Since early 2016, Public Lab has worked to make our open source software projects more welcoming and inclusive; to grow our software contributor community in diversity and size. This page collects some of those strategies and initiatives. ## Friendliness As highlighted by [the Hoodie community]( and the [First-timers only movement](, one of the first steps to having a more welcoming and inclusive community is to be really nice. This can come through in documentation, in discussions, by providing positive and constructive support, and when thanking people for their work. Modeling and talking about welcoming and friendly tone is important to establishing and sustaining a welcoming culture for newcomers and long-time contributors alike. ## Code of Conduct An even more important counterpart to friendliness is to ensure people feel safe by clearly forbidding inappropriate behavior in a [Code of Conduct](/conduct), and by making sure people know the Code of Conduct and follow it. ## First-timers-only (coming soon) As pioneered by the... [notes:first-timers-only] ## Welcoming page (coming soon) ## Social media outreach (coming soon) ## Modularity (coming soon)