_Welcome! This page is under construction. Join us in gathering materials to help people host Barnraisings!_ **Help Here:** [questions:hosting-materials] ______ ##Materials we're gathering: #### Setting up a Barnraising [activities:barnraising] ####Documentation Resources There are a lot of really creative ways people can captured notes, photos, resources, questions, and even write event publications. Do you have activities to help people do this? Best practices or creative ideas on how to do documentation at events? Edit this page and add your resources here, or post an activity on how to do this with the link below. **Resources:** - The Barnraiser: "[The Barnraiser](https://publiclab.org/wiki/the-barnraiser)" is a 1-page daily "newspaper." In many Barnraising it has become a useful way to summarize and share in a succinct, low-burden, but regular way. The nature of "The Barnraiser" is lighthearted, but helps capture some outputs and take aways from the event. [activities:doccom] ####KidCom resources Edit this page and add your resources here, or post an activity on how to do this with the link below. [activities:KidCom] ####FunCom resources and activities Edit this page and add your resources here, or post an activity on how to do this with the link below. [activities:FunCom] ####Best practices for hosting family friendly events Edit the page and add your resources here! ####Resources for organizing supplies and materials people are planning to bring to events Edit the page and add your resources here! ______ _What else will be on this page:_ ####Why host a Barnraising? ####What makes a Public Lab Barnraising? **Resources:** - Logistics and planning resources: location and space requirements, materials needed, - Hosting the event: Setting up the meeting space, making the schedule, intro to the Marketplace - open space technology _the image below shows what a great Welcome/Registration table looks like: alphabetized namebadges, stickers for customizing name badges, waivers to sign, pens to sign with, copies of the Code of Conduct, and free Public Lab stuff that people can take if they like:_ [![IMG_20151120_083909265_HDR.jpg](https://publiclab.org/system/images/photos/000/023/824/large/IMG_20151120_083909265_HDR.jpg)](https://publiclab.org/system/images/photos/000/023/824/original/IMG_20151120_083909265_HDR.jpg)