November 13, 2023 18:41 / Last edited by massazhzt 8 months ago

Test Cyp Deca Anadrol Cycle - Deca-Durabolin Cycle (Deca Cycle Guide) - Steroid Cycles


#1 Hey Guys, I am off the gear for a while but I got plenty of left

over so I need some cycle advice for a buddy of mine. He ran one Test/Deca cycle before and is pretty much maxed out in terms of weights right now, so he wants to take it to the next level. What we have available: - 2x 10ML vials Deca - 2x 10ML vials Test-E - 2x 10ML vials Test-Cyp




2nd cycle? Test deca anadrol. . - AnabolicMinds. com-><-

Test cyp per week/ Deca per week/ Anadrol per day/ Nolvadex per day Week 1: 800/800/75/20 Week 2: 800/800/75/20 Week 3/4: 600/400 /75/20 Week 5-12: 600/400 /0/20 2 weeks PCT Clomid first few days 100mg then down to 50mg/day Nolva 20mg/day

anadrol,test,deca or dbol,test,deca - EliteFitness-><-

2,229. Rep Power. 2147485885. Test 1 gram a week Deca 1600mgs a week Anadrol 150mg for first 4 weeks. With 4 weeks left in the cycle add T-bol 100mg a day. 5iu of human grade hgh 5 days per week used with 100mcg of T4. Toss in slin if you know how to party. Eat like a horse and get your sleep, you will become a beast.

Anadrol Cycle (Oxymetholone Guide) - Steroid Cycles-><-

Hi I completed my 16 weeks cycle of Test e, deca and anadrol. Gained 17lbs, strength and endurance improved. I started with 250 Deca 500 test and 50mg anadrol for 1-4 weeks, stoped anadrol after 4th week. Increased test to 625 and deca to 375 for week 5-12 then test 750 n Deca 400 week 13-16. Last 22 days took 50mg anadrol.

Thoughts on anadrol, test cypionate, and deca cycle - eroid s-><-

102 posts * Joined 2014. #1 * May 14, 2016. Hi guys i will be starting my next cycle next month and was just wondering what to expect from test 500mg deca 400mg weekly alongside anadrol at 100mg daily for the first 6 weeks. I will be running the test for 18 weeks and dropping the deca 2 weeks before hand. To anyone who has done a similar cycle .

Test/Deca/Anadrol Cycle help | MESO-Rx Forum-><-

Anadrol (Oxymetholone) is widely considered to be one of the best bulking steroids available and is very popular because it works fast to help you pack on the gains at the start of a cycle. Anadrol (Oxymetholone) Cycle

Test Prop, Deca, and Anadrol Cycle | MESO-Rx Forum-><-

Yes, you can, but taking Testosterone (even if it's just TRT dosage circa 150mg per week) is always advisable. Another option, for experienced bodybuilders only (!), is to add clen to this cycle, resulting in an Anavar Winstrol Clenbuterol cycle. Even for experienced users we refer to our article on how to determine the right Anavar dosage.

Test / Deca / Tren / Anadrol | EliteFitness. com Bodybuilding Forums-><-

I play tennis 3X a week. I have 20 ml Test Prop (100 mg/ml), 10 ml Deca (100 mg/ml) and anadrol (50 mg, 25 pills). I need advice on how to cycle these together. My idea: ED-anadrol for 25 days (350 mg/week) EOD-test prop for 40 days (~300 mg/week) Every 4th day-Deca (~200 mg/week) Total cycle: 40 days.

Finished 16 Week Test, Deca & Anadrol Cycle - T NATION-><-

11Y ago Here is my first cycle I am sure will get flamed. Test cypionate 250 mg per wk, tren acetate 150 mg per wk, and winstrol 100 mg per week. Ran the test for 20 weeks, tren for 18 weeks, and the winny for around 16 weeks. Even made the tren acetate myself! Now can I get my simple question answered? Please! reply 0 0 175 logan billy_bob_95

Bulk cycle of Test, EQ, and Anadrol. . | Professional Muscle . -><-

2119 Test Cypionate, Deca, Adrol, and Tren finisher ad STATS, DESCRIPTION, GOALS Hey everyone, this is my first cycle log on eroids and it's definitely an odd one. I'm sure I'll get chewed out for both stacking Deca with Tren and for only running the Tren for four weeks, so let me address any potential concerns now.

Turinabol and test cycle thoughts | Anabolex Forums-><-

300 mg Deca week. 300 mg Tren A week. 50 mg Anavar day. 3. 3 I. U GH day. Adex and Caber on hand as needed. Little concerned about excessive prolactin sides, but I have plenty of Caber on hand. Have seen where plenty of guys have done it. I love Tren and usually run the test lower with Tren but upped it a little due to the addition of Deca.

