Public Lab Research note

Call for Summer of Code 2018 proposals!

by warren | February 15, 2018 21:05 15 Feb 21:05 | #15743 | #15743

Update! See this post for our accepted proposals. Thanks everyone!

RGSoC and GSoC

We're part of two different summer fellowship programs this year, Rails Girls Summer of Code (#RGSoC) and Google Summer of Code (#GSoC) -- both recruit software contributors to work on open source projects.

We've done GSoC for a few years now, and are really excited to be part of RGSoC for a second year. They write:

All people with non-binary gender identities or who identify as women (transgender or cisgender) are welcome to apply.

Learn more about the program and get involved! They are also seeking coaches to help teams out over the course of the summer -- learn more about coaching here.

So, we're asking students from both programs to start posting their proposals for comment, here. Read on!


RGSoC's application deadline is the 28th of February. GSoC's is March 27th.

Read proposal ideas

Once you've gotten a bit familiar with our project (see our welcome page here), the first step is to look over our ideas page, which you can find here.

Please feel free to ask questions in the comments below, or to join our chat channel at https://publiclab/chat

Our welcoming page will help you understand how we collaborate, and we'll be there to help you take your first step. And try tackling a first-timers-only issue, to get an idea of how to become a contributor!

Please ask questions! We're very friendly and we love welcoming new people into our community.

Post a proposal for comment

Once you've read through some of these ideas and become a bit more familiar with our projects, it's time to post a proposal of your own.

You don't need to have a complete or even concrete idea -- share your thoughts early and we'll help you refine your proposal, and help you choose something that's the right difficulty level as well as being something our project really needs.

We've created a template for you to post a proposal here. Click this button to begin:

Start drafting a proposal

Note: RGSoC's official application is directly to the RGSoC organization, through their website. But we would like all RGSoC applicants to post a proposal here as well, because:

  • we will review proposals here in looking over applications and indicating our preferences to to RGSoC folks leading up to Feb 28th
  • we think it's great to have a dialogue with teams
  • we'd like to know specifically about your planning process in tackling a project or set of projects
  • we're friendly!

Read other proposals

Before or after you post your own draft, read through others' listed below. Your best comments and input may come from other applicants!


Title Author Updated Likes Comments
GSoC proposal: Computer Vision enhancements for Raspberry Pi based Public Lab Science Projects @MaggPi almost 7 years ago 25
RGSoC proposal: Entrepreneurial Network And Enhanced UX @SrishtyMittal almost 7 years ago 4
SoC proposal:RGSOC PROPOSAL: Upgrade to Rails 5.1.5 @stella almost 7 years ago 2
GSoC proposal: Card UI/UX Implementation v2 & Bootstrap 4 Upgradation @amitsin6h almost 7 years ago 9
GSoC proposal: v2 API development @rishabh07 almost 7 years ago 4
GSoC Proposal: v2 API development and third party app integrations @sukhbir almost 7 years ago 14
RGSoC proposal: Rich Editor Extras @soniya2903 almost 7 years ago 2
RGSoC proposal : Pollution tracker @evjam almost 7 years ago 4
RGSoC proposal: Upgrade to Rails 5 @meghana-07 almost 7 years ago 9
RGSoC proposal: Upgrade to Rails 5 @cess almost 7 years ago 6
GSoC proposal: Upgrade to Rails 5 @souravirus almost 7 years ago 25
SoC proposal: Pollution analysis on google maps @sid2111995 almost 7 years ago 2
RGSoC: v2 API development @milaaraujo almost 7 years ago 11
GSoC proposal: v2 API development | Grape | Swagger Specification @Raounak almost 7 years ago 19
GSoc Proposal: OAuth & Upgrade to Bootstrap 4 @bansal_sidharth2996 almost 5 years ago 38
GSoC proposal: Image-Sequencer v2 : Processing on steroids @tech4gt almost 7 years ago 35
GSoC Proposal: Draft Feature & Email Integration Project @gauravano 11 months ago 41
GSoC proposal: Email integration Project @namangupta almost 7 years ago 42
GSOC-18 Email notification overhaul. @vidit over 6 years ago 30
GSoC proposal: Email integration project @vishesh almost 7 years ago 8
GSoC proposal: Social Media Integration and Leaflet-Layers Library . @sagarpreet almost 7 years ago 48
GSoC proposal: Calendar Events and Graphs Integration @500swapnil almost 7 years ago 12
GSoC proposal: Leaflet Blurred Location Part 2 @mridulnagpal almost 7 years ago 26



Hi @warren , i would love to work on Social Media Integration project . I have some initial implementation of fetching tweets and showing to a temporary website . Also i have some great ideas about reversing this process .

Also i have this question that whether i can add part of some other project in my proposal (like Interactive Project Maps) ? Thank you !!

