* The Public Laboratory for Open Technology and Science (PLOTS) is a community which develops and applies open-source tools to environmental exploration and investigation. By democratizing inexpensive and accessible “Do-It-Yourself” techniques, Public Laboratory creates a collaborative network of practitioners who
actively re-imagine the human relationship with the environment. PLOTS is a nonprofit funded by foundations and the sale of open source tools.
* Video
Suggestion for the video to include the Public Lab as boat with kite metaphor as a awesome hand drawn animation.
* Navigation Grid with illustrations
1. Public Laboratory develops open source tools [Developing Open Source Tools with Public Lab Draft Page](/wiki/developing-open-source-tools-public-lab-draft-page)
2. So anyone can assemble affordable tools from our open designs [Developing Open Source Tools with Public Lab](/wiki/developing-open-source-tools-public-lab-draft-page)
3. or buy a kit from our store [Public Lab Store](http://store.publiclaboratory.org)
4. to monitor their environment [Public Lab helps EVERYONE Monitor the Environment](/wiki/public-lab-helps-everyone-monitor-environment)
5. and give and get support for using the tools from a growing community [How any one can participate in the Public Lab community](/wiki/how-any-one-can-participate-public-lab-community)
6. using our open source software
7. to create useful & shareable data [Public Lab helps people create great Data](/wiki/public-lab-helps-people-create-great-data)
8. to support community investigations [Public Lab supports community investigations](/wiki/public-lab-supports-community-investigations)
9. that make a real impact on their environment [Public Lab's Accomplishments to Date](http://publiclab.org/wiki/outcomes)
New Ideas from Molly Jan 22,
New layout (cute icons not included):