**R**emote **I**ndependent **F**riendly **F**ield-**L**ogger **E**lectronics (Also see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riffle for description of the stream bed feature "riffle") The Riffle is a collection of designs for an open source approach to water monitoring, with the intent of making gathering water information easier and more accessible. For an overview of the design philosophy behind the Riffle, see [this wiki page](https://publiclab.org/wiki/riffle_design_philosophy). The first Riffle design was an [ARM-based datalogger board enclosed in PVC](https://github.com/bgamari/riffle); [Public Lab](http://publiclab.org/wiki/riffle) has supported development of an [Atmel328-based datalogger enclosed in a water bottle](https://github.com/OpenWaterProject/riffle_328). By now, several instrument designs have been constructed around the Riffle, some of which of are described in an array of Github repositories: - [Openwaterproject](https://github.com/OpenWaterProject) -- the main organization on github - [riffle_328](https://github.com/OpenWaterProject/riffle_328) -- hardware designs, instructions and software for getting started with the Riffle_328 datalogger - [riffle_328-conductivity](https://github.com/OpenWaterProject/riffle_328-conductivity) -- Design considerations around conductivity - [riffle_328-depth](https://github.com/OpenWaterProject/riffle_328-depth) -- Depth measurement circuit prototype - [riffle_328-turbidity](https://github.com/OpenWaterProject/riffle_328-depth) -- Turbidity sensor prototype - [riffle_328-thermistor](https://github.com/OpenWaterProject/riffle_328-thermistor) -- Connecting a thermistor to a Riffle - [riffle_328-i2c](https://github.com/OpenWaterProject/rriffle_328-depth) -- Connecting i2c sensors to a Riffle - [riffle_328-one-wire](https://github.com/OpenWaterProject/rriffle_328-one-wire) -- Connecting one-wire sensors to a Riffle **2016 Riffle_328 Status**. A small order of 30 boards arrived late April 2016, and were sent to Public Lab community members as a ways of testing current hardware features and direct further development.