###Calibrating on the [SpectralWorkbench.org](https://spectralworkbench.org) website### You can calibrate your spectra or your spectrometer because the spectrum of a compact fluorescent light bulb is well-known. Two lines in particular are very stable and easy to recognize: * **Mercury 2 line:** "middle blue line" at 435.833 nanometers * **Mercury 3 line:** "bright green line" at 546.074 nanometers Click the **Calibrate** button and you'll be guided through identifying each of these lines. Once you've calibrated a single spectrum, you'll be able to apply that calibration to all of the spectra you collected with that instrument. ###Calibrating your PLOTS Video Spectrometer### If your spectrometer is calibrated, you data will appear on the website already calibrated. To learn how to calibrate your instrument, see [Video Spectrometer Calibration](/wiki/video-spectrometer-calibration) or watch the intro video at [Spectral Workbench Usage](/wiki/spectral-workbench-usage)