###Intro video ###Formatting PublicLab.org uses **Markdown**, a simple way to add formatting to web pages. You can [read about Markdown here](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/), but if you want to keep things simple, you can just write in plain text and things should "just work". A great list of available Markdown syntax can be found here: http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax To preview the formatting of your content, click "Preview" at the bottom of the editing window. ###Advanced formatting **Hyperlinks** To embed a link in clickable text, type the text in square brackets directly followed by the url in parentheses (or use the link button above): `[Click here for PublicLab](http://publiclab.org/home)` This is displayed as: [Click here for PublicLab](http://publiclab.org/home) You can also use relative links within the wiki. Beginning a link with a forward slash connotes that you want to start after publiclab.org. For example, suppose you were on the following wiki page: `http://publiclab.org/wiki/relative-links` and you wanted to link to someone's user profile. The following: `[username](/profile/username)` would be displayed as: [username](/profile/username) **Images** * To add an image: * Place the cursor where you want an image to be. * Drag and drop a jpg, png, or gif file to that place. * Don't move the cursor until the upload completes. * Some code like this will appear: `[![filename.jpg](https://i.publiclab.org/system/images/photos/000/001/446/medium/filename.jpg)]` `(https://i.publiclab.org/system/images/photos/000/001/446/original/filename.jpg)` * Change the word "medium" to "large" to display a larger image, or to "thumb" to display a smaller image. * Click "Preview" at the bottom to preview the image. **Captions** * To add a figure caption under an image, place the image code as above. * Directly after the last closing parenthesis, enter two spaces (this is a line break and ensures that the caption will start on the following line). * On the next line enter your caption. Start and end your caption with an asterisk if you want to make the text italics. * Directly after the last asterisk enter two spaces (to separate your caption from following text). **Lists** Make a bulleted list by starting with *a blank line* and then starting each line with `*, +, or -` followed by a space: `* Balloons` `* Kites` `* Poles` Will display as: * Balloons * Kites * Poles For numbered lists, *after a blank line* start each item with any number, a period, and a space: `1. Balloons` `7. Kites` `4. Poles` Will display as: 1. Balloons 7. Kites 4. Poles To indent a line, indent it at least four spaces for each indent (sometimes fewer works): 1. Mapping tools 1. Balloons 2. Kites 3. Poles 2. Spectral tools 1. Spectrometer 2. Infragram **Code** To enter short (single line) examples of code (html, markdown, Javascript, etc) so that it will not be interpreted, begin and end the text with backtick quotes (on an American keyboard, that's on the key with the tilde ~; on a British keyboard it's usually in the top left-hand corner of the keyboard, with the |). To enter larger blocks of code, indent each line 4 spaces. **Buttons and other HTML** ...see many examples on http://publiclab.org/lists or stick an "edit this wiki page" button in line by simply adding `[edit]` **Tables** To create this: [![Screen_Shot_2015-01-04_at_3.40.36_PM.png](https://i.publiclab.org/system/images/photos/000/008/562/medium/Screen_Shot_2015-01-04_at_3.40.36_PM.png)](https://i.publiclab.org/system/images/photos/000/008/562/original/Screen_Shot_2015-01-04_at_3.40.36_PM.png) ...use this type of markdown: `rawRed|rawGreen|rawBlue|jpegRed|jpegGreen|jpegBlue` `:-------------------------:|:---------------------:|:-----------------------:|:----------------------:|:-------------------------:|:-------------------------:` `944|471|287|111|111|99` `195|157|142|13|13|12` **Power tags** [Power tags](/wiki/power-tags) are an advanced feature which can add extra functions and layout options to your wiki pages (and sometimes research notes). **** ...this is a wiki... help flesh this out! [edit] ...