To take aerial photos, you need to attach your camera to a balloon, kite, pole, or whatever! Try the "standard" [rubber band rig](/wiki/pet-bottle-rubber-band-rig), the venerable [soda bottle rig](/wiki/soda-bottle-rig), or the [juice jug rig](/wiki/juice-jug-rig). **** ## Activities Not all the designs have been adapted into activities, but here are number that have been: [activities:photo-rig] Add an activity Request an activity guide _Guides should include a materials list and a step-by-step construction guide with photo documentation. Learn what [makes a good activity here](/notes/warren/09-17-2016/what-makes-a-good-activity)._ **** ## Updates Much of the work that's been posted on #photo-rig hasn't yet been adapted into activities, but we hope to slowly "update" it to get it into the Activities listing above: [notes:photo-rig]