###About this project: 
In June 2018, we started scoping a project on stormwater issues in Pensacola. We stated by outlining the stormwater problem in Pensacola as we see and understand it. You can read more about it on our [issue brief here](https://publiclab.org/notes/stevie/06-19-2018/pensacola-stormwater). 

We then outlined our goals around this issue in an abbreviated goal setting workshop: 

**Goals:** Education and raising awareness about stormwater issues in Pensacola and what people can do about them. 

**Aim:** Reach out to youth and adults through: 

- Creating and distributing an informational pamphlet explaining issues and what people can do, and 
- Hosting events to share the information and engage people on actions to reduce stormwater pollution and flooding. 

### People who are involved

The Pensacola NAACP 

### What are we working on now:
We have two fronts right now, first we're working on organizing materials for an informational pamphlet on stormwater issues. Those materials are currently being [organized on this page](http://pad.publiclab.org/p/pensacola-stormwater). You can help us by answering the questions we've posted below. 

Second, we're working on organizing a storm drain cleaning event. We've also scoped out other event ideas compiled on this page. If you're interested in helping to support events please reach out to us by writing in the comments section of our event brainstorm page! 

### Updates

Interested in following along in the project? Subscribe to the tag below to get updates when we post new material. 

<a class="btn btn-large btn-primary" href="https://publiclab.org/subscribe/tag/pensacola-stormwater">Subscribe to updates on this project </a>


### Questions
