([Google Doc link](https://docs.google.com/document/d/15zkK1Fe1mBCsrL_cms3ofDoQDQ-wZ8eEWzbiJTTa8Rs/edit?pli=1&hl=en#)) _7 voting staff present_ ###Collaborations### * thermal camera - Liz + Sara? meet at a hacker space? Discuss Liz's embarrassment about going to NYC Resistor and asking for help while trying to introduce Public Laboratory as awesome. Leif could alleviate this but he’s clearly busy. * November workday in NYC. 19 is happening, any other day? Or should I come up to pirateship in Boston? shannon sara and jeff will be around on the 19th/20th in boston---what about a jeff/sara/liz hack day on the 20th in boston? I think that could be really cool. * Completely separate Rio thing (jeff)) - connect with CEDAPS. Liz lead and jeff seconds. * need to do poster printing, or make progress on that front this week * Rifle, Co, OccupyOakland, Boulder community garden * make page on printing, compare Lulu and Adam’s printing prices * http://publiclaboratory.org/wiki/map-printing * Plan hack session in louisana H2S- 2nd or 3rd week in december Cocodrie * PLOTS website collaborations * Spectral workbench collaborations ###Recent & Upcoming events### * Montreal show and talks * http://dontflush.me/ecohacknyc/ “Where’d all that shit come from?” at this weekend’s #EcoHackNYC * do we want to co-sponsor? partner? get funding? Sometime in the next 6 months. * Eye on Earth Summit - thank you for videos and call for more- get things online by Thanksgiving * Barataria map production this week, ###Fundraising### * Grant writing due/Need letters of recommendation, etc. due by Dec. 15th * Figure out roles. then figure out people. * VOSS (Jan 12th/13th) * virtual organizations as sociotechnical systems- Virtual http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2010/nsf10504/nsf10504.htm * NSF (Jan 11th) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LwQT0zvhTK1jUpLnowDXnwcvBp3cPF9uq8ageCv688I/edit?hl=en_US informal science ###Public Archive/Web### * Can we talk about GMF and direction to take with this (per Shannon/Mathew email) how does the potential of harnessing GMF as a retail/artistic piece relate to the need to get maps distributed in the Gulf Coast and other mapping communities. ? * how does this meet our advocacy goals in the gulf coast? how can the maps be used to promote advocacy? raises larger question of timeline in gulf. * back/front gulf spill/protest mapping? * cut edge, no “newsprint” look. **GETTING BACK TO THE GULF** * http://www.newschool.edu/at/help/faq/printing/plotter.html * 2.50, 24x34 * can do plots (bright white paper, sometime dye colors are oversaturated but OK) for 4.49, 34x44! * price out poster tube shipping. * Can we fit text and make it single-sided? * how it can be useful, cartographer’s notes, * 11”x17” contextualization + map, newsletter * mobile touch screen phones are problematic in the field ###Organization### * November 11th off * Marco - sysadmin for mediamatic in the netherlands ###Field work this week### ________