## Planning Interested in being a part of it? Here's how! **Run a workshop.** Workshops are food for the brain, body, or soul, and can be on anything from screenprinting to Standing Rock, decompression strategies to anti-displacement. What do you want to learn? What do you want to share? **Build a cohort.** This is an opportunity for us to strengthen our collaboration muscles and build a cohort of people -- Somervillians, artists, old timers, crafty folks, educators, hipsters, and activists of all stripes -- to reach across boundaries and help to lift each other up. **Intergenerational.** If you've been around the block and have seen all this a million times -- or if you're just-recently-not-a-kid and are terrified out of your mind - we want your perspective and your voice. CITS, Full Circle cohort, youth leaders, and youth organizers: you especially are invited! **Somerville local** (and Cambridge, and Medford, and Arlington, you too!) Occupation, privatization, state-sanctioned violence, displacement, and disruption of everyday life: Trump didn't invent these things. Likewise, strategies for creative resistance, non-engagement, and grassroots solution have been happening right here at home for decades. ![image description](https://publiclab.org/system/images/photos/000/019/751/large/serc-room.jpg "serc-room.jpg") ## Sessions We're looking for people to organize sessions for the day, from one to two hours each. We're hoping to have a session of each of these types running at a time: * 1 crafts-oriented * 1 "learn about this" * 1 brainstorm-oriented * downtime -- for "taking a break" * 1 for young people (various ages) * accessible to teens, best facilitated by teens (any good workshop should be accessible) ### Submit a session **** ## Schedule (Updated daily! Contact jeff@publiclab.org & katie@partsandcrafts.org to add stuff!)