([Google Doc link](https://docs.google.com/document/d/15zkK1Fe1mBCsrL_cms3ofDoQDQ-wZ8eEWzbiJTTa8Rs/edit?pli=1&hl=en#)) Fri, Aug 12 2011: ###Fundraising### * Please review NSF today- read email first * EDF update - due tomorrow (Saturday) - Adam - Working on it today- need help with last section * Stu/Sara on grant for next week ###Field work this week### * Butte? * Lima? * Liz in preparation for Rio? ###PLOTS: the organization### * Set a time for weekly staff meeting- 11ET Monday * Staff time use- documentation, staff time spent on this- workshops need two people, one person has to know what people are doing. Need to focus on complete documentation of tools and tool development model * Vote currently out- Due Sunday * Resolve last two votes? Talk about on Monday call * ok for Denver schedule- please buy tickets and submit reimbursements