There are lots of ways to explore water quality, and many resources to help you do so. Questions on Water Quality: [questions:water-quality] #Groups working on water quality issues: ## Mystic River Open Water Along with, the Mystic River Open Water project aims to build an open-source, DIY water quality monitoring network. Support the IOBY campaign [here]( ## InfoAmazonia Network The project will use environmental sensors connected via mobile networks to generate indicators of water quality in cities in the Brazilian Amazon. [Read more]( ## DontFlush.Me Leif Percifield's [water quality sensor system]( Developed during the Water Hackathon on March 23-25 in New York City, the water quality sensor is a multipurpose tool for collecting data remotely. This tool is rapidly changing and is being used as part of the on going research initiative called DontFlush.Me