###About this project: In June 2018, we started scoping a project on stormwater issues in Pensacola. We stated by outlining the stormwater problem in Pensacola as we see and understand it. You can read more about it on our [issue brief here](https://publiclab.org/notes/stevie/06-19-2018/pensacola-stormwater). We then outlined our goals around this issue in an abbreviated goal setting workshop: **Goals:** Education and raising awareness about stormwater issues in Pensacola and what people can do about them. **Aim:** Reach out to youth and adults through: - Creating and distributing an informational pamphlet explaining issues and what people can do, and - Hosting events to share the information and engage people on actions to reduce stormwater pollution and flooding. ### People who are involved The Pensacola NAACP ### What are we working on now: We have two fronts right now, first we're working on organizing materials for an informational pamphlet on stormwater issues. Those materials are currently being [organized on this page](http://pad.publiclab.org/p/pensacola-stormwater). You can help us by answering the [questions we've posted below](https://publiclab.org/wiki/pensacola-stormwater-project#Questions). Second, we're working on organizing a storm drain cleaning event. We've also scoped out other [event ideas compiled on this page](http://pad.publiclab.org/p/pensacola-stormwater-events). ### Updates Interested in following along in the project? Subscribe to the tag below to get updates when we post new material. Subscribe to updates on this project [notes:pensacola-stormwater] ### Questions [questions:pensacola-stormwater]