Thanks for helping to make Public Lab's websites better! Here's how to report problems, bugs, questions, etc. about our various websites:

##Where to report

**Report issues (bugs, feature requests) for this website,**


**Report issues for other Public Lab sites:**


##What to report

When people help find and describe problems, they play a key role in building open source software. When filing an issue, please include, at a minimum:

* what you did just before the problem occurred
* your browser and browser version
* your operating system
* any web addresses needed to see the problem (such as the URL of this page)
* your username (if you have one)
* describe how urgent the problem is (desperate or just-trying-to-help!)

If you are able, it may also help to quickly resolve the issue if you: 

* test if it happens in a different browser or on another computer
* test if it happens whether you are logged in or not (if applicable)
* test if it affects other users, or whether this happens to you only sometimes

The more input you can provide, the faster our developer community will be able to solve the problem. 

##The easy way

If you are unsure how to submit an issue/bug/feature request, please simply fill out this form, which will be sent to the web working group. They will file it and email you the URL so you can participate/follow along. 

However, we **strongly** encourage you to submit a Github request as described above; this makes it much easier and faster for our community to respond to your request!

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