We're preparing to make a series of tutorial videos for kite and balloon mapping, and want to know what you'd like to see, what resources are already out there, and what you'd like to help with. The goal is that each video will be short, from 15 seconds to just over a minute, and narrowly focused on one specific task. Here are the videos we were thinking of doing. Feel free to add to the list, or add a tutorial or video that you like that already covers the topic: Camera Rigging: Tape Harness Rubber Band Harness Soda Bottle Rig- From Cesar's instructions CDHK setup Pre-Flight setup: Identifying flying times Picking a safe and effective flying point for kites (another for balloons) Predicting balloon lift and payload capacity Predicting kite lift and payload capacity Pre-Flight packing list balloons (another for kites) Field pre-flight safety checklist predicting where your camera will shoot. Flying: Launching Kites kite flying tips Launching balloons balloon flying tips camera launching Flying kites from boats flying kites from land vehicles flying balloons from boats flying balloons from land vehicles emergency takedown of kites emergency takedown/release of balloons Post-flight: using Mapmill to sort images getting base data from USGS getting base data from Google photo stitching in Cartagen photo stitching in photoshop uploading your map to the Public Laboratory Archive