* "**R**emote **I**ndependent **F**riendly **F**ield-**L**ogger **E**lectronics" * Also see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riffle for description of the stream bed feature "riffle" # Github - [Openwaterproject](https://github.com/OpenWaterProject) -- the main organization on github - [riffle_328](https://github.com/OpenWaterProject/riffle_328) -- hardware designs, instructions and software for getting started with the Riffle_328 datalogger - [riffle_328-conductivity](https://github.com/OpenWaterProject/(riffle_328-conductivity) -- Design considerations around conductivity - [riffle_328-depth](https://github.com/OpenWaterProject/(riffle_328-depth) -- Depth measurement circuit prototype - [riffle_328-turbidity](https://github.com/OpenWaterProject/(riffle_328-depth) -- Turbidity sensor prototype - [riffle_328-thermistor](https://github.com/OpenWaterProject/(riffle_328-thermistor) -- Connecting a thermistor to a Riffle - [riffle_328-i2c](https://github.com/OpenWaterProject/(riffle_328-depth) -- Connecting i2c sensors to a Riffle - [riffle_328-one-wire](https://github.com/OpenWaterProject/(riffle_328-one-wire) -- Connecting one-wire sensors to a Riffle **2016 status** * A small order of 30 boards arrived late April 2016. * A 30 person Beta program is underway to test the performance of the equipment itself, to know if it is ready to be used for actual environmental research. * Here is the link to our in-progress documentation: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GTvRDV9Nq2zN6RFu4cQ-sCIWIaHGoIJzElE1nrMCmr4/edit?pref=2&pli=1 # Background and Goals * The Riffle is primarily a data logger, designed to be compatible with many kinds of sensors. * The "Coqui" (named after a cute chirping frog from the Caribbean) is a simple design for a conductivity sensor that works with the Riffle https://publiclab.org/notes/donblair/09-30-2014/coqui-bbv1-0 * Also see https://publiclab.org/wiki/mae-d-agua -- links to @VJPixel's water quality monitoring project in Brasil that was influenced by the Riffle We are working to develop an open source hardware datalogger that can be placed in the field for extended deployments and measure common water parameters like temperature, conductivity, depth, and turbidity. There have been several iterations of the hardware, including a version based on an ARM chip. Currently, development is focused on an Arduino-compatible board that is programmable through the Arduino IDE. The github repository for the hardware design files (in Eagle) are here: https://github.com/openwaterproject/riffle The board currently based on the Atmel328p, and is intended to be compatible with the accessibile and ubiquitous Wiring platform (and, by extension, the Arduino IDE). The width and height of the Riffle-ito device allows the device to fit through the mouth of a standard commercially produced plastic water bottle (20 mm). By inserting the Riffle-ito into such a bottle, along with a few AA batteries, and connecting a thermistor and other sensors that poke out through the water bottle cap, a very accessible water quality sensor may be constructed. We're also working with the [Open Pipe Kit Project](http://openpipekit.github.io/) in order to find new ways of getting 'live' data from the field online. [![Riffle-ito.png](https://i.publiclab.org/system/images/photos/000/006/396/medium/Riffle-ito.png)](https://i.publiclab.org/system/images/photos/000/006/396/original/Riffle-ito.png) [![RiffleVerticalGood.png](https://i.publiclab.org/system/images/photos/000/006/397/medium/RiffleVerticalGood.png)](https://i.publiclab.org/system/images/photos/000/006/397/original/RiffleVerticalGood.png) [![riffleAudio.png](https://i.publiclab.org/system/images/photos/000/006/398/medium/riffleAudio.png)](https://i.publiclab.org/system/images/photos/000/006/398/original/riffleAudio.png) [![riffleLabel2.png](https://i.publiclab.org/system/images/photos/000/006/399/medium/riffleLabel2.png)](https://i.publiclab.org/system/images/photos/000/006/399/original/riffleLabel2.png) # Can I do Riffle Style projects with other hardware? Riffle-style projects can be done with any [Arduino-compatible](http://playground.arduino.cc/Main/SimilarBoards) data logger with some software modifications to account for differences in pinout, storage, and real-time-clock. # References - Github repo for the Open Water Project: https://github.com/openwaterproject