Upon return from your balloon mapping trip, you'll want to: * First, select the clearest, most straight down images of your desired area: * you can sort them one at a time on your computer, or * have multiple people use [MapMill](http://publiclaboratory.org/wiki/mapmill) to rank each photo as "Really Good," "Just OK," or "Not Useful." * Second, use the [Knitter](http://cartagen.org/maps) or a desktop program like Adobe Photoshop to georectify the images and stitch them into a map. ###Uploading to MapMill### Using an FTP/SFTP program like [Filezilla](http://filezilla-project.org/), you can upload images to a Public Laboratory server and email [team@publiclaboratory.org](mailto:team@publiclaboratory.org) once your transfer is complete. We'll add your images to the MapMill.org site and you can start sorting. **SFTP information** _You must use the more secure SFTP protocol, not normal FTP_ Server: **upload.publiclaboratory.org** Username: **mapmill** Password: **grassygrassy** _Place pictures in a folder (not zipped, please) named with the date, the site name, and your name, like ’2011-8-15-missisippi-longbeach-jeff’_ **It's very helpful if when you submit folders, they are labelled in this format and each set is a single folder containing only JPG images.** Create a record of your trip in the [GrassrootsMapping Logbook](http://grassrootsmapping.org/upload/)