([Google Doc link](https://docs.google.com/document/d/15zkK1Fe1mBCsrL_cms3ofDoQDQ-wZ8eEWzbiJTTa8Rs/edit?pli=1&hl=en#)) Stewart/Shannon/Jeff ###Public Archive### * launched! * next steps: georeferenced comments/annotations * nearest other maps * finish all parts of map records * ability to embed maps * resolve zoom level bugs * Forum: proofs arriving shortly at Jeff’s? ###Fundraising### * LUMCON * submit KNC new budget * Lindbergh - discussion next week * new Dropbox folder in plots/grants/CVs - please put yours in ###Field work this week### * jeff: didn’t manage to fly over Gowanus this time ###Collaborations### * Greenhorns meeting * East Harlem Tutorial Program meeting * Parts and Crafts reaching out * Pat Coyle - Summary form Stewart coming via email ###PLOTS: the organization### * incorporation filing date? ###Recent & Upcoming events### * need to organize/announce bay area meetup next Sat. 6/18 ###Website and software### * longer and longer list of needed improvements to MapMill, Knitter, Spectral Workbench * how-to videos on our site (Stewart wants to try to make these) - how to process/stitch? also how to start a knitter map, how to use our map viewer, how to initiate some of the main activities... _Next call at 10AM EST on Monday, June 13_