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The Clean Water Act was passed in 1972. It affected many homes and families that lived on the bas...
Environmental science is a disciplinary study. It includes multiple other sciences. Populations a...
Fuel contaminated water affected the residents of Camp Lejeune. The camp violated the Clean Water...
Hi @mmonet3 You are right, human populations do lead to environmental change. Could you give some...
Environment- the area where a person, plants, and animal lives. Science- study of the structure ...
16/20(80%) Environment is the conditions we or others are surrounded by Science is the understa...
Thank you!
The Google Translate feature where you can plug in a website URL and translate the whole page has...
A tip is to put the DVD on a pan with water and boil it for 5 to 10 minutes. It would be easier t...
Hi, i believe the CSV is set up with a space character instead of a new line: https://spectralwor...
Hey @agentpesnot This looks like a great way to share and compare data and information from acros...
Hi @myluli0110, welcome! Just in case you hadn't seen it yet, there's some information on calibra...
Thanks @Ag8n! I ended up using a lens from an old laser pointer after discovering that the CD/DVD...
This might be of interest to you! Dream collects greenhouse gases and air quality: https://supers...
Very impressive! Which plastic lens did you use? The one from the computer drive or the one fr...
I did this! Here's a photo of my microscope in action (without the smartphone, because I needed ...
Interesting. We would do some of the individual tests, for example oil and grease. These were o...
Hi Mathew, hopping you're fine and healthy. I'm trying to calibrate a MiniVol, but looking for ho...
Yes, that's the one! Sorry about that! Ok. So playing with SDR ++ shouldn't cause any problem...
Hi! Are you referring to this post?
Sashae- Caught your note on Rtl-Sdr about progress with the demodulator. Will it still use SDR# ...
wow! I saw the video! It is very interesting how she uses transparent plastic as a slide and cove...
A researcher at the EPA reported a study back in 2007, testing how samples of certain volatile or...
Found another good example. It's from six years ago on the PBS series "Gross science". The titl...
Great piece! and nice feature on the news. Good work team, I'm tagging this to the blog. Miss yo...
@BIKIE-GERALD-24, it was great to meet you on Open Call! Thanks so much for sharing your comprehe...
Here's an activity on Finding reclamation plans and permits for mines
Just saw this! 🙌 "New York State Denies Air Pollution Permit for Fossil Fuel-burning Crypto minin...
@bronwen Check this out!
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babytrin commented on Evaluating Marine Ecosystems through Plankton over 2 years ago
All organisms work together to create a balance The marine biome is made mostly of saltwater oce...