##Aug-Oct Lightning funding:## 21 days of proposals and discussion starting on XXX. Order: Stewart, Liz, Shannon, Sara, Adam, Mathew, Jeff Pitch a number of spending proposals for the first 1/4 of our [first year's budget](https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Amx_46VCF2sNdGVoN1cxZDFrdUxqRzdXdzdxelZDRFE&hl=en_US#gid=0). Like a mini version of [Liz's NYC overview](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-EdqCMilOETHlgiisg5Ns5b9McnOSz4c03O1QrxOpSU/edit?hl=en_US) but broken into small modules with price tags. * a couple sentences each, maybe 5 tops * who/what/why * which site/tool * est. amount (out of a total Aug thru Oct amount of $xxx/7, ish) * ask for input where you want it This is not our salaries, just spending from categories X,Y,Z: Maps $9,600 Logbook $100 Mapping kits $3,000 guides $300 TOTALS $13,000 Full-time $160,000 Part time $60,000 Health Insurance $10,992 Liability Insurance $1,530 BOD Insurance $1200 TOTALS $233,722 research supplies for in-the-works projects $6,000 field kits/equipment (4 tools) $2,500 web infrastructure $500 Server costs $5,000 "Office equipment" $2,000 workspace $15,000 mobile internet and phone $2,700 TOTALS $33,700 media/videos/marketing $3,000 contractors: research assistants/consultants $15,000 Fundraiser/grant-writer $0 bookkeeper $8,320 Legal fees (lawyers) $2,000 TOTALS $28,320 barn raising $3,000 PLOTS conference $0 Conference fees $4,000 PLOTS travel $16,000 PLOTS transportation (train, car, bus) $8,000 sponsoring others to travel $5,000 TOTALS $36000 Community Micro-grants $0 TOTALS $0 nonprofit filing fees $1000 Printing and Publishing $4900 Postage and Shipping $1,200 Fundraising costs $600 TOTALS $7,700