**Hero3 NIR Conversion**
_***In Progress !!!***_
After finding the following video I attempted to make an infrablue gopro hero3.
I am currently stuck however. I got the lens back together but the part that I took out appears to be more than just an IR filter but part of the lens as well.
Filter-Removal time-lapse. The Filter is removed at 1:30
You will need the following tools to disassemble the Hero 3
-#4 Torx -00 Screw Driver -Spudger -Pliers and cloth or equivalent for lens opening.
The original video that I attempted to follow seems suspect at the moment. I am still trying to understand the exact makeup of the OEM hero 3 lens. This is unverified but I found one recent thread on the gopro user forums that claim that the hotmirror which keeps UV an IR away from the sensor comes within the lens.
For Sale Conversions:
http://www.ebay.com/itm/IR-PRO-Night-Vision-modified-GoPro-Hero3-Paranormal-doc-package-from-NOPS-LABS-/111086162899? pt=Camcorders_Professional_Video_Cameras&hash=item19dd4053d3
Guide for older models and parts for sale: