This is a listing/map not only of the PLOTS website (a minimal one) but of all PLOTS web sites. Be sure to read through the links under "About" at the top left hand corner of the site as well. ###[]( * Divided into two main sections: * Research notes, which are basically individual research blogs by PLOTS members * Wiki pages -- which don't have a specific author -- are a shared online resource documenting our work. Use them to organize projects, post instructions, and to organize other wiki pages. * Request new features and report bugs: * Source code: ###[]( * Upload your own aerial imagery and combine it into a GeoTiff and TMS/OpenLayers online map. * Request new features and report bugs: * Source code: ###[]( * for sorting and selecting good images to make a map with * great way to reach out to your community about an in-progress map * Request new features and report bugs: * Source code: ###[Spectral Workbench]( * Request new features and report bugs: * Source code: