اللغة العربية هي أكثر اللغات تحدثاً ضمن مجموعة اللغات السامية، وإحدى أكثر اللغات انتشاراً في العالم، يتحدثها أكثر من 422 مليون نسمة،[2](1) ويتوزع متحدثوها في الوطن العربي، بالإضافة إلى العديد من المناطق الأخرى المجاورة كالأحواز وتركيا وتشاد ومالي والسنغال وإرتيريا و إثيوبيا و جنوب السودان و إيران. اللغة العربية ذات أهمية قصوى لدى المسلمين، فهي لغة مقدسة (لغة القرآن)، ولا تتم الصلاة (وعبادات أخرى) في الإسلام إلا بإتقان بعض من كلماتها.[4][5] العربية هي أيضاً لغة شعائرية رئيسية لدى عدد من الكنائس المسيحية في الوطن العربي، كما كتبت بها الكثير من أهم الأعمال الدينية والفكرية اليهودية في العصور الوسطى. وأثّر انتشار الإسلام، وتأسيسه دولاً، في ارتفاع مكانة اللغة العربية، وأصبحت لغة السياسة والعلم والأدب لقرون طويلة في الأراضي التي حكمها المسلمون، وأثرت العربية تأثيراً مباشراً أو غير مباشر على كثير من اللغات الأخرى في العالم الإسلامي، كالتركية والفارسية والأمازيغية والكردية والأردوية والماليزية والإندونيسية والألبانية وبعض اللغات الإفريقية الأخرى مثل الهاوسا والسواحيلية والتجرية والأمهرية و الصومالية، وبعض اللغات الأوروبية وخاصةً المتوسطية كالإسبانية والبرتغالية والمالطية والصقلية. كما أنها تُدرَّس بشكل رسمي أو غير رسمي في الدول الإسلامية والدول الإفريقية المحاذية للوطن العربي. **** More generic table of questions: [notes:question:spectrometer] **** ### Activity grid content: [notes:activity-grids] **** The Gowanus Canal Conservancy has been using kite and balloon photographs to map historic buried stream beds and opportunities for rain filter planting on the edges of a Superfund site in Brooklyn, New York. The Conservancy uses the kite photographs to create a record of their planting and activities during community “Clean and Green” events. Last Sunday 21 October, they held a free City sponsored Tree adoption program, where local residents could come pick up trees to help rebuild the urban forest of the Gowanus watershed. This event included a kite photography workshop with Saint John’s University students and local children who had come to help clean up the Canal edges. The photographs the volunteers took were intended to capture the community sponsored Compost Gowanus event, where volunteers help recycle restaurant waste to improve Canal soils, photograph the health of existing planting, and capture the creation of new gardens along the heavily polluted Gowanus Canal. The kite mounted Hello Kitty 10 megapixel SD880 Canon Camera ($50) took 677 photos (2.52 Gigabytes worth) using a CHDK (Canon Hack Development Kit) script loaded on the SIM card that allowed the camera to take pictures every 10 seconds while up in the air. While sorting the pictures 4 hours later, it was noticed that the students had also captured images of a major milky plume coming from an adjacent construction site, being redeveloped for a Whole Foods shopping center and a public waterfront park. Adjacent DEP oxygenation floating tubes in the Canal also feed this area, but the discoloration did not match the typical bubbling often seen by canoers. The building contractors for Whole Foods were immediately notified of the potential spill that morning, as was New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC), responsible for preventing water pollution. The Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) was also alerted, as they were carrying out an extensive pipe outflow and pollution mapping survey to guide the Gowanus Canal Superfund Cleanup. This particular outflow had been missed in their survey as it had been camouflaged behind a welded steel plate. What is interesting about the kite photography, is that the outflow had been flagged on prior Grassroots Mapping aerials taken by home made infrared cameras flown from balloons via Gowanus Dredgers canoes. Grassroots mappers had debated how to interpret those infrared images, with some seeing a clearly visible plume, while others arguing that there was no plume, as this location was a known outflow of fresh water, and that what was being seen on the