###Welcome to the New Orleans Urban Waters Mapping Project!
This community mapping project aims to maps eight urban restoration sites around New Orleans. Join the Gulf Coast Google Group to get involved!
**Gulf Coast Google Group**
####Join us for a mapping trips:
- Saturday, May 23rd to map [Bayou Bienvenue](http://publiclab.org/notes/stevie/05-12-2015/bayou-bienvenue-mapping)
- Saturday, May 30th to map [City Park](http://publiclab.org/notes/stevie/05-13-2015/new-orleans-city-park-mapping)
This data from this project has been collected, compiled and organized by volunteer efforts of the New Orleans Public Lab Community. Over the course of the coming year, we will work to map all of these sites twice. This page is the results of our compiled data as it becomes available. Read more about our project in this article by [Chris Staudinger ](http://www.noladefender.com/content/99-luftballons-diy-eyes-skies-map-nola-weekend)from the NOLA Defender and this [research note](http://www.publiclab.org/notes/Shannon/07-18-2014/epa-and-public-lab-revitalize-urban-waters-in-new-orleans).
Here is the [Toolkit we're making in this project.. Interested in wetlands monitoring? Get started here! ](http://publiclab.org/wiki/wetlands-toolkit)
##Check out the sites we are working on for this project:
- [Bayou St. John at Lake Pontchartrain](#Bayou+St.+John+at+Lake+Pontchartrain)
- [Bayou St. John Scenic Urban Waterway](#Bayou+St.+John+Scenic+Urban+Waterway)
- [Stormwater Wetlands at City Park](#Stormwater+Wetlands+at+City+Park)
- [Bayou Bienvenue Shoreline Restoration](#Bayou+Bienvenue+Shoreline+Restoration)
- [Bayou Bienvenue Waste Water Treatment Plant](#Bayou+Bienvenue+Waste+Water+Treatment+Plant)
- [South Shore Restoration Site](#South+Shore+Restoration+Site)
- [Louisiana Nature Center](#South+Shore+Restoration+Site)
- [Wetland Watcher's Park](#Wetland+Watcher's+Park)
###Bayou St. John at Lake Pontchartrain
**Map from 10/11/14:**
Mapped by: Dan Beavers, Dan Henry and Brandi Caro
Stitched by: Joneya Thompson and Catherine Nguyen
[Link to map](https://mapknitter.org/maps/haaas-mapster)
**Near Infrared Images from 10/21/14:**
Mapped by: NOCCA and Scott Eustis
[Link to Data](https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0Bzfd3tyGLxkRWHViNWlFOGstVXM&usp=sharing)
**Mapped 5/30/15 by Diana, David, Molly, Harley, and Stevie**
Map Stitched by Diana:
May 30, 2015
###Bayou St. John Scenic Urban Waterway
**Map from 10/11/14:**
Mapped by: Brian Ruiz and Ryan Crassionnie
Notes on Mapping: We need a bigger pole!
**Map from 11/11/14:**
Mapped by: Scott Eustis RGB on pole
[Link to Data](https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B32DNGN8pX_XRDVYMm9VYzdaU2s&usp=sharing):
Notes on Mapping: Go Pro Video, too
**[Near Infrared images from 1/24/15](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B7MlfaDJlEh9N0ZIcE50UWh3bEU/0Bzfd3tyGLxkRczVxTWp2dk1STTQ/0Bzfd3tyGLxkReEwwTFJTR3JXVVk/0Bzfd3tyGLxkRWUJkZVdyNkk1VU0?ltmpl=drive)**
###Stormwater Wetlands at City Park
Mapped by: 30 NOCCA Students!
Stitched by Stevie Lewis
[Link to Data](https://mapknitter.org/map/view/new-orleans-city-park),
[Notes on Mapping](http://publiclab.org/notes/stevie/10-20-2014/nocca-mapping-at-city-park)
**Infrared images** (October 11th--Blitz)
Map stitched by: Jack Faust and Meghan Speakman
[Link to Data](https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B32DNGN8pX_XOXNqdVlNdVM5X2s&usp=sharing):
Map available at mapknitter: https://mapknitter.org/maps/city-park-nir#
**Mapped 5/30/15 by: by Diana, David, Molly, Harley, and Stevie**
Image corrected by David Flores
###Bayou Bienvenue Shoreline Restoration
Last time we went here, our pole broke. Join us for our next mapping trip to capture this site!
###Bayou Bienvenue Waste Water Treatment Plant
**Map from 10/11/14:**
Mapped by: Gerald McCollam, Leslie Williams, Molly Gordon and Claire Loudis
Notes on Mapping: [Post by Gerald!](http://publiclab.org/notes/geraldmc/10-13-2014/urban-restoration-mapping-trip-bayou-bienvenue-wetland-triangle)
**Infrared images from 10/11/14**
Mapped by: Gerald McCollam, Leslie Williams, Molly Gordon and Claire Loudis
[Link to Data:](https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0Bzfd3tyGLxkRQ3pjZ0xUOHdWRWc&usp=sharing)
Molly's map
###South Shore Restoration Site
**Map from 10/11/14:**
Mapped by: Scott Eustis, Lauren Sullivan, Tim
[Link to Data: ](https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0Bzfd3tyGLxkRUDFYOWhleWVLTWM&usp=sharing)
Notes on Mapping:
**Mapped 4.18.15 by @danbeavers, @ddileona and @stevie**
Stitched by @liz
Post on images by Liz: http://publiclab.org/notes/liz/06-10-2015/experiments-with-compositing-pole-aerial-photos-of-wetlands
###Louisiana Nature Center
**Map from 10/11/14:**
Mapped by: Scott Eustis, Lauren Sullivan, Tim and Amy LeGaux,
Stitched by Scott Eustis
(Run in Fastie's color scheme)
[Link to Data](https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B32DNGN8pX_XMlRXQjd5dDE2WTg&authuser=1),
[Link to Post](http://publiclab.org/notes/eustatic/10-24-2014/mapping-the-nature-center)
###Wetland Watcher's Park
Map from (12 Dec 2014)
Mapped by: Gerald, Bryan, Stevie, Scott
[Link ](https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0Bzfd3tyGLxkRb3VfWHV0d3lDR2s&usp=sharing)to Data:
[Notes ](http://publiclab.org/notes/eustatic/12-16-2014/wetland-watchers-map-note-12-dec-2014)on Mapping:
##Event Posts from this Project
- [The Blitz Report!](http://publiclab.org/notes/stevie/10-20-2014/the-blitz-report)
- Gerald's post on mapping [Bayou Bienvenue](http://publiclab.org/notes/geraldmc/10-13-2014/urban-restoration-mapping-trip-bayou-bienvenue-wetland-triangle)
- Scott's note on the [Nature Center ](http://publiclab.org/notes/eustatic/10-24-2014/mapping-the-nature-center)
- [Diana's improvement in the pole ](http://publiclab.org/notes/ddileona/03-17-2015/spring-fling-building-a-better-pole-for-mapping)
- [David's Post of the City Park site](http://publiclab.org/notes/DFlores6073/05-30-2015/mapknitter-map-of-new-orleans-city-park-nir)
- [Diana's post of the Bayou St. John at Lake Pontchartrain site](http://publiclab.org/notes/stevie/05-30-2015/mapknitter-map-of-bayou-st-john-at-lake-pontchartrain)