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Hi! Yes, a project can be a collection of smaller features, that's fine! Even with bigger projects we prefer to see them broken into smaller parts as you know: :-)

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@bansal_sidharth2996 @sagarpreet @vidit @tech4gt @vishesh @namangupta @500swapnil @mridulnagpal thanks everybody! Please check out the link in my last comment to ensure your projects are modular and broken into small issues.

I've seen some nice screenshots or mockups by some folks; this is helpful too!

And if you can link to your proposals from any relevant issues on GitHub that's also helpful. Thanks, great to see these!

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Since this Note is about RGSoc and GSoC, I was wondering: what do you value most while reviewing applications? Coul you tell more about what do you expect from the candidates? Thanks :)

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Hi, @stefannibrasil -- thanks, great question!

As a baseline, i love to see people who've made an initial contribution and shown that they are good team players in communicating over GitHub (we're of course eager to be sure everyone is made to feel welcome!). I also love it when first-time contributors use their newly learned skills to help others get started -- offering setup tips and other assistance! It can be intimidating to get started on this codebase, and we want all summer fellows to be good welcomers and very collaboration-oriented.

Second, we love to see specific examples of complex projects broken up (as i mentioned above) into smaller pieces, where each piece can be tested, reviewed, documented, and merged in -- and isn't too gigantic for others to understand!

Third, we love when students embrace the cooperative work style we outline at -- inviting others into their work, communicating regularly about it, and staying in touch as they go! It's always great to see 2-3 people all chiming in on a PR to help get it solved.

@souravirus @sagarpreet @sid2111995 @milaaraujo @Raounak @gauravano @mridulnagpal @tech4gt @bansal_sidharth2996 @vidit @vishesh @namangupta @500swapnil thanks for your proposals -- please help one another with these sorts of tips and input, and be welcoming to newcomers as always!

And to anyone who hasn't posted yet, we welcome drafts for comment, even before you're totally ready!

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Thanks @warren for the tips

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Yes, awesome! Thanks, @warren for this :)

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Hi, everyone -- just a note that if you want to link to your contributions to Public Lab so far, on a given project, you can use this style of link (thanks @gauravano !):

Pull Requests:

Issues created:

@souravirus @sagarpreet @sid2111995 @milaaraujo @Raounak @gauravano @mridulnagpal @tech4gt @bansal_sidharth2996 @vidit @vishesh @namangupta @500swapnil @cess @soniya2903 @evjam @stefannibrasil @meghana-07

I also wanted to note that if anyone's looking for a few extra things to add to a proposal to round it out, we have a lot of issues we'd like to solve in JavaScript over on the Editor project:

These can be pretty tough, but they're super important! Any help appreciated! (thanks @nshapiro and @liz for helping get these documented!)

I'm going through and leaving comments on folks' proposals but please do ask each other for input as well!

Thank you! There are some great projects up here :-)

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Hi, folks with API-related proposals! I've left a mix of comments on your various proposals: #soc-2018-api

@milaaraujo @stefannibrasil @Raounak @sukhbir @rishabh07

Please also -- a fascinating one which could unlock some powerful visualizations for us!


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Hello everyone, please help me with how to translate this proposal to the one that has to be submitted on google's website, as in should I just copy all of it there or there is some procedure to be followed, I think it will be beneficial for everyone. Thanks :-)

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Hi @tech4gt ... i guess in the portal in

Step 1 => you have to provide a Public link to Google docs .

Step 2 => Provide some information on the proposal .

Step 3 => Here if you click Share , then only the PublicLab Team can view it (you can edit again !).

Step 4 => Here you can submit final proposal in PDF format .

I hope this helps . Thanks !

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Hi, folks! One thing I wanted to suggest was also including an outreach plan in your proposals -- it doesn't need to be too long, but just some ideas for how you might welcome newcomers in to helping you do your projects!

Many of you have already done this kind of thing, and can help each other out with how to be friendly to newcomers, but also how to break off small pieces of your work and encourage others to take them up and become part of the team. I hope each fellow this summer will be able to engage a few other people to pitch in on their projects.

You can read a bit about this at #software-outreach -- thanks!

@souravirus @sagarpreet @sid2111995 @milaaraujo @Raounak @gauravano @mridulnagpal @tech4gt @bansal_sidharth2996 @vidit @vishesh @namangupta @500swapnil @cess @soniya2903 @evjam @stefannibrasil @meghana-07 @stella @amitsin6h @sukhbir

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Hi! Just thought of this so apologies for the late notice, but if RGSoC proposers want to /also/ submit to GSoC, we've seen that in the past and it could be a good idea if it's possible!

@meghana-07 @ritika_1998 @milaaraujo @stefannibrasil @SrishtyMittal @cess @soniya2903 @evjam @sid2111995

Just an idea, happy to discuss with you all if you're interested :-)

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Oh, and of course @stella !!! See above! You did this last year!

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Ahhh that would be nice, but to submit to the GSoC, the person must be in college, which isn't my case :(( but thanks for the reminder, @wareen :))

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Also please check out Outreachy, which is an amazing program!


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