The **Riffle** is a collection of designs that take an open source approach to water monitoring, with the intent of making gathering water information easier and more accessible. It is part of Public Lab's [Open Water Project]( For an overview of the design philosophy behind the Riffle, see [this wiki page]( Public Lab has supported development of an [Arduino]( [Riffle version - a datalogger enclosed in a water bottle]( This is great, because the Arduino community is huge, and lots of knowledge and troubleshooting resources are now applicable to the Riffle project. (The first **Riffle** design was an [ARM-based datalogger board enclosed in PVC]( **** # Water Monitor Designs By now, several instrument designs have been constructed around the **Riffle**, some of which of are described in an array of Github repositories: - [Openwaterproject]( -- the main organization on github - [riffle_328]( -- hardware designs, instructions and software for getting started with the Riffle_328 datalogger - [riffle_328-conductivity]( -- Design considerations around conductivity - [riffle_328-depth]( -- Depth measurement circuit prototype - [riffle_328-turbidity]( -- Turbidity sensor prototype - [riffle_328-thermistor]( -- Connecting a thermistor to a Riffle - [riffle_328-i2c]( -- Connecting i2c sensors to a Riffle - [riffle_328-one-wire]( -- Connecting one-wire sensors to a Riffle # Sensor Designs We've started to summarize some of the approaches to sensing water parameters like conductivity and turbidity: - [Sensing conductivity]( - [Sensing turbidity]( # Activity grid Here are some activities the Public Lab community has conducted using the Riffle [activities:riffle] # Project Status 2016: A small order of Riffle_328 boards arrived late April 2016, and were sent to Public Lab community members as a way of testing the design and informing further development. Projects using this riffle can be found at and 2017: The Riffle is currently available for pre-order until March 17. # How to get a Riffle Datalogger Order the Riffle from the [Public Lab Store]( by March 17th. The Riffle is open source, so additionally, anyone can take the designs above to a PCB fabricator and have one made, or investigate other dataloggers. # Riffle Alternatives The following dataloggers also have a real time clock and log to a micro SD card as the Riffle does. All of them are based on Arduino and will run more or less the same sketches. These are all open source hardware. 1. [EnviroDIY Mayfly Logger]( Designed at the Stroud Water Research Center and commercially available through Amazon but currently out of stock (as of Feb 2017). 2. [Adafruit Feather M0]( and [Adalogger FeatherWing RTC + SD Add-on]( These are two commercial products which snap together. 3. [Cave Pearl Project logger]( Ed Mallon's design for a DIY data logger made from very inexpensive clone components (Arduino Pro Mini, SD card board, RTC board). Requires soldering and care. **** ## Questions [questions:riffle] **** Since the Riffle is Arduino-compatible, here are also some Q&A for Arduinos in general: [questions:arduino]