Test/Deca/Anadrol cycle critique - Steroid . com-><-

1 Different Types of Testosterone 1. 1 Testosterone Suspension 1. 2 Testosterone Propionate 1. 3 Testosterone Enanthate and Cypionate 2 Top 7 Testosterone Cycles 3 Testosterone Cycle For Beginners 3. 1 Testosterone Side Effects 4 Testosterone Cycle Before and After 5 Testosterone Cycle (Higher Dose) 6 Testosterone and Dianabol Cycle

Cycle: Anadrol / Test / Deca - eroid s-><-

Test deca anadrol. . - AnabolicMinds. com Home Anti-Aging Discussion Anabolics 2nd cycle? Test deca anadrol. . Jpazza789 Mar 8, 2017 Jpazza789 New member Awards 0 Mar 8, 2017 #1 First cycle was dbol 30mg 3-4 week and test 300. . had alot of gyno flares with dbol so had to stop it at mid week 2. . Can i get any advice on ais for this next cycle

Test/deca/anadrol cycle - MuscleChemistry-><-

Deca-Durabolin, based on the Nandrolone steroid, is one of the oldest steroids which has stood the test of time and remains a favorite to this day. It is one of the most popular steroid choice for a range of reasons. Deca-Durabolin (Nandrolone) Cycle

Top 5 Anadrol Cycles for Huge Gains - Inside Bodybuilding-><-

LEE JACKSON Providing reliable anabolics advice since 2001 A Comprehensive Guide To Deca Cycles Content list [Close] [Open] Also known as deca, deca durabolin is among the oldest steroids to gain great popularity in the world of bodybuilding.

Anadrol/Test/Deca cycle | MuscleGurus-><-

this time around. I have ran test and anadrol in the past but never deca. I am pretty lucky when it comes to sides, not a lot of water retention, no prolactin issues from tren, etc. The cycle I plan is the following: Week 1-14: Test e 750 MG/week Week 1-12: Deca 400 MG/week Week 1-4: Anadrol 50mg/ Aromasin on hand Couple questions:

A Comprehensive Guide To Deca Cycles - Lee-Jackson-><-

11Y ago. Anadrol is harsh side effects. Estrogen conversion very high. Hard hard on liver. Deca is used by many at 250-350 depending on cutting or bulking (check cycle logs). You can go 12deca and 14 test if ya choose. Typical first time deca run for third cycle is 500/350. Deca is typically 2:1 ratio to avoid decadick however on the 500/350 .

Test Deca and Anadrol Cycle | UK-Muscle. co. uk Forum-><-

Week 1-4: Anadrol 50mg Ed. Week 1-10: Deca 300mg 2x/WK. Week 1-12: Test Cyp 375mg 2x/wk. Aromasin 25mg EOD. Caber: 1mg 2x/wk through cycle all the way through pct. Pct starting 18 days after last test pin. Week 1: 100 clomid/ 40 nova. Week 2: 100 clomid/ 40 nolva. Week 3: 50 clomid/ 20 nolva.

Cycle: Test Cypionate, Deca, Adrol, and Tren finisher - eroid s-><-

#1 Mr. Burns New Member I'm considering doing a Test/Deca/Anadrol cycle to add some weight. First time running Anadrol and I'm seeing a wide range of dosage and cycle length information out there. Right now I'm 250lbs with 12% bf here's what I'm leaning towards right now: 14 week cycle. Test cyp 750-1000/week Anadrol 50mg/day increase as tolerated

cycle advice - Test/Deca/Anadrol - EliteFitness-><-

And my test will be 500mg and EQ at 600mg per week for 16-20 weeks. Oral will only be for the first 4. . Calories will be 4000+ and workouts will be 6 days a week. Never taken anadrol or EQ and wanted to get some advice first. Thanks guys.

Top 7 Testosterone Cycles: The Ultimate Guide - Inside Bodybuilding-><-

#1 I want to run a simple testosterone propionate and turinabol tbol cycle My plan is 200-400mgs a week of the test prop 30-50mgs a day of the tbol My question is how long should i do this? Would 8 weeks be a good cycle or should i run it longer than that? My full stats: 31 years old 5'11'' 178 pounds and 12% dylangemelli V. I. P. Red Feb 21, 2023 #2

Mixing Tren and Deca | Professional Muscle - Bodybuilding Forum-><-

The test/dbol/deca cycle is best, due to the fact that some people will react badly in terms of progesterone with Anadrol + deca. D-bol is cheaper than drol as well. If you switch your deca with eq in the first combo, then the test/drol/Eq combo could give the other one a run for its money.

Every Anavar cycle and stacking explained | A Complete Guide - Lee-Jackson-><-

1. 1 1. Anadrol-Only Cycle 1. 2 Anadrol-Only Cycle (Advanced) 1. 3 2. Anadrol and Deca Durabolin Cycle 1. 4 Anadrol and Deca Cycle (Advanced) 1. 5 3. Anadrol and Testosterone Cycle 1. 6 4. Anadrol and Winstrol Cycle 1. 7 5. Anadrol and Dianabol Cycle 1. 8 6. Anadrol, Trenbolone and Testosterone Cycle 2 Female Anadrol Cycles 2. 1 Anadrol-Only Cycle (Women)
