This page collects research on using #raspberry-pi based cameras (aka #pi-camera) to take [Infragram](/wiki/infragram) multispectral photos, for plant health analysis. It is supported in part by the [AREN project at NASA](/aren). ## Design goals Low cost, low complexity, easy to build and open source! Also see the [Image Sequencer](/image-sequencer) project which is designed to run on a Raspberry Pi for on-board image processing. To get a kit with this already set up on an SD card and/or Raspberry Pi camera, see: * [Infragram Pi Camera Kit]( * [Pre-flashed SD cards for Raspberry Pi cameras]( ## Quick start > Follow [this activity to get started](/notes/warren/05-20-2019/set-up-a-raspberry-pi-camera-with-pi-builder). If yours is already assembled, just plug it in using a Micro USB cable (or battery pack) and it'll create a WiFi network called `00-PiCamera` -- password `publiclab` -- which you can log into from your phone or laptop. You'll quickly see streaming video, be able to take photos, timelapses, or videos, do motion triggered capture, and more. ## Questions Questions can be either frequently asked questions, or "next step" challenges we're looking to solve. [questions:raspberry-pi-infragram] ## Activities Activities show how to use this project, step by step. [activities:raspberry-pi-infragram]