What: The Water Hackathon is a collaborative effort between Pachube, Ushahidi, and Public Laboratory -- and is open to all comers!
Where: Parsons the New School for Design 6 E 16th Street, 12th Floor
When: March 23-25, 2012
Meetup Page: http://www.meetup.com/iotnewyork/events/50617532/
Meetup Description: Come hack water with Pachube, Ushahidi, and PublicLaboratory.org. We will be exploring how we can crowdsource water quality information, connect real-time data and citizen observed reports with a Pachube<->Ushahidi linkup, build our own investigative tools, and contribute to social issues affecting our local area here in NYC.
We will start with an evening mixer on Friday night to form groups and talk about projects, hack through Saturday and Sunday, and show our work in a public session on Sunday afternoon.
More information: Public Laboratory will be bringing an existing set of water quality related tools to hack on, for example, a hand-held near-infrared spectrometer customized to identify commonly found contaminants like polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), a turbidity meter featuring an inexpensive light sensor and LED to create controlled lighting conditions, and a thermal “fishing bob” which changes color depending on the temperature of the water it touches.
We are seeking sponsorship for materials and supplies from Pachube and Future Electronics/Melexis