community has built out resources for disaster preparedness, materials to support monitoring after events, and a support network to help people navigate questions around monitoring and environmental health in these difficult times. Read more about the events in our community science publication here: [![27572.jpg](/i/33311)](/i/33311?s=o) ###Questions [questions:Disaster-response] ###Activities [activities:Disaster-response] ###Research notes [notes:Disaster-response]