December 06, 2023 13:12 / Last edited by imamexbef1972 8 months ago

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It has two main metabolites, Dbol-18β-dehydrotestosterone (D-18β-delta) and Dbol-18-beta-delta, jak dianabol stosowac. It has a half life of 15-25 hours and a half life of up to 5-10 hours. However, it is less well known than GHB, metanabol efekty.

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Dianabol 10 mg jest pochodną testosteronu w zmienionej formie. Rzeczywiście, węgiel został dodany do jego składu, aby zmniejszyć jego androgenny charakter i móc przyjmować go w postaci doustnej. Jest o wiele bardziej aktywny niż testosteron. Co czyni go jednym z najpotężniejszych sterydów pod względem wyników na sprawności fizycznej.

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Steroids have two principal biological functions: as important components of cell membranes that alter membrane fluidity; and as signaling molecules. Hundreds of steroids are found in plants, animals and fungi. All steroids are manufactured in cells from the sterols lanosterol ( opisthokonts) or cycloartenol (plants).

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Dianabol est un anabolisant oral qui agit essentiellement sur le métabolisme des protéines. Le Danabol induis deux effets distinct : Un effet anabolisant et un effet androgène. Il provoque un phénomène de rétention hydrosodée important, tel qu'a la fin de la cure, il y aura une importante perte de poids.

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Répartissez la dose tout au long de la journée. Cela vous permettra de vous assurer d'obtenir de meilleurs résultats. Le Dianabol possède une demi-vie relativement courte (allant seulement de 3 à 5 heures), donc en prenant votre dose plusieurs fois dans la journée au lieu de la prendre une seule fois, vous allez maintenir à un niveau stable la concentration du stéroïde dans le sang .

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Dianabol Functions & Traits: Methandrostenolone is a testosterone derived anabolic androgenic steroid. Officially, it is a structurally altered form of the primary male androgen testosterone. Dianabol is the testosterone hormone with an added double bond at the carbon one and two position. This slight alteration reduces the hormone's .

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This hormone is released by the pituitary gland and it helps stimulate muscle growth during puberty (1), dianabol jak stosowac. Dianabol is a more potent form of testosterone than the older and more widely available dihydrotestosterone (DHT) orrostenedione (1, 2), which is the male hormone. DHT is also used to produce sperm (3, 4), sarms hair .

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It has two main metabolites, Dbol-18β-dehydrotestosterone (D-18β-delta) and Dbol-18-beta-delta, dianabol jak stosowac. It has a half life of 15-25 hours and a half life of up to 5-10 hours. However, it is less well known than GHB, megavar 50 mg. D-18β-delta is the primary active metabolite in the body whereas D-18-beta-delta is the only .