(This template is for students applying to summer code programs with Public Lab. Use this link to start writing a post: https://publiclab.org/post?n=899&tags=gsoc,gsoc-2017-proposals You can delete this line once you've started filling it out.) **** ## About me _Tell us about yourself!_ **Affiliation** (organization/school, if any) **Location:** (generally where you are) ## Project description _Here, you don't have to have a complete proposal when you begin. Just tell us some of your ideas and we'll help you refine it into a full proposal gradually!_ ### Abstract/summary (<20 words): ### Problem _What problem does your project solve?_ ### Timeline/milestones _Break your project up into small projects -- one per week!_ ### Needs _What resources will you need: people, documentation, literature, sample data, hardware if applicable_ ### Setup _Have you forked the relevant codebases? Installed them in a dev environment such as Cloud9.io? Need help doing so? Please provide a link to each of the above._ **** ### Experience _Tell us how you've learned about writing software; what languages you've been learning, if you've worked on other projects, links to GitHub or other code repositories or samples._ _Have you looked over our welcome page and are you familiar with how to make your first contribution? Have you already?_ **** ### Teamwork _Describe teams you've worked with before, whether open or closed source, and in what capacity you participated. Cite examples of how you were self-motivated and self-sufficient._ **** ### Passion _What about our projects, and Public Lab, interests you? What are you passionate about? Open science, environmental justice?_ ### Audience _Whom do you want your work to help? We especially appreciate proposals which make technologies and techniques more welcoming and friendly to those who've often been excluded._ ### Commitment _Do you understand this is a serious commitment, equivalent to a full-time summer job? Tell us how you'll structure your schedule from day to day!_