aerial was a coincidental floating layer of sewage scum floatables, formed by the tidal currents. The same streaking was not seen at other photographed points where historical streams were known still flow into the Canal. This healthy scientific debate prompted one of Grassroots mappers to canoe out to the outflow and stick his camera under steel plate at low tide to photograph the clean flowing water. Subsequent research established that this flowing water was a surviving remnant of Denton’s Pond, a large tidal pond buried in the 1850s during the construction of the Gowanus Canal. This pond was America’s first recorded oyster farm, growing the famed Gowanus oysters, a renown delicacy growing up to a foot long. The historic pond reappeared briefly during the removal of toxic soils from the site during its cleanup program. With the new mindset of working with natural systems, rather than fighting against them, there is an opportunity here for designers to take advantage of a unique site feature to manage 100% of the storm water on site. A more creative water sensitive landscape design for their parking lot could consider daylighting historic water features, improving local water quality, recreating ecological wetland habitats - and making water habitat food cycles whole again. The future public waterfront park being developed by Whole Foods on the site will be a welcome community asset. You can check out more pictures taken by local Brooklyn grassroots mappers here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/51802375@N04/sets/72157629561924342/ The NYSDEC, NYCDEP and EPA pollution control agencies promptly sent teams to resolve the photographed potential pollution problem, an example of constructive community dialogue helped along by fun rapid response grassroots mapping tools. ______________________________________________________________ ###** List of Landfills in Southern California** ###San Luis Obispo County (3) *_[Cold Canyon Landfill](http://www.coldcanyonlandfill.com/)_2268 Carpenter Canyon Road, San Luis Obispo, CA (805) 549-8332 [Map](https://goo.gl/maps/5GVv1fbMi8T2) *_[Chicago Grade Landfill](http://www.chicagogradelandfill.com/)_2290 Homestead Road, Templeton, CA (805) 466-2985 [Map](https://goo.gl/maps/vPZFqYYwmFz) *_[Paso Robles Landfill](http://www.prcity.com/government/departments/publicworks/trash-recycling/landfill.asp)_900 CA Hwy. 46 East, Paso Robles, CA (805) 238-2028 [Map](https://goo.gl/maps/PsoHpSQvWT42) _Notes:_ [SLO County Landfills](http://www.iwma.com/residents/landfills-transfer-stations/) are managed by the San Luis Obispo County [Integrated Waste Management Authority](http://www.iwma.com/) ###Kern County (7) *_[Bena Landfill](http://www.kerncountywaste.com/disposal-sites/bena)_2951 Neumarkel Road, Bakersfield, CA 93307 [Map](https://goo.gl/maps/yuAYVkrtoSH2) *_[Boron Landfill](http://www.kerncountywaste.com/disposal-sites/boron)_1400 Boron Ave, Boron, CA 93516 [Map](https://goo.gl/maps/DxfDxM9gqGn) *_[Mohave-Rosamond Landfill](http://www.kerncountywaste.com/disposal-sites/mojave-rosamond)_400 Silver Queen Road, Mojave 93501 [Map](https://goo.gl/maps/2mo5pxT1PC22) *_[Ridgecrest Landfill](http://www.kerncountywaste.com/disposal-sites/ridgecrest)_3301 West Bowman Road, Ridgecrest 93555 [Map](https://goo.gl/maps/2mo5pxT1PC22) *_[Shafter-Wasco Landfill](http://www.kerncountywaste.com/disposal-sites/shafter-wasco)_17621 Scofield Road, Shafter 93263 [Map](https://goo.gl/maps/WP3wr1L685t) *_[Taft Landfill](http://www.kerncountywaste.com/disposal-sites/taft)_13351 Elk Hills Road, Taft, CA 93268 [Map](https://goo.gl/maps/zQ28oZPuqz82) *_[Tehachapi Landfill](12001 East Tehachapi Blvd., Tehachapi 93561)_12001 East Tehachapi Blvd., Tehachapi 93561 [Map](https://goo.gl/maps/zQ28oZPuqz82) ###San Bernardino County ###Santa Barbara County ###Ventura County ###Los Angeles County ###Orange County ###Riverside County ###San Diego County ###Imperial County