Question: “Lawn to wildflowers” app to monitor pollinator populations?

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by SaraSWFL | May 14, 2021 15:29 | #26595

I'm working on an urban pollinator corridor project and am looking at tools to monitor insect populations in my area. The 'Lawn to Wildflowers' app' looks promising, as it has a game that trains people to ID insects correctly before they begin data collection.

How do I go about evaluating a tool like this for suitability? What sort of questions do I need to ask?

Are there other tools for collecting insect population data that should also be considered?


Super cool project! I've been thinking about how we can use lawn space better and this is an awesome example :)

I'm sure there are a lot of useful questions, but off the top of my head here are some I can come up with: - What species are supported by the tool and do they align with the ones you're interested in? - Whether or not you're interested in seeing pollinator data from groups not affiliated with your project and if so, what types of data and what region(s) are well represented - Ease of use of the tool

Other tools I've come across include Insight Citizen Science and iNaturalist

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