([Google Doc link](https://docs.google.com/document/d/15zkK1Fe1mBCsrL_cms3ofDoQDQ-wZ8eEWzbiJTTa8Rs/edit?pli=1&hl=en#)) _All 7 core staff present_ Friday, November 18, 2011 ###Collaborations### * planning for EcoHackNYC part deux, maybe weekend of April 20-21, 2012? * Partners: Vizzuality, UNEP bioinformatics. additions: NYU ITP, NatGeo, some part of NASA (Lela Prashad + JD Godcheaux, NiJeL), also AMNH Center for Biodiversity (already working with them) * Goal: to bring open source hardware hacking and “going outside” to the really great data viz event from * Should this event be a pattern for others? not overly connected to place. * November 15. Also -- should connect with CIRES. * soliciting comments from all PLOTS folks? Do we have a large data set to present them with? what about a visualization for open hardware development (grids of development paths?) * software ideas: auto-sorting MapMill.org, https://github.com/jywarren/clashifier (teaching it to classify, currently doesn’t work, but is architected, can be used to spot oil) * if hardware is involved, or if hardware environmental investigators need field time before they come into a hackathon. devices that work, and you can get data, but still need tweaking. * additional wacky idea for city-wide, or multi-city atmospheric chemistry and physical sensors “balloons over the city”. Could get funding. inquiries out to NASA, CIRES ** http://www.instructables.com/id/Air-quality-balloons/ * collaboration with Dontflush.me? ###Recent & Upcoming events### * thermal camera at Sara’s RISD class this week and next, Q has been developing a thermal flashlight for Roomba platform, NYC Dec 3/4? * Hydrogen Sulfide test ongoing with film strips!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * Sara and Shannon going out to Colorado in March/April via grant * Roomba gallery show jeff and RISD students JElkin? made huge progress! still need to complete open source documentation * Spectrometry workshop by Parts & Crafts Tuesday. ordering parts for 15 spectrometers * FarmHack New Hampshire - RJ Steinert prob. attending (has ag policy background) * 19 NOV - Asheville at RiverLink 9 - 11 AM - photo sorting and map building. Hey Adam call Jessica Breen she wants to come. really? how do you know? :D - http://mapmill.org/admin * Eye on Earth, offered a second slot, Shannon’s name put in, waiting to hear back. * Austin, UAV concerns? * Upcoming: Endocrine Disruptors. December and January ###Fundraising### * Semi-urgent fundraising PLOTS overview doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wxmu3RFbvM3kkR7OUlHeDpvrNYocMt20ih0mMJYa4JU/edit?hl=en_US * NSF in progress: * ideas for categories of environmental health at home, in the community, for sustainable futures. * Which sites will we do research with? dramatically narrowing the idea of what a site is, or chapter: it could be anyone who wants to use the tools and contribute. instead, “we will establish 6 centers that will provide resources to the community.” asking for resources to support existing sites / research communities with materials and equipment. “Service Stations” * by Matt: environmental taxidermy (ground permeated by arsenic, with thin veneer of “life” spread on top, sites being treated as a visual object). How to work on sites as a full living being? Evil Caneevil is actually from Butte, and that is a model of actually how people relate to hazardous environments, by dirt bike jumping over. at least this is actual relationship to site, verses “dead-zone” parks. Relate formaldehyde, and the roomba platform. Could we produce a campaign object (inflatable rat), or parade float? * Next Steps? IdeaLab for PBS blog. Thanks for keeping us weird. * Kickstarter: standard markups for retail// kickstarter details (video going out monday) * needs workshop pictures and video, general input. Adam and Sara voiceover. ###Retail### * Shirts, later spectrometers (first couple sold/shipped) * need standard markup. 40% markup, 15% for subsidized kits, 15% for R&D, 10% for growth of retail fund. * sparkfun elelectronics does 40% * what is shrinkage (unsellable hw) for our retail products? don’t know.... * Donated warehousing by BreadPig Assemblizer * Storypboards, retail docs: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1MGP0bBiP5GPwG9PzzD9uwOIaf1D4JRtpSwg5Hhqp1ZU/edit?hl=en_US#slide=id.g7232de_0_0 * https://docs.google.com/document/d/17Dlnq5if3Pb8bE6evyzqvQ1EYLmjX_RA8SNYfBqgWX8/edit?hl=en_US * zazzle printing - stewart, mathew-- probably cost competitive with printing it ourselves. ###Public Archive/Publications### * Traditionally peer-reviewed: Special issues of a Journal The Information Society (Sara), coming in over the next 6 months. Journal homepage: http://www.indiana.edu/~tisj/ ###Web### * Main list site-design topic by RJ - cool! * Sitemap - of all web apps? - liz and jeff? * GM blog, spectral workbench, mapmill, mapknitter, thermal camera thing, PLOTS.org, archive.publiclaboratory.org ###Organization### * Health care. Dec 1 maybe, January 1 more likely. * H2S update * Montreal/Roomba update ###Field work this week### * NYC Saturday 19th small group of interested individuals. also TreeKIT “winter version”