## W A T E R C H E S T N U T S **W**orkshop on **A**quatic and **TER**restrial **C**haracterization via **H**elium **E**levation of **S**ensor **T**echnology; **N**eeded: **U**FOs and/or **T**urgid **S**leepingbagcovers ![Water Chestnuts in the Sudbury River, Concord, MA. Photo by Ann Ringwood of Wicked Local](https://i.publiclab.org/system/images/photos/000/000/794/medium/Water-Chestnuts-in-Sudbury-River-Concord_photo-by-Ann-Ringwood-Wicked-Local.jpg) Photo: Water Chestnuts in the Sudbury River, Concord, MA. Photo by Ann Ringwood of Wicked Local, from an [article](http://www.unionparkpress.com/the-massachusetts-invasive-species-war-is-justified/) by Meg Muckenhoupt ### When: Saturday, July 20th -- Monday, July 22nd ### Where: Amherst, Belchertown, and Holyoke, MA ### What: **DIY Aerial Water Chestnut Assessment**. [Water Chestnut](http://www.dnr.state.md.us/bay/sav/water_chestnut.asp) is an invasive aquatic plant species in Massachusetts that forms dense, floating mats which severely limit available light and nutrients for aquatic ecosystems. On Monday, July 22nd, we'll be working with members of the [UMass Amherst Dept of Environmental Conservation](http://eco.umass.edu/) and the [US Fish and Wildlife Service](http://www.fws.gov/) to apply Public Lab's DIY aerial imagery techniques in the assessment one or several management sites near Amherst, MA. Depending on the conditions, we're planning on using [kites](http://publiclab.org/home#kite-mapping) and/or [balloons](http://publiclab.org/home#balloon-mapping) (perhaps based from canoes) to take aerial photos of affected areas both "before" and "after" a management event. We'll also be capturing [Infragram](http://publiclab.org/wiki/infragram) near-infrared imagery, in order to see whether near-infrared photography can help to distinguish Water Chestnut from other aquatic species. **Weekend mini workshops**. Although the Water Chestnut aerial imaging event will occur during the day on Monday, July 22nd, we're planning on gathering on **Saturday, July 20th** and **Sunday, July 21st** at the newly-formed "Hacker Farm" in nearby Belchertown, MA in order to do some prior brainstorming, kite and balloon flying, and potluck BBQ-ing, as well as informally introduce: - [DIY Spectroscopy] - [DIY Infrared photography] - [DIY Agriculture] ### Lodging There is plenty of room to camp at the [Hacker Farm](http://goo.gl/maps/2IH4l) in Belchertown, MA, on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday nights! ### Agenda [Note -- the agenda is evolving -- feel free to add suggestions in this wiki; via the "talk" link above; or via the Google Group] **Saturday, July 20th** @ HackerFarm01007 - Kite flying and Balloon Making - Spectrometry workshop - DIY Garden / Farm technology - BBQ **Sunday, July 21st** @ HackerFarm01007 - Infragram workshop - DIY Garden / Farm technology - BBQ **Monday, July 22nd** @ Log Pond Cove, Holyoke, MA, Lake Warner, MA, or another nearby location - Exploration of Area and Overview - Balloon / Kite Mapping -- Round 1, “Before” - Volunteer with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to remove water chestnuts - Balloon / Kite Mapping -- Round 2, “After” - Mapknitter Workshop @ HackerFarm01007 - BBQ ### Links to more information about Water Chestnut - [Slide presentation](http://morris.njaes.rutgers.edu/pdfs/water%20chestnut%20_FINAL.pdf) on Water Chestnut as an invasive species - [Background](http://www.invasivespeciesinfo.gov/aquatics/waterchestnut.shtml) from invasivespeciesinfo.gov - [Article](http://www.unionparkpress.com/the-massachusetts-invasive-species-war-is-justified/) on Water Chestnut as an invasive species