Tag statistics for air

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Air graph from April 23, 2023 12:28 to April 23, 2024 12:28

The graphs above are stacked, and questions are counted both on their own as well as part of the tally for notes (because they are a form of note). Additional discrepancies may come from the tag page also listing questions tagged with "question:_____" but lacking the base tag, and also listing notes with only "child tags" of the base tag, in a system we are planning to slowly deprecate.
Total Tag count : 59

We've started tracking Subscriptions from August 22nd, 2019

This graph shows the number of followers who began subscribing within a given time period; this is not a cumulative graph of subscriptions. Note also: if someone 'unfollows,' the record is deleted, and we can't see it anymore, so we cannot currently measure a decline in followers over time.

Content totals

This period saw 0 notes, 0 questions, 0 wikis, and 144 comments, in total.

1 first-time posters and 118 contributors overall published content on this topic during this period (cached daily).