##November 2 meeting: Mat, Jeff, Adam## GM Forum Kickstarter launch @ thanksgiving (MONDAY, 11/21) * stickers + T-shirts for sale * mention in video kits are coming * 1st week of december, spectrometer, balloon kits for sale. GM Forum printing-- December 10th ish? (leaving 4 days printing 10 days for shipping before xmas) **Mathew:** Leading on getting Now objects up and printed and available, will get in touch with Christina @ Breadpig **Jeff:** Leading on getting Soon objects up, starting storyboarding **Adam:** Leading on getting legal clearance for what we can offer on Kickstarter **When to talk next about how going to get GM Forum done? Discuss plan on staff call friday 11/4** * get that list of Sections, word counts, * Next GMF: Chandeleur Islands from May 9th with big slick: http://publiclaboratory.org/map/chandeleur-islands-louisiana/2010-5-9 ##Salable items## Fulfillment: $3.50 per item through Amplitude/Breadpig ###Now### * T-shirts (grey map squares) - $7 printing, $7 shipping, contact Zoo City, get rolling * Start working on balloon rising T-shirt along back-- shannon’s design. * Stickers - $5, we get $1.50 ###Soon### Jeff taking lead with Spectrometer as our first case study with Parts & Crafts * Spectrometry kits - coordinate with Parts and Crafts - $15+3.50 at cost - $35 total, we keep $16.50 * 100 spectrometers ~= $1000. * Balloon kits, $63 each, last count - ready to go, just need to coordinate with Amplitude Fulfilment and Breadpig * https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AlY4Tg28DhosdG10VU5rVW45d2pTLVBJUFh0cjZHWFE&hl=en_US#gid=0 ##GM Forum Kickstarter launch @ thanksgiving (MONDAY, 11/21)## * capture membership, sell other shit to them * video: storyboard: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1MGP0bBiP5GPwG9PzzD9uwOIaf1D4JRtpSwg5Hhqp1ZU/edit?hl=en_US#slide=id.p * overview map, ¾ view cartoon map, with where the trip went * something like this: https://geoloqi.com/blog/2011/08/hyper-interactive-uses-geoloqi-for-iphone-to-track-balloon-flight-17-km-in-the-air/ **GMF workflow:** * divide up grid, pass out google docs to contributors. * How do we launch GM Forum all at once, with retail-- i.e. donation levels from GM Forum up to balloon and spectrometer kits. Adam- don’t lose gifts that are donations to our organization that are tax-deductible, this is our big push and make it clear that we can receive donations. Are people “backers” also members of PLOTS? * reward can be “membership” -- find out legally what “membership” means * “membership” vs. being part of the Plots community? - “member of the plots ….” - use Kickstarter’s “backers”, makes people seem like “investors” -- rather than charity-givers/donaters ###Kit development### Kites, not ready for retail by end of November, but design should be finalized, sales possible by mid-Dec? ##Previous## ###Retail & Sales### Are we creating educational packages, ready to order? do we want to supply schools (one satellite per child pack?) ###Manufacturing### * how much are we willing to engage factories? should we rely on only DIY? * balloon designs, spectrometer, etc. ###Kits### * look for sponsors? ###sourcing balloons, kites, retail partnerships### * Amazon * storefronts ###Subscriptions### * maps by order, prints ###Fashion### * t-shirts, jackets, etc. can we make something actually stylish? where would you wear